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CodeCaster's MQ2 Compile v1.5 *IT'S HERE!* (2 Viewers)

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2005
CodeCaster's MQ2 Compile v1.5

Sorry it took so long (buggers released the new source while I was asleep), but here's the latest edition of my compile, locked, cocked and ready to rock! This version includes the latest MQ2 source (1-18-2006) and *COMPLETE SYNTAX AND DESCRIPTIONS*! Thanks for all the support, guys! Keep those Red Cents comin'! :D

1-21-2006 - 1:20am - (Huge update, but mostly cosmetic) Removed the following broken/nerfed/useless plugins: MQ2CInspect, MQ2Levitate, MQ2NoKoS, MQ2Emotes. - Updated MQ2DoCrack.ini with some new cracks. - Fixed a typo that was causing a crashing issue with MQ2Cast. - Updated MQ2GMCheck. It should no longer crash if you have it loaded before entering the game, and should no longer cause a CTD when camping to char select. (this doesn't mean other plugins won't cause the same thing though.) - Added the following plugins: MQ2HudMove, MQ2TimeStamp, MQ2TradeMods, MQ2PreventSpeed. - Added a package of macro *.inc files to help people get macros running with less confusion. They will be listed under the plugin rundown.

1-19-2006 - 5:00am - Updated to latest source release from MQ2 devs. Also updated to latest version of MQ2Melee.

Auth, Date & Time Checks, ${String} nerf and speedbumps are all disabled in this compile. The option to disable the MQ2 loading message has also been disabled to thwart compile resellers.


  1. Download the zip at the bottom of this post
  2. Unzip to a folder of your choice
  3. Run MacroQuest2.exe from that folder
  4. Run EverQuest.exe
  5. In-Game, type "/plugin <plugin name> load" to add all plugins you wish to use
  6. Refer back to this post for any syntax and plugin descriptions you need

*** REMEMBER: Commands listed below will not work unless you load the plugin that enables them first!!!

The following plugins are included, but not enabled by default.

  • MQ2AuctionIt by: Bushdaka
  • MQ2AutoDestroy by: Cr4zyb4rd
  • MQ2AutoForage by: Bl!ng
  • MQ2AutoSkills by: Cr4zyb4rd
  • MQ2BardSwap by: Cr4zyb4rd
  • MQ2BuffBlock by: JGC84
  • MQ2BuffTool by: s0rCieR (XML Included)
  • MQ2Cast by: s0rCieR
  • MQ2CGank by: cronic
  • MQ2Clickies by: s0rCieR (XML Included)
  • MQ2Combat by: Dok
  • MQ2COpen by: cronic
  • MQ2CSum by: cronic
  • MQ2Cursor by: s0rCieR
  • MQ2Debuffs by: pinkfloydx33
  • MQ2DoCrack by: jaflemming (XML Included)
  • MQ2Doors by: cronic
  • MQ2DPS by: Shire
  • MQ2Eqbc by: Omnictrl
  • MQ2Eqbcs by: Omnictrl (server exe)
  • MQ2ExchangeItem by: Wassup
  • MQ2ExpTrack by: TheColonel (XML Included)
  • MQ2Fakelink by: Dok
  • MQ2FeedMe by: s0rCieR
  • MQ2FPS by: Lax
  • MQ2GMCheck by: Bushdaka
  • MQ2HudMove by: ieatacid
  • MQ2Language by: Cade
  • MQ2LinkDB by: Ziggy (Download Database HERE)
  • MQ2MasterMind by: Fibby
  • MQ2Melee by: s0rCieR
  • MQ2MMouseTo by: Bushdaka
  • MQ2MoveUtils by: tonio
  • MQ2NetBots by: Omnictrl
  • MQ2NetHeal by: Omnictrl
  • MQ2NetStat by: Omnictrl
  • MQ2NoLevitate by: Abyss
  • MQ2Notepad by: Cosmic (XML Included)
  • MQ2Otd by: Omnictrl
  • MQ2PiggyZone by: piggy (with ChainShift mod)
  • MQ2PreventSpeed by: Abyss
  • MQ2Quit by: Leezard
  • MQ2RWarp by: Riddlerr
  • MQ2Screen by: Bushdaka
  • MQ2Size by: Unknown
  • MQ2SpawnMaster by: Cr4zyb4rd
  • MQ2Suicide by: TeachersPet
  • MQ2SuperDuperReallyGhettoSpeed by: TeachersPet
  • MQ2TimeStamp by: Quixote398
  • MQ2Tracking by: MacroFiend
  • MQ2TradeMods by: somelamedruid
  • MQ2Twist by: koad
  • MQ2Winamp by: Lasher
  • MQ2XPTracker by: Cr4zyb4rd

The following .inc files are included for your convenience.

  • AdvBot.inc
  • AdvBot2.inc
  • AdvBot_Wait4Rez.inc
  • AdvCombat.inc
  • AdvPath.inc
  • AdvPath2.inc
  • MQ2Cast_Spell_Routines.inc
  • Spell_Routines.inc
  • SpellCast.inc
  • Skill_Routines.inc
  • Wait4Rez.inc

Plugin Descriptions and Syntax

MQ2AuctionIt - This plugin basically allows you to make /auction hotbuttons that include links.

Rich (BB code):
Phrase=I know you're hungry! Lots of LINK1 and LINK2 for sale!
Link1=Grobb Liquidised Meat
Link2=Halas 10lb Meat Pie

Phrase=If you missed it you can still get a LINK1 from me, cheap!
Link1=Festive Doll

Rich (BB code):
/auctionit FoodDrink
/auctionit festivedoll

MQ2AutoDestroy - Automatically destroys (or keeps) items on cursor.

Rich (BB code):
/autodestroy      - Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
                    INI file's [AutoDestroy] section
/autodestroy auto - Toggles automatic destruction of items listed in the
                    [AutoDestroy] section of the INI file as they appear
                    on the mouse cursor
/autokeep         - Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
                    INI file's [AutoKeep] section
/autokeep auto    - Toggles automatic keeping of items listed in the
                    [AutoKeep] section of the INI file as they appear on
                    the mouse cursor
/Handlecursor     - Keep or destroy the item on the cursor, depending on
                    which section of the INI file it appears in

MQ2AutoForage - Automates the task of foraging.

Rich (BB code):
/startforage        - Start autoforaging.
/stopforage         - Stop autoforaging.
/keepitem {item}    - Add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-keep.
/destroyitem {item} - Add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-destroy.

MQ2AutoSkills - This plugin attempts to activate various skills (combat abilities, sense traps, etc). It can also turn attack off on ENRAGE and Infuriate.

Rich (BB code):
/autoskills help - lists options

INI file will be auto-created, MQ2AutoSkills_Charname_server.ini
Syntax is simply Skill=on/off and MeleeRange=distance

MQ2BardSwap - This plugin attempts to retrieve the current song from the twist plugin, if that TLO exists, and swap the correct intstrument into use.

Rich (BB code):
Horn=/exchange "Me So Horny" mainhand
Drum=/exchange "Tambourine of Wonder" mainhand
Lute=/exchange "Lute Skywalker" mainhand
Weapons=/exchange "Really Really Really Sharp Knife" mainhand
;instruments don't have an effect on these
exclude1=Requiem of Time
exclude2=Selo's Rhythm of Speed
exclude3=Selo`s Assonant Strane
exclude4=Song of Sustenance
exclude5=Alenia`s Disenchanting Melody
;no swap for my Composers Greaves click please
exclude6=Selo`s Accelerating Chorus
;or lute of the flowing waters click
exclude7=Wind of Marr

Rich (BB code):
/bardswap       - Toggle swapping on and off.
/bardswap melee - Toggle using "Melee swap" delay.

MQ2BuffBlock - This plugin will click off unwanted buffs automatically.

Rich (BB code):
/block "buffname"   - Blocks specified buff.
/unblock "buffname" - Unblocks specified buff.
/block list         - Lists all buffs currently being blocked.
(capitalization makes no difference, but you do need the " " around buffs that have mulitable words)

MQ2BuffTool - This is also a plugin that will click off buffs automatically, but includes some logic to decide what to click off.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Block.Ready}    (bool Plugin Loaded && InGame && Bloc Enable)
${Block.Quiet}    (bool Always true or NULL if plugin not loaded)
${Block.Popup}    (bool Should i Popup Msg on Spell Block?)
${Block.Count}    (int  # of buff in bloc list)
${Block.Total}    (int  # of buff blocked so far)
${Block.Spell[X]} (int  # of free slot for a spell -1 not found)
${Block.Maxim[X]} (int  Maxim # of Buff (1=buff,2=song,3=pet))
${Block.Avail[X]} (int  Avail # of Buff (1=buff,2=song,3=pet))

Rich (BB code):
/Command Common to ALL (ie /block /unblock /clickoff)
/Command /Help   (Show Help)
/Command /List   (Show List of Spells Being Blocked)
/Command /Load   (Load Settings and Bloc List from INI)
/Command /Save   (Save Settings and Bloc List to INI)
/Command /Block  (Toggle on/off Scan for Bloc Buffs)
/Command /Popop  (Toggle on/off Display of Popups)
/Command /Window (Popups XML Windows)

/Block <##/Name/[Set]> <MODE>
/Block ##   <MODE> (spell on slot ##, -## for song)
/Block Name <MODE> (spell matching that name)
/Block [Set]       (spell list from INI)

<MODE> 0=always(default) 1+ free buff to keep (Optional)

/Unblock <##/Name/[Set]>
/Unblock ##        (remove Block from bloc list ##)
/Unblock Name      (remove Block for that spell name)
/Unblock [Set]     (remove Block for this List from INI)

/Clickoff <##/Name/[Set]>
/Clickoff ##       (click off slot ##, -## for song)
/Clickoff Name     (click off buff matching that name)
/Clickoff [Set]    (click off buff from List in INI)

MQ2Cast - This plugin performs basic casting functions and creates some shortcut TLOs useful in macros.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Cast.Active}   BOOL   Return true if plugin loaded, ingame and not a dumb bard!
${Cast.Effect}   PSPELL Return spell being casted otherwise a null string.
${Cast.Result}   STRING Return Casting Results (PENDING IF ONE IN PROGRESS)
${Cast.Status}   STRING Return List of Events Pending (I=Idle and waiting for you,
                        A=advpath pause, F=stick pause, S=immobilize in progress,
                        M=memorize in progress, E=item swapped,D=ducking casting,
                        C=spell casting in progress).
${Cast.Timing}   LONG   Estimate Cast Time Remaining, 0,1,+++
${Cast.Taken}    BOOL   Return true if last spell cast didnt take hold on target.
${Cast.Ready}    BOOL   Ready to Target/Memorize or Cast an item/aa.
${Cast.Ready[#]} BOOL   Ready to Cast Gem #.
${Cast.Ready[X]} BOOL   Ready to Cast SpellName/AAName/ItemName. Information given
                        could contains | (only the 1's arg will be evaluated).
                        ie: ${Cast.Ready[Celestial Regeneration|alt]}
                        or: ${Cast.Ready[Celestial Regeneration]}
                        both should find correct aa, and return right result.

Rich (BB code):

/memorize "SpellName|gem#"
/memorize "SpellName" gem#

Try to memorize spellname or spellid into specified gem#. (if no gem is given
gem5 gonna be used as default). If your currently moving, plugin will try to
immobilize within 3secs, if it fail to complain it will abort the memorize).
Entire memorize process is on a 6secs timer. It spells is already memmed in a
different slot, memorize will do nothing and will exit.


/casting "name" "alt/gem#/slotname/item" ["-invis"] ["-focus|itemname|slotname"]
/casting "name|alt/gem#/slotname/item" ["-invis"] ["-focus|itenmane|slotname"]

-invis tell the cast routines to check if you are invisible and never break it.

-focus|itemname|slotname (slotname is optional, but strongly suggest that you
take the time to pass the parameters, my auto-detect routines wont check if it
removes another focus items (in case of multiple one).

-targetid|#### (this is still in beta test, but you could specify to cast spell
on this target id, it will attempt to target it then wait to acquired target
before attempting to cast.

Will equip up to 5 focus items, activate alt ability, click item, or cast spell
(memorize if needed) for ya within a 9secs time. Otherwise it will abort.

/casting "wunshi's focusing" gem4 -invis
         "-focus|Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl|shoulders"
         "-focus|Book of Contemplation|offhand"
         "-focus|Signet of the Arcane"

This is a single command line that could be given. It will first check if you
are invisible since -invis switch was passed. If you currently moving it will
try to immobilize ya (if casting greater then 0.1sec). If spell is not medded
it will try to memorize it in "gem4" (if memorize needed, it might try again
to immobilize ya). Will then wait till spells ready to cast (or abort if the
timer expired). When spells ready, it will equip all the focus items, double
check if you not invisible, then perform the "CAST". When the cast is over,
it will unequips items in reverse order and set the cast return value.

MQ2CGank - This plugin will gank an item on the ground from anywhere in a zone.

Rich (BB code):
Target an item with /itemtarget, then /gank

MQ2Clickies - This plugin is just to manage a clickies window, which clickies the inventory slot you have the item in.

Rich (BB code):
Passive activation. XML window should open when plugin is loaded.

MQ2Combat - This plugin automates the more monotonous tasks of melee combat.

Rich (BB code):
/combat help - Displays help information.
/combat      - Start fighting your target.
/fight       - Same as /combat, but does not toggle combat music.

MQ2COpen - This plugin removes the distance check for /open.

Rich (BB code):
Passive activation. Just use the /open command as normal, but from anywhere in the zone.

MQ2CSum - This plugin allows you to summon a corpse from anywhere in the zone.

Rich (BB code):
/sumcorpse - Summons targetted corpse to your feet. (Must have consent)

MQ2Cursor - This plugin adds handling capabilities for objects on your cursor.

Rich (BB code):
/autokeep on/off/auto         | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoKeeping of item held.
/autokeep rem(ove) ID/Name    | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autokeep del(ete) ID/Name    | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autokeep help                | Internal Help Command
/autokeep list                | List Items in the Keep List.
/autokeep #[ st(acks)]        | Amount that should be kept. (Item on Cursor).
/autokeep al(l(ways))         | Keep All of those (Item on Cursor).

/autodrop on/off/auto         | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoDropping of item held.
/autodrop rem(ove) ID/Name    | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodrop del(ete) ID/Name    | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodrop help                | Internal Help Command
/autodrop list                | List Items in the Drop List.
/autodrop #[ st(acks)]        | Drop when you have more then this amount.
/autodrop al(l(ways))         | Drop All of those (Item on Cursor).

/autodestroy on/off/auto      | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoDestroy of item held.
/autodestroy rem(ove) ID/Name | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodestroy del(ete) ID/Name | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodestroy help             | Internal Help Command
/autodestroy list             | List Items in the Destroy List.
/autodestroy #[ st(acks)]     | Destroy when you have more then this amount.
/autodestroy al(l(ways))      | Destroy All of those (Item on Cursor).

/cursorkeep                   | Tell to Keep item held (wont affect keep list).
/cursordrop                   | Tell to Drop item held (wont affect drop list).
/cursordestroy                | Tell to Destroy item held (wont affect destroy list).

/handlecursor                 | Tell to handle cursor, check keep/drop/destroy list.

/autocursor [no param]        | Same as /handlecursor
/autocursor on/off/auto       | Turn on/off or Toggle Background Cursor Handling.
/autocursor quiet on/off/auto | Turn on/off or Toggle Quiet Processing Flag.
/autocursor load/save         | Load/Save Setting from/to INI file.
/autocursor help              | Internal Help Command
/autocursor drop [no param]   | Same as /cursordrop
/autocursor drop [param]      | Same as /autodrop [params]
/autocursor destroy [no param]| Same as /cursordestroy
/autocursor destroy [params]  | Same as /autodestroy [params]
/autocursor keep [no param]   | Same as /cursorkeep
/autocursor keep [params]     | Same as /autokeep [params]

MQ2Debuffs - This plugin Adds a Debuff TLO, very useful in macros.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Debuff}               BOOL True if you have debuffs on that have counters on them, false if not
${Debuff.Poisoned}      INT  # of poison counters on you
${Debuff.Diseased}      INT  # of disease counters on you
${Debuff.Cursed}        INT  # of curse counters on you
${Debuff.Poisons}       INT  # of poison spells affecting you
${Debuff.Diseases}      INT  # of disease spells affecting you
${Debuff.Curses}        INT  # of curse spells affecting you
${Debuff.Count}         INT  # of debuffs that need cured, does not include snare
${Debuff.HPDrain}       INT  Amount of HP you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE
${Debuff.HPDrain[X]}    INT  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting HPDrain
${Debuff.ManaDrain}     INT  Amount of Mana you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE
${Debuff.ManaDrain[X]}  INT  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting ManaDrain
${Debuff.Slowed}        BOOL True if you are Slowed (melee attacks), False if not
${Debuff.SpellSlowed}   BOOL True if you are SpellSlowed (spell haste reduction), False if not
${Debuff.CastingLevel}  BOOL True if your Effective Casting Level has been reduced, False if not
${Debuff.HealingEff}    BOOL True if you are Healing Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not
${Debuff.SpellDmgEff}   BOOL True if your Spell Damage Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not
${Debuff.Snared}        BOOL True if your are Snared, False if not
${Debuff.ManaCost}      BOOL True if your Spell Mana Cost has been raised, False if not

MQ2DoCrack - This plugin facilitates applying memory patches to the eqgame.exe process.

Rich (BB code):
/docrack list 
     - Lists all available cracks and their current status. 

/docrack <crack name> [on|off] [silent] 
     - Apply or remove <crack name>.  [silent] does it without printing out 
       anything (used during startup). 
/showmem <address> <bytes to show>
     - Shows X amount of bytes of memory at specified address 

/dooffset <address> <memory>
     - Writes supplied memory to specified address

     - Opens or closes the DoCrack window - must have XML file in your UI folder

MQ2Doors - This plugin allows you to hide unlocked doors and walk through them.

Rich (BB code):
/doors on     - Hides all doors in current zone.
/doors off    - Shows all doors and disables 'always' toggle.
/doors always - Hides all doors as soon as you zone anywhere.

MQ2DPS - This plugin is a real-time DPS parser.

Rich (BB code):
/dps option value, ex: /dps sort dps"

on|off|reset               - activate dps parsing or not. reset parser
petfollowowner[true,false] - Pet's stats are displayed after owner's stats.
logonwindow[true,false]    - Activate the window wehn u log on.
showwindow[true,false]     - Make the window appear.
absolutedps[true,false]    - Timer used for calculating player's dps is the same.
focus[MYTARGET,'target']   - Dps calculations will end only if a mob of that name is killed.
sort[none,melee,cast,total,dps] - Sort player's dps.

MQ2Eqbc - This plugin allows you to send remote commands via box chat much like mastermind does, remotely log into a different character (ie. load up cleric for rezzing) and control anyone anywhere (ie. someone in your raid needs to afk for a while: they connect to your server, you remotely load macros as pimp their char as needed until they return). (Yea, this is the SHIT, I know.)

Rich (BB code):
/bccmd connect <server> <port> (defaults: 2112)
/bccmd quit (disconnects)
/bccmd help (show help)
/bccmd status (show connected or not)
/bccmd reconnect (close current connection and connect again)
/bccmd names (show who is connected)
/bccmd colordump (show color codes)
/bccmd togglecontrol (toggle allow control)
/bccmd togglewindow (toggle dedicated window)
/bccmd toggleautoconnect (toggle auto connect)
/bccmd togglecompatmode (toggle IRC Compatability mode)
/bccmd togglereconnect (toggle auto-reconnect mode on server disconnect)
/bccmd setreconnectsecs n (n is seconds to reconnect: default 15)
/bccmd stopreconnect (stop trying to reconnect for now)
/bccmd relog <charname>
/bccmd version (show version)
/bc your text (send text)
/bc ToonName //command (send Command to ToonName)
/bca //command (send command to all Toons)

MQ2Eqbcs.exe - Eqbcs is a server that can be run as a console app on windows or *nix, and is the server software used to operate Eqbc.

Rich (BB code):
It takes one command line parameter, which is the port you want to bind to (default is 2112)

Control-C ends the program.

MQ2ExchangeItem - This plugin will allow you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened. Will now allow exchanging items that are in main inventory slots, not just in bags.

Rich (BB code):
NOTE: If you use custombinds using shift, alt, or ctrl, and use /itemnotify to right click the item... ENSURE that you use the format: "/nomodkey /itemnotify <slotname> rightmouseup"

/exchange "item name" <slotname> - Swaps "item name" into <slotname>
/unequip <slotname>              - Unequip any of the equipment slots
/exchange help                   - Gives a list of the commands available
/exchange help list              - Gives a list of the equipment slot names

Slotname can be any of the standard named slots:

pack1 - pack8

MQ2ExpTrack - This plugin allows you to track your exp gained and adds a TLO useful for HUDs.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Exp.Last}        - last exp increase
${Exp.Last.AA}     - last aa exp increase
${Exp.Last.Group}  - last group leadership exp increase
${Exp.Last.Raid}   - last raid leadership exp increase
${Exp.Total}       - Total exp increase
${Exp.Total.AA}    - Total AA exp increase
${Exp.Total.Group} - Total group exp increase
${Exp.Total.Raid}  - Total raid exp increase

**NOTE** all these return the % sign as well as the number

${Exp.Etd}         - Estimated Time to Ding Of respective thing... Days & Hours OR Hours & Minutes OR Minutes & Seconds.

Rich (BB code):
/resetexp - Resets the counter as well as the gained exp.
/expwnd   - Open/close xml window.
/showexp  - Displays current exp stats since beginning of session.

MQ2FakeLink - This plugin will allow you to create fake links. (No shit, eh?)

Rich (BB code):
/fake <command>
      <command> - Must start with a /(as in /g, /gu, /1, etc)   
                - use [[ and ]] to create links for text between the brackets
                - use <<Link>> before [[ ]] to link to a different object

MQ2FeedMe - This plugin will force-feed food and drink you specify in the ini, so you don't eat your stat food in the top slot.

Rich (BB code):
Drink1=Brackish Water
Drink2=Glob of Slush Water
Drink3=Pod of Water

Food1=Arctic King Crab
Food2=Arctic Mussels
Food3=Arctic Scallop


The two "3500" values at the end indicate hunger and thirst level at which to eat or drink a new item.

Rich (BB code):
/autofeed  - Begin automatically feeding.
/autodrink - Begin automatically drinking.

MQ2FPS - This plugin changes the frames per second of the Everquest screen when it is in focus and when it is in the background.

Rich (BB code):
/maxfps fg|bg #

   - Sets the foreground or background framerate

/fps mode [absolute|calculate]

   - Changes the mode used by /maxfps to absolute or calculate. You can specify the mode, or use /fps mode to toggle between the two.

/fps on|off

   - Enables or disables the framerate display

/render fg|bg #|~#

   - Sets the foreground or background rendering rate. This is how many out of n frames MQ2FPS
     will allow to be drawn. You keep moving full speed, the client responds to mouse or keys,
     the UI is still drawn... but, the world itself will not be drawn as often.

The use of # will cause MQ2FPS to draw 1 of # frames.

The use of ~# will cause MQ2FPS to draw n - 1 frames, where n is #.

MQ2GMCheck - This plugin detects and catalogs all GMs on your server and alerts you to their presence when possible.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${GMCheck}        - Returns TRUE if GM is online.
${GMCheck.Status} - Appears to be same as ${GMCheck}.
${GMCheck.Count}  - Returns the number of GM's known in the zone.

Rich (BB code):
/gmcheck on       - enable scanning for GMs
/gmcheck off      - disable scanning for GMs
/gmcheck list     - list all known GMs currently in the zone
/gmcheck reset    - reset list of known GMs
/gmcheck history  - complete history dump
/gmcheck lastseen - last log entry of specified GM

MQ2HudMove - This plugin moves HUDs around from withing EQ without manually editing MQ2HUD.ini

Rich (BB code):
--- These work with the currently loaded HUD ---
/hudmove <HUD name>                                   - move a single HUD
/hudmove <HUD name> delete                            - delete a single HUD
/hudmove <HUD name> <up|down|left|right> <#>          - move a single HUD a specified number of units in whatever direction
/hudmove list                                         - list all HUDs in the loaded HUD set and all sections in MQ2HUD.ini
/hudlist                                              - same as above
/hudcolor <HUD name> <preset color name>              - change HUD to preset color
/hudcolor list                                        - list preset colors
-- This works for sections of HUDs --
/hudmove <section name> <up|down|left|right> <#>      - move all HUDs within a specified section
/hudmove ;<comment tag name> <up|down|left|right> <#> - move all huds within a comment section

Comment Tags:
- You can split sections of the ini using custom comments
- Comment tags are defined with ";<x>" (no quotes)
- You must follow the format ";<x> CommentTagName" (must be one word for now)
- Regular comments are ignored

/hudmove ;NameOfCommentTag <up|down|left|right> <#>
(the semi colon tells it to move a comment section)

Example: "/hudmove ;section1 up 50" would move all entries below ";<x> section1" until it
       reaches either the next ";<x>" or the next ini [section].

-- example ini (only ManaRegen and BuffCount would be moved) -----------------------
Level=3,339,649,0,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},${Target.Level} - ${Target.Class} - ${Target.Distance} - ${Target.LineOfSight},]}
Raid=3,1263,468,0,255,255,${If[${Raid.Members}>0,In Raid - ${Raid.Members},]}
TarID=3,172,337,0,255,0,ID: ${Target.ID}
;<x> section1
ManaRegen=3,272,272,0,255,0,MR: ${Me.ManaRegen}
BuffCount=3,272,367,0,255,0,Buffs: ${Me.CountBuffs}
;<x> section2
ER=3,172,342,0,255,0,ER:  ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Eldritch Rune].TimeHMS}
MGB=3,172,357,0,255,0,MGB:  ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Mass Group Buff].TimeHMS}

MQ2Language - This plugin automates the switching of languages based on channel as opposed to window. (I think...) The source code isn't available anywhere, and there is absolutely zero documentation other than the /languagehelp command in-game.

Rich (BB code):
/autolanguage <on [LanguageName | LanguageNumber] LanguageMethod | off>
/languagehelp - Displays help and syntax information.

/autolanguage on 6 tell
/autolanguage on CombineTongue /gsay
/autolanguage off

MQ2LinkDB - This plugin basically allows you to be a LinkBot. It stores links in a database and allows you to request a link to be posted.

Rich (BB code):
/link         - Display statistics
/link /import - Import items.txt as downloaded from 13th Floor
                (Unzip the items.txt file to the mq2\release directory)
/link /max n  - Set number of maximum displayed results (default 10)
/link search  - Find items containg search string

MQ2MasterMind - This plugin allows you to send EQ and MQ /slash commands to the console of the bot.

Rich (BB code):
from the controlling master account, send a tell to your bot account such as:

/t yourbot xxx

where xxx is the text you assigned to szMasterKeyDefault. When you do this, you should get a reply back from the bot "Yes my master, I shall do thy bidding!" Until you get that response, you haven't established the master controller and nothing will work.

if you don't want to change the masterkey in the source, you can also issue the command: /setmasterkey xxx
where xxx is the text for your key. Note that you issue this command from the BOT; or, if you've already established a master, then you can use mastermind to change the key with a /tell to the bot.

You can also use the command: /resetmaster to remove any active masters from MasterMind.

MQ2Melee - This plugin activates common combat abilities at logical times determined by the user.

Rich (BB code):
COMMAND: /melee
         /melee on aggro=on taunt=on kick=1 bash=0 intimidation=false disarm=true
         In other words, you may use on/off, 1/0, or true/false

/melee will only list and report abilities and setting that are available to you.

Note: /melee just changes the values in the INI.  If you begin with /melee
aggro=on kick=on, but want to stop taunting, you must use /melee aggro=off, not
/melee kick=on (in other words, your settings are NOT reset with each use of /melee

on/off       : Turn On/Off features.
aggro        : [On/Off] Means that you want to keep aggro on target, it will use
               aggro abilities/disciplines(enabled) and will keep on going until
               either you or the target dies.
melee        : [0+] This is the maximum melee distance for abilities that require
               a target to be used. (0=off)
range        : [0+] Minimum distance to be considered in archery/throwing range
               (0=off). You must have bow/arrow or throwing item equipped for
               /ranged  to activate. (Default is 40)
enrage       : [On/Off] Watch for enrage messages and turn off/on attack if needed.
               Attack will be turned back on if you are standing behind the target
               during enrage.
infuriate    : [On/Off] Watch for infuriate messages and turns off/on attack.
petassist    : [On/Off] Will pet attack on engage and backoff on enrage/infuriate
               if those skills are on. Plugin will also use /pet focus or /pet hold
               if you have those AAs.
mend         : [0-100] Mend your wound if your life percentage goes below the
               designated value.
backoff      : [0-100] Turns attack off if your life percentage goes below the
               designated value. (0=off) If you are in aggro mode, you will never
               back off due to low health.
evade        : [0-100] Turn off Attack and Hide if your life percentage goes below
               the designated value. Will never happen if you are in aggro mode.
               (Needs more testing)
feigndeath   : [0-100] Feigns death if your life percentage goes below this value.
               Will never happen if you are in aggro mode. (Needs more testing)
resume       : [0-100] Stand Up and turn back attack on if your life percentage
               goes above this value.  Used with /melee feigndeath
backstab     : [0-180] Will backstab if you wielding a piercing weapon in main
               hand and you are within X degrees +/- of the targets back (ie 45 is
               a good angle for just backstabbing.
bash         : [On/Off] Will try to bash target if you have a shield equipped.
begging      : [On/Off] Will turn attack off and beg target if not in aggro mode.
disarm       : [On/Off] Will try to disarm target if target is wielding something.
dragonpunch  : [On/Off] Will use dragon punch if available.
eaglestrike  : [On/Off] Will use eagle strike if available.
flyingkick   : [On/Off] Will use flying kick if available.
forage       : [On/Off] Will try to forage up food/water if not in combat.
frenzy       : [On/Off] Will try to use frenzy if available.
hide         : [On/Off] Will try to hide if you're not in a combat and not moving.
intimidation : [On/Off] Will use intimidation if available.
kick         : [On/Off] Will use kick as often as possible.
pickpockets  : [On/Off] Turn off attack & try to pickpocket if not in aggro mode.
roundkick    : [On/Off] Will use round kick if available.
sensetraps   : [On/Off] Will try to sense traps if not in combat.
sneak        : [On/Off] Will try to sneak if not in combat.
slam         : [On/Off] Will use slam as often as possible.
taunt        : [On/Off] Will push taunt button if aggro is on and you're not hott.
tigerclaw    : [On/Off] Will try to use tiger claw if available.
feralswipe   : [On/Off] Will trigger feral swipe AA as it refreshes.
provoke      : [0-100]  Will use best provoke discipline once per target if you are
                        in aggro mode and your endurance percentage above this.
throwstone   : [0-100]  Will use throw stone disc when ready and target in range.
                        (Will not use in aggro/provoke mode if provoke has not been
                        used yet).
ragevolley   : [0-100]  Will use best ragevolley discipline available and ready.
leopardclaw  : [0-100]  Will use "leopard claw" or "dragon fang" discipline when
                        your endurace is above X%. If not operating in aggro mode it
                        will wait till target hp get below 70% before firing up

MQ2MMouseTo - This plugin will move your cursor to the specified area of the screen.

Rich (BB code):
/MMouseTo X Y - will move the mouse cursor to the X Y coordinates

MQ2MoveUtils - This plugin performs basic monotonous movement tasks.

Rich (BB code):
/circle on|off|drunken <radius> [<y> <x>]
Y and X are optional, if not specified will use your currect loc.
Y and X are in the same order that /location prints them.
If you call '/circle on <radius>' while not circling, it will start with your current loc and specified radius.
If you call '/circle on <radius>' while already circling, it will update with your new loc and radius.
If you call '/circle on' while already circling, it will update with your new loc using original radius.

MQ2NetBots - This plugin provides Linked MQ2EQBC Client way to exchange/share statistics/status to others and make those informations available in TLO for macro scripters and HUD designers.

Rich (BB code):
/netbots on/off
/netbots grab=on/off    - Listen to others status on the network.
/netbots send=on/off    - Broadcast your status over the network.
/netbots heal=on/off    - Broadcast your groups health for listening mq2netheals.
/netbots gem=on/off     - Broadcast your spell medded.
/netbots buff=on/off    - Broadcast your buff.
/netbots song=on/off    - Broadcast your song.
/netbots PetBuff=on/off - Broadcast your petbuff.

MQ2NetHeal - This plugin supplies some TLOs and functions to help out healing macros/plugins.

TLOs Added
Rich (BB code):
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Name}     return Name.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].ID}       return SpawnID.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Distance} return distance3D.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].PctHPs}   return Percentage HP.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Pet}      return true=pet, false=pc.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Class}    return Class.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Feign}    return true if feign class.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Canni}    return true if canni class.
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Spawn}    return spawn pointer **NULL**
${NetHeal[ID/Name].da}       return 0(not on da, or timeleft in ms)
${NetHeal[ID/Name].hot}      return 0(not on hot, or timeleft in ms)
${NetHeal[ID/Name].ttl}      return funny value :P ouch!
${NetHeal[ID/Name].Updated}  return how fresh is that info.


return # of matches, build informations for Affects,Average,Counter and Members.
filters is a list of keywords that you want to specify. ie: radius###, hp###,
pc pet group all war clr pal rng shd dru mnk brd rog shm wiz mag enc bst ber,
hot da ####.

####      [specify id to add to list, wont be checked agains pc/pet/group or
           class test, but will need to pass radius,hp,da,hot and fd test.]
pc        [specify to include pc in the search]
pet       [specify to include pet in the search]
all       [specify to include all pc class in the search]
[class]   [specify to include pc class in the search: ie: war clr pal]
radius### [exclude people outside that range. ie radius100]
hp###     [exclude people with hp above this. ie: hp50]
group     [exclude people that are not in your group]
hot       [exclude people that are on hot, till hottimer expired]
da        [exclude people that are on da, till datimer expired]
self      [exclude self from the search]
fd        [exclude fd class that are not fd in the search]

MQ2NetStat - Simple HUD plugins that display every linked bot that send their status their Name, Health Pct, Mana Pct, Endu Pct and Pet Pct using some text based gauges.

Rich (BB code):
/netstat on/off
/netstat x=5  - HUD x location on screen.
/netstat y=40 - HUD y location on screen.

MQ2NoLevitate - This plugin eliminates the bobbing effect of levitate, and also prevents you from being gfluxed.

Rich (BB code):
Passive activation. Plugin must be loaded before casting a levitate spell on yourself. Also prevents you from being gfluxed.

MQ2Notepad - This plugin lets you edit a text file from inside EQ.

Rich (BB code):
/notepad dir - display current working directory
/notepad dir <directoryname> - set current working directory
/notepad <filename> - open file for editing

MQ2Otd - This plugin uses the hud to display an overhead low-tech pointer to your current target.

Rich (BB code):
/otd            - Displays available options.
/otd moveto x y - Centers the output at x,y - and stores in ini file.
/otd moveby x y - Like moveto, but moves from where it is by x and y.
/otd on         - Turns on output.
/otd off        - Turns off output.
/otd range      - Toggles numeric range display.
/otd reload     - Reloads ini file.
/otd drawtight  - Default off - displays range very close to direction pointer.
/otd getloc     - Displays current x,y location.

MQ2PiggyZone - If you don't know what this is, you're not allowed to use it.

Rich (BB code):
/chainshift <zone short name> - ChainShifts to specified zone.

*NOTE* - Please use MQ2RWarp for all other functions!

MQ2PreventSpeed - This plugin eliminates all changes to your speed, positive or negative.

Rich (BB code):
/dspeed - Toggle PreventSpeed on/off

MQ2Quit - Gets you out of EQ instantly, with no LD.

Rich (BB code):

MQ2Rwarp - Again, if you don't know what this is, you're not allowed to use it.

Rich (BB code):
/zone <zone short name> - Zone to specified zone.(must be adjacent zone)
/gate - Gate to bind.
/fade - Gate to your current position in your current zone (stationary evac)
/findpath <zone short name> - Finds chainshift path to specified zone.
/zwarp <distance> - Warps you a specified distance on the Z axis.
/exactloc - Gives you a high-precision /loc readout
/waypoint - Sets a waypoint for future /warping
/warp <succor|last|loc <y x z>|dir <dist>|target|wp name>

MQ2Screen - This plugin adds a TLO that gives you access to screen resolution information.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Screen.Text} - width x height text
${Screen.X}    - width
${Screen.Y}    - height
${Screen.CX}   - center of width (width/2)
${Screen.CY}   - center of height (height/2)

MQ2Size - This plugin allows you to change the size of characters on your screen. (client side only)

Rich (BB code):
/size 1-98

*WARNING* Do not go higher than /size 98. If you do, you'll have to delete your character file and do a complete file check with the EQ patcher.

MQ2SpawnMaster - This plugin is an advanced spawn tracker with an added TLO, very useful in macros and HUDs.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${SpawnMaster}           BOOL   - True if spawn monitoring is active.  NULL if plugin not loaded.
${SpawnMaster.Search}    INT    - Number of search strings being monitored for the current zone.
${SpawnMaster.UpList}    INT    - Number of matching spawns currently up.
${SpawnMaster.DownList}  INT    - Number of matching spawns that have died or depopped.
${SpawnMaster.LastMatch} STRING - The name of the last spawn to match a search.

Rich (BB code):
/spawnmaster on|off              - Toggles SpawnMaster plugin on or off.
/spawnmaster add "spawn name"    - Add spawn name to watch list (or target if no name given).
/spawnmaster delete "spawn name" - Delete spawn name from watch list (or target if no name given).
/spawnmaster list                - Display watch list for zone.
/spawnmaster uplist              - Display any mobs on watch list that are currently up.
/spawnmaster uplist              - Display any watched mobs that have died or despawned.

MQ2Suicide - This plugin will kill you instantly due to falling damage. (Useful on pvp to avoid PK death)

Rich (BB code):
This is a single-run plugin. As soon as it is loaded, you die.

MQ2SuperDuperReallyGhettoSpeed - This is kind of a workaround for the worldkick-for-speeding problem. It fluctuates your speed just enough to not get booted.

Rich (BB code):
/speed <number> or /speed off

/speed 5 is Max. Selo's

MQ2TimeStamp - This plugin inserts a timestamp into incoming chat.

Rich (BB code):
/timestamp [ help| on | off | reload | default | format <format> | loc <0|1> | maxlen <length> ]
      Will toggle on/off with no arguments
      help   - displays usage information
      on/off   - enables/disables timestamps
      reload   - reloads the ini file
      default - resets your format to default(only changeable via ini)
      format   - sets your timestamp format to <format>
      loc      - sets timestamp location: 0-append, 1-prepend
      maxlen   - sets the maximum length of parsed timestamp.

MQ2Tracking - This plugin will provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters.

Rich (BB code):
/track         [off|help|target]
/track refresh [on|off|toggle|<time in seconds>]
/track filter  [off|<spawn search string>]
/tracknames    [<value>|reset]

MQ2TradeMods - This plugin automatically swaps in % mod items for tradeskills.

Rich (BB code):

/trademods - Toggle swapping on/off

Rich (BB code):
BAKING=Grandmaster Baker's Spoon
TAILORING=Grandmaster Tailor's Needle
SMITHING=Grandmaster Smith's Hammer
FLETCHING=Grandmaster Fletcher's Knife
BREWING=Grandmaster Brewer's Corker
JEWELRY=Grandmaster Jeweler's Eyeglass
POTTERY=Grandmaster Potter's Sculpter
PRIMARY=Staff of Living Brambles

MQ2Twist - This plugin automates the twisting of bard songs.

Rich (BB code):
/twist # # # # # - Twists in the order given.
     - Valid options are 1 thru 9 for song gems, and 10 thru 19 for item clicks.
       These may be mixed in any order, and repeats are allowable. Up to 10 may be
       If a song is specified with a duration longer than standard (ie, selos)
       that song will be twisted based on it's duration.  For example, riz+mana+selos
       would be a 2 song twist with selos pulsed every 2.5 min.
/twist once # # # # #  - Twists in the order given, then reverts to original twist
/twist or /twist start - Resume the twist after using /twist hold or /twist stop
/twist hold <gem #>    - Pause twisting and sing only the specified song
/twist stop/end/off    - stop twisting, does not clear the twist queue
/sing <gem#>    - alias for /twist hold
/stoptwist      - alias for above
/twist reset    - Reset timers for item clicks and long duration songs
/twist delay #  - 10ths of a second, minimum of 30, default 33
/twist adjust # - in ticks, how early to recast long duration songs
/twist reload   - reload the INI file to update item clicks
/twist slots    - List the slots/items defined in the INI and their #'s
/twist quiet    - Toggles songs listing and start/stop messages for one-shot twists

MQ2Winamp - This plugin allows you to control WinAmp from within EQ.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${MP3.bitrate}      - Bitrate of current song
${MP3.channels}     - Number of channels current song has, 2 = stereo, etc
${MP3.filename}     - Actual filename currently playing
${MP3.length}       - Length of current track  mm:ss
${MP3.length_min}   - Length of current track  mm
${MP3.length_sec}   - Length of current track  ss
${MP3.position}     - Time index playing current song/stream, in total seconds
${MP3.position_min} - Time index playing current song/stream mm
${MP3.position_sec} - Time index playing current song/stream ss
${MP3.samplerate}   - Sample rate of current song
${MP3.title}        - Title of current track playing
${MP3.title_raw}    - Title of current track playing - with playlist position
${MP3.track_curr}   - Current track in the playlist
${MP3.track_total}  - Total number of tracks in the playlist
${MP3.url}          - URL of current playing song

Rich (BB code):
mp3 { play [cd|#|url http://|file *] | pause | stop | next | prev | shuffle | repeat | vol # | volup | voldown | info | playlist | browser }

/mp3                    - Display help and display MP3 window
/mp3 play               - Play current selection
/mp3 play #             - Play specified track
/mp3 play cd            - Play currently inserted CD
/mp3 play url http://   - Play specified url
/mp3 play file *        - Play specified file
/mp3 pause              - Pause current playback
/mp3 stop               - Stop playback
/mp3 next               - Next song in playlist
/mp3 prev               - Prev song in playlist
/mp3 shuffle            - Toggle random play of playlist
/mp3 repeat             - Continuous play of playlist when end reached
/mp3 vol #              - Direct setting of volume (0-255)
/mp3 volup              - Nudge volume up (like moving the slider)
/mp3 voldown            - Nudge volume down (like moving the slider)
/mp3 info               - Display quick info (Title atm)
/mp3 playlist           - Toggle display of WinAMP playlist window
/mp3 browser            - Toggle display of WinAMP minibrowser

MQ2XPTracker - This plugin is a text-based XP tracker. Uses no XML files.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
With Index:


${XPTracker[].Total}      - Total % gained since tracking started
${XPTracker[].Average}    - Average gain per-change/kill (Everquest "points" format)
${XPTracker[].AveragePct} - Average gain per-change/kill as a %
${XPTracker[].TimeToDing} - Estimated hours until ding.

With No Index:

${XPTracker.RunTime}      - Time since tracking started in HH:MM:SS format
${XPTracker.RunTimeHours} - Time since tracking started in hours
${XPTracker.KillsPerHour} - Estimated number of changes per hour
${XPTracker.Changes}      - Total number of changes tracked so far

Rich (BB code):
/xptracker       - Display time tracking was started.
/xptracker reset - Reset all events and begin tracking as if plugin was just loaded
/xptracker total - Display total gains since tracking start
/xptracker quiet - Toggle output of tracking messages
/xpevents        - list the events/timestamps of the events we've tracked
/xpevents [#]    - lists the events tracked in the past [#] seconds
/xpaverage       - lists the average (mean) xp per-kill

If the source code is publicly available (and in some cases, even if it isn't...) these are all FRESH compiles of the plugin (as in, compiled myself), hot off the press with the absolute latest version available that works properly.

If you have any problems with this compile LET ME KNOW!


P.S. - Don't forget to leave me a Red Cent if you like my work, and be sure to rate my post at the top of the thread!

*** Click the
before you click the download, please! ;) ***
Last edited:
Hey guys... This is a preliminary release because I'm going to be late for work lol... Let me know if there are any missing offsets or problems and I will add them as soon as I get home from work.

Have fun! Thanks for waiting. ;)
kick ass Code, thanks man. I just loaded it up, working fine so far, will let you know if any issues. Awesome job man, thanks for the release.
Thanks for the fast work. I tried to give you a Redcent, but it tells me I must spread some reputation around before I can give to you again :/ Darn it to heck!

Someone sticky this please!
There used to be a compile of MQ2Map that would draw a line to your target. Anyone know if that was a special mod or is it part of MQ2Map. I can't seem to find the command to turn the line tracking on.

Nvm .. its /mapfilter targetline
Noticing a crashing when Chain zoning, thats only time it has so far for me...I wish I could pinpoint it more.....Using Piggy, Rwarp, Copen, Docrack (Envirofall and no weather only) , and the default plugs. It doesnt crash all the time either, just sometimes? Weird.
Maxfps isnt working.... i type "/maxfps 30 25" and it just says "MaxFPS [50 Foreground] [30 Background] [Calculate Mode]"
Hahaha awesome, guys... I can't believe there aren't any major problems with this compile, as I did it half asleep at 4 a.m. in a race against time not to be late to work lol!

I have some stuff to take care of this evening, then I will try to fix the small issues some have mentioned and clean up the compile a little bit by removing some of these plugins that are either obsolete or that we just can't get working properly (MQ2Levitate, for example...)
shuigui said:
rwarp crashes me to desktop when i try to chainzone. never had that prob with piggyzone.

rwarp doesn't have a chainshift command hehe... Something else is causing it. ;)

*edit* - I know what you're doing... You're trying to use /zone to get to a non-adjacent zone... That doesn't work and has been crashing to desktop since before PoP. You'll have to load up piggyzone and use /chainshift.
Doesn't RWarp only zone once? So if you are trying to chainzone, you are trying to zone to a non-adjacent zone directly and that will crash you every time, I hear. I try not to do it myself as it's just not meant to be! heh.
First time here, i know it may sound newb but it loaded up fine, but there are no mobs showing up on the in game map. How do i turn it on? Thanks and sorry so newb.
Hey guys, just a quick question about mq2dps, I don't know much about XML.

When I log in the plugin loads the appropriate XML file and the window looks great, the only problem is that It won't let me lock it and change the normal alpha level to 0.

My OCD kicks in when i can't see through windows that are in my viewport, and I just wanted to stick this one in an upper corner and let it do it's thing.

Anyone know how I can modify the XML file to fix this problem?

And as a side note, I never load MQ2Piggyzone, I only load MQ2RWarp, and /zone works for me to get anywhere.

I can /zone riftseekers from the guild hall and watch it chain zone all the way through OoW. Dunno if that's not normal but it's worked for me for a long time, and through many of Code's wonderful new (and quickly available, kudos!) compiles.

Much thanks in advance if any of you XML guru types can help me out with this.
I think taht I may be able to edit it, although not positive. And /zone works for me anywhere. I can go like 20 zones if I wanted to...
I crash 9 out of 10 times when I camp to char select screen. :eek:

Not sure why,, i get that MQ2 is blocking,,, you crashed,,etc...
Any Ideas?.......otherwise a great compile ! Thanks Code.


O and how do i get the HuD to work,, had one working bout 5 patches ago .
I load it and hit F11 and i get frame rate bar,, but thats it. /sigh .
Mercilessfist said:
I crash 9 out of 10 times when I camp to char select

This has been happening to me for awhile now, I started to try to narrow it down but then gave up after I made a "/unload, /camp" HotKey. So if anyone has any information on why this is happening I would be intrested in reading it. I would like to point out that its not just codecasters compile either. It also happens on the releases I compile myself.
I have the same prob when crashing from char select screen when i had stuff running. So i /speed off,/mapiter npc off,/mapiter pc off (this is a hotbutton) then camp to char select screen, change char, and turn it all back on. I dont crash anymore :)
forinni said:
warp crashing in ls mm

I ran LS MM warp macro for 10 hours last night with no crashing on 1.5 compile. It's probably another plugin you have loaded that is causing the crash. I don't do any docracks. Do you have docrack enabled?
If you are having ANY sort of crash issue while any docracks are enabled, make sure you disable all cracks and unload docrack before posting the issue... 9 out of 10 times this is causing your 9 out of 10 crashes. ;)

But please let us know if the problem persists after unloading any memory hacks...
I keep crashing when I load mq, window pops up and says it's having a problem with eqgame.exe blah blah blah. Does it when I load mq first as well. any ideas? no docracks loaded
Try loading it with the default plugin list. Make sure you haven't laoded any or such by opening the Macroquest2.ini Should only be 8 or 9 plugins going by default. If thats not it, try doing it while in game <shrug>
Yeah the old MQ2GMCheck used to cause this a lot too... I just updated the compile with a new version of that plugin, as well as a bunch of other new additions. Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you.
CodeCaster's MQ2 Compile v1.5 *IT'S HERE!*
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