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Utility MQ2Debuffs

Other Authors
pinkfloydx33, s0rcier, EqMule
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual
MQ2Debuffs This plugin is designed to help your scripts with curing detrimental effects. It is used to reports harmful effects, number of curse/disease/poison counters and various other detrimentals.

TLOData Type(s)Description
DebuffDebuffHolds the Debuff data type and several forms for pets and specific debuffs
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  1. 06/25/2024

    〰️Commits Just adding some spacing / cleanup for readability (#1) * Cleanup * PSPELL ->...
  2. 01/06/2024

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  3. 01/05/2024

    〰️Commits Deprecation warning fix (4bab96f) ~brainiac