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Unmaintained MQ2Combat

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Included in Very Vanilla
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🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
MQ2Combat - This is one of the plugins that MQ2Melee was based. It is very basic. Auto-assists, auto join group, attacks, sticks and basic combat skills kick, taunt, etc.

Rich (BB code):
/auto combat command.
/combat help for more info

/combat ability [#] [ability name or number] - Set ability to use."
/combat ability 1 or /combat ability kick (not sure, for all I know it's /combat ability 1 kick (insert own number and ability))

/combat assist [off|<name>|<hp%>] - Set assist."
/combat assist off (turns off assist)
/combat assist Sumdumbtoon 80% (would set assist to sumdumbtoon at mob health 80%)

/combat dist [#] - Set max distance"
/combat dist 100 (would set max distance of 100units. Max distance for when it will engage mob, anything further causes attack to be turned off)

/combat follow [off|<name>|<distance>] - Set follow"
/combat follow Sumothertoon 150 (woulds set bot to follow Sumothertoon if they are more than 150units away)

/combat group [on|off] - Enable/disable autogroup on invite."
/combat group on (auto accept group invite)
/combat group off (default... does not auto accept group invite)

/combat on/off - enable/disable combat plugin"
self explanitory.

/combat reload - Reload INI settings"
reloads character mq2combat ini settings

/combat save - Save INI settings"
saves the settings you currently have to your INI, replacing old for current character

/combat stick [on|off|<param>|clear] - Set to use /stick command"
turns stick on and off
/combat stick on Param (Param is % of your mele distance to stay within when in combat. '/combat stick 70%' seems to work best.
No idea what clear is for)
/combat stick off (disables stick to mob (moveutil))
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