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Unmaintained MQ2NetHeal

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MQ2NetHeal - This plugin supplies some TLOs and functions to help out healing macros and plugins.

Rich (BB code):
/netheal on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Healing Informations
/netheal grab=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Gather of Healing Informations.
/netheal send=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Broadcasting of Healing Informations.
/netheal hot timems list :Use for macro only.
/netheal da timems list :Use for macro only.
/netcure on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Watching for HarmFull Effects.
/netcure audio=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report Audio Sound.
/netcure popup=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report Popup Style.
/netcure quiet=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report to MQ2 Window.
/networst on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Watching for Group Health.
/networst audio=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report Audio Sound.
/networst popup=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report Popup Style.
/networst quiet=on|off|auto :Turn On/Off Report to MQ2 Window.
/worsttarget query :Target Worst One if Any Matching Query.
/worstcycle query :Cycle to Next Worst One if Any Matching Query.

TLO's and other information:
Rich (BB code):
${NetCure[X]} string return list of harmfull effects.
${NetCure[X].Detrimentals} int return # of Detrimental Spells.
${NetCure[X].Counters} int return # of Counters.
${NetCure[X].Cursed} int return # of Curse Counters.
${NetCure[X].Diseased} int return # of Disease Counters.
${NetCure[X].Poisoned} int return # of Poison Counters.
${NetCure[X].EnduDrain} int return # of Endurance Drain Per Tick.
${NetCure[X].LifeDrain} int return # of Life Drain Per Tick.
${NetCure[X].ManaDrain int return # of Mana Drain Per Tick
${NetCure[X].Blinded} int return # Blind Spells.
${NetCure[X].CastingLevel} int return # Reducing Casting Level.
${NetCure[X].Charmed} int return # Charm Spells.
${NetCure[X].Feared} int return # Fear Spells.
${NetCure[X].Healing} int return # Reducing Healing Effectiveness.
${NetCure[X].Invulnerable} int return # Invulnerability Spells
${NetCure[X].Mesmerized} int return # Memsmerize Spells.
${NetCure[X].Resistance} int return # Resist Debuff Spells.
${NetCure[X].Rooted} int return # Root Spells.
${NetCure[X].Silenced) int return # Silence Spells.
${NetCure[X].Slowed} int return # Slow Spells.   
${NetCure[X].Snared} int return # Snare Spells.
${NetCure[X].SpellCost} int return # Affecting Spell Mana Cost.
${NetCure[X].SpellSlowed} int return # Slowing Casting Speed.
${NetCure[X].SpellDamage} int return # Reducing Spell Damage.
${NetCure[X].Trigger} int return # That Trigger Something.
*Where X could be (self,myself,pet,warder,spellid,spellidlist)
${NetWorst.Affects} int return Last # of People in Query Range.
${NetWorst.Average} float return HP Average People in Last Query.
${NetWorst.Counter) int return Last # of People Matching Last Query.
${NetWorst.Members} string return People SpawnID List of Last Query.
${NetWorst.Request[X]} int return # of People Matching That Query.
*Where X is the Query to Perform.
*Valid Keywords are: radius,hp,pet,pc,group,self,fd,da,hot,war,clr,pal,rng,shd,dru,mnk,brd,rog,shm,nec,wiz,mag,enc,bst,ber,all or #ID#.
*hp,war,clr,pal,rng,shd,dru,mnk,brd,rog,shm,nec,wiz,mag,enc,bst,ber,all could be use with % ie: shm80 war60.
*order you pass paramters might influence query results.
${NetHeal[X].Name} or ${NetHeal.Name[Y]} string return Name.
${NetHeal[X].ID} or ${NetHeal.ID[Y]} int return SpawnID.
${NetHeal[X].Distance} or ${NetHeal.Distance[Y]} float return Distance.
${NetHeal[X].PctHPs} or ${NetHeal.PctHPs[Y]} int return PctHPs.
${NetHeal[X].Pet} or ${NetHeal.Pet[Y]} bool return This is a Pet?
${NetHeal[X].Class} or ${NetHeal.Class[Y]} int return Class.
${NetHeal[X].Feign} or ${NetHeal.Feign[Y]} bool return This is Feign Class?
${NetHeal[X].Canni} or ${NetHeal.Canni[Y]} bool return This is Cannibalize Class?
${NetHeal[X].Spawn} or ${NetHeal.Spawn[Y]} int return Spawn.
${NetHeal[X].da} or ${NetHeal.da[Y]} int return da timer left.
${NetHeal[X].hot} or ${NetHeal.hot[Y]} int return hot timer left.
${NetHeal[X].ttl} or ${NetHeal.ttl[Y]} int return 60000.
${NetHeal[X].Updated} or ${NetHeal.Updated[Y]} int return how old is This?
*Where X Could be ID or Name.
*Where Y is a Numerical Indice on Last ${NetWorst.Request} Enabling This to Act as Some Kind of Array.
${isNPC[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a NPC.
${isNPCPET[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a PET and Owner is a NPC.
${isNPCCORPSE[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a CORPSE and Owner is a NPC.
${isPC[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a PC.
${isPCPET[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a PET and Owner is a PC.
${isPCCORPSE[ID]} bool return true when Spawn[ID] is a CORPSE and Owner is a PC.
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