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Useful commands/hotkeys to save time and trouble!

Guide - Useful commands/hotkeys to save time and trouble! (3 Viewers)

Mar 24, 2018
MQ2 has tons of commands to do so many things, if something is a hassle then I try to make a hotkey that has MQ2 do it for me. So far I figured out these ones:

If you are still very new at MQ2, this guide might help you too.

Most of these commands will require eqbc or you can use dannet. Also you have to put your character name in, like if it says MyWiz you would put your wizard's name in there. Also you can copy paste commands like this into EQ if you have Ctrl V set up as paste in EQ's game options -> Keyboard setup -> UI section -> "Paste from Clipboard"

Also, these commands assume you are running KissAssist (or some other macro to control your characters). And sometimes it is best to shut that down or pause it before doing something, so a lot these hotkeys start with "/end" for that reason.

Tells group to all click and enter the door you are standing in front of.

/bcaa //doortarget
/pause 2
/bcaa //click left door
This works on stuff that isn't a door too! Like if you have to click a tree to enter a zone or whatever, it works.

Every time I have my wiz port the group to our guild lobby, it asks each person “Do you want to be ported to the guild lobby?” So instead instead of me tabbing to each character to click yes, I press this:

/noparse /bcga //if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup
(It works for other stuff too, anything that asks you yes or no)

Kiss auto evacs when tank dies, but sometimes I rather evac before that point. Say you accidentally hit a friendly NPC, or you do an epic fail pull and you know you will wipe, you hit this hotkey:

/bct MyWiz //end
/bct MyWiz //stopcast
/bct MyWiz //tell MyTank I have turned my Macro off to evac, remember to turn it back on!
/bct MyWiz //casting “Exodus”
/bct MyWiz //casting “evacuate”
So first line turns his macro off, otherwise he sometimes thinks he knows better and wants to keep nuking when I am wanting him to stop and get us outta here.. Second line tells him to stop casting whatever he is doing now. Third line has him send me a tell as a reminder to turn his macro back on once we have finished evaccing.
Fourth line does his instant evac.
Fifth line does his spell evac incase the AA evac is still in cooldown. The only slight hiccup in this hotkey is that if both evacs are up, you will evac to safe spot and then he will cast evac again. No biggie. And I can usually stop him from doing the second one.

Sometimes I know I looted an item and I can’t remember which character I gave it to… I could go to each character and use their item search in their inventory, but with one click this hotkey will tell me who has it!

/noparse /bcaa //bc ${FindItem[augm]}
This is not perfect. To find something else you have to edit the hotkey and change the bit that says augm to be whatever item you want. You don’t have to type the whole word, so say you want to find a Short Sword of the Ykesha, you can just type ykes in there and it will find. Also it wont find multiple items, it only tells you if the character has at least one of those things. But most of the time this saves me a lot of screwing around and I love it.

Pacify My Target

pause 8, /bct MyBardsName //mqp on
/bct MyBardsName //multiline ; /target id ${Target.ID}; /casting “Silence of Silisia”
/pause 55
/bcaa //echo %t getting calmed
/bct MyBardsName //mqp off
It has to make the bard pause his macro first or he sometimes ends up attacking the mob or he keeps trying to target the main assist when I want him to just focus on pacifying my target. So it pauses him, does the paci, and then unpauses his macro.

Everyone Hail
A lot of quests need everyone to hail the mob so I made a hotkey to save a loooooot of time...! I have it disengage the macro first because I don't want anything to go wrong and them accidentally attack the NPC or something, and I don't want people casting buffs or whatever when I just want them to chill a moment and get a quest. So it goes like this:

/bcaa //end
/pause 15, /bcaa //assist MyTank
/bcaa "/hail"
/bcaa //echo Macro disabled. Remember to turn it back on.
So you gotta target the NPC first with your main character, then you press this and all your boxes will assist you and hail the NPC. It ends your macros first to make sure they don't switch targets before you get to hail.


/bct MyMage //multiline ; /target id ${Me.ID};/timed 12 /casting “Call of the Hero”
/bcga //echo COTH Happening in 5s

Tells all characters in the group to set everything in their current advloot window to “never” so that I can master loot everything. It also tells them to close all open windows because I hate it when they have all kinds of windows open, loot window, inventory, maybe some quest window or whatever.

/pause 20, /bca //advoot shared set “Never”
/bca //cleanup

I posted this a while back in another thread but I’ll put it again here. It tells your whole group to remove any invis spell on them, and any levitate on them with one click:

/bcga //makemevisible
/bcga //removebuff Group Perfected Levitation
/bcga //removebuff Shauri's Levitation
note: makemevisible will magically remove any invis spell, the other lines you have to specify whatever levitation spells your group will be using. I like to travel with levitate but I like to fight with everyone on the ground, so I use this a lot!!

HoT Me
I don't like my Cleric doing HoT's because my tank isn't very strong yet so his health can spike downwards fast! So I prefer she just spams her big heal. But if I remember, I can request a HoT before a big fight with this button:

/bct MyCleric //multiline ; /target id ${Me.ID}; /casting "Zealous Elixir"

Invis us
/bct MyWiz //casting “Group Perfected Invisibility”

Accept Trade
/bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup
This will tell your target to accept the trade of an item. Although Kissassist now does this automatically.

Got Reward?

/noparse /bca //if (${Cursor.ID}) /bc ${Cursor}
If you complete a quest or something which gives you an item and it appears on your cursor, this will tell all your characters to tell you what item they have on their cursor is.

Every time I want to go somewhere, I press this button. It tells my bard to use his run speed buff, and then use his invis+levitation AA. It has to be elaborate though because he will often break his own invis by twisting songs during the invis cast, and he also sometimes misses the first cast, so the only way to make it 100% reliable is to stop his macro first and tell him to stop casting anything he is doing right now. I also spent some time to learn how to pause with multiline so I could do the whole thing with one line :) So it goes like this:

/multiline ; /bct MyBard //mqp;/timed 10 /bct MyBard //twist stop;/timed 30 /bct MyBard //casting "Selo's Sonata";/timed 60 /bct MyBard //casting "Shauri's Sonorous Clouding";/timed 80 /bct MyBard //tar MyTank;/timed 90 /bct MyBard //mac kissassist
This could be simplified slightly by doing /mac kissassist assist rather than the target tank part, but I had that fail on me in the past so I always do things the target way.

Tells group to come to where you are now, and they will find the best path there:

/bca //nav id ${Me.ID}
They wont follow you, I have a follow me command for that. This is just to tell them to move up to where you are currently standing. (The newer version of MQ2 has a button on the group window to do this for you.)

Sometimes when I zone, the group will stop following when I cross so they are left inches in front of the zone line. So this button will have everyone run forward for a few seconds and hopefully that likely puts them across the zone line. Use at your own risk! But if you have them facing a zone line, it is great.

/bca //keypress forward hold
/pause 35
/bca //keypress forward
A more advanced way of doing this is to use MQ2Nav which lets you have your characters travel anywhere you want automatically. You can tell them to run to Freeport or in this case, come to you, even from another zone! But this hotkey works ok too.

I have a mage and a shaman, so this command will have the mage give all pet toys setup in their ini, to the shaman pet!

/bct MyMage //pettoysplz GROUP

When you finished a shared task (like Gribbles), the task stays active even though you finished it (cuz EQ was made in the 1800s), so this will end the task and let you get another one.

/bcaa //kickp task
/bcaa //taskquit
(Dannuic recomends the second one as the first one can misbehave)

Don’t Heal Yet!
Usually I just pull with my tank, but sometimes I will screw up and mobs aggro after I already used my blades/area taunt. I my cleric heals before I get back to the group, she will get aggro and can die fast. So I press this button a few times until I can get back to the group and do some more aggroing and the mezzer will help out with adds.

/bct myHealer //stopcast
/pause 20
/bct myHealer //stopcast
This just interrupts your healer for a few seconds, so I press it until I reach the group and then I can build some aggro and the heals can continue. A better way to do this is to make a condition on your cleric's heal that will check how far away your tank is first. If you have a heal with |MA after it (to only use it on the Main Assist), then you can put a condition on it which says this:
${Target.Distance} < 65
This way when it comes to casting the heal, the healer will first check that the tank is back at the group first. (You can change the 65 to be a bit less if you prefer).

This served me well for a long time when levelling up.

/pause 10, /bcaa //end
/bcaa //tar gribbl
/pause 10
/bcaa //say leave
I should note that this stops the macros first because sometimes Kiss can insist on targeting something else, and also I don’t want them doing stuff once I pop back into a heavily populated area. So I just engage my macros again once I am ready.

If I had a huge glorious wipe and want to manually drag some corpses or something, I press this.

/bca //consent yourBestDragger
I usually consent my Bard because he is the safest dragger.

This checks the ini files you setup for spelling errors. I think kiss does this itself now, but the info flies past when it is loading the macro, so I still use this one sometimes:

/bcaa //mac kissnamechecker.mac

So 10000 mobs lie dead at your feet, and it feels good. But now your PC is running slowly. Press this:

/bcaa //hidecorpse NPC

What else? If like me you are not a programmer, you might like to know that you can still make your own macros. They won't be as amazing as KissAssist but you can still make little ones that do little jobs for you. This is an example.
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A couple of things. You might want to use /taskquit instead of /kickp task (I think the latter will do funky things if you have others targeted as leader). The command "/hail" will do your hailing for you (don't need a keypress). Also in your CotH hotkey, you need a pause after the target or it will sometimes fail to target before it starts casting.

Now here are a couple of mine:

This is KISSIT -- my kiss start macro
/pause 5, /bcg //target id ${Me.ID}
/bcga //mac kissassist
/bcga //afollow off
/bcga //makemevisible

Here is DROP -- my task ending macro (use when at the end of the instance and targeting the dude that lets you leave). You can add more things to the last say if your particular instance requires a different phrase to leave. Just add them all on there, it will scan the whole line for the keyword
/pause 5, /bcga //endmac
/pause 5, /bcga //tar id ${Target.ID}
/pause 5, /bcga //taskquit
/bcga //say leave done

Here is INVIS -- my version of invis that double invises my entire group. Tweak the pauses to work for your setup (the second one isn't necessary, I'm just being silly there)
/pause 2, /bct MyEnchanter //alt act 280
/pause 2, /bct MyShaman //alt act 630

Here is SWITCH -- my "assist me now on this thing" macro (I only show this for the merc bit)
/bcga //switchnow
/bcga //mercassist

And finally, ENDGATE -- when I am done and just want to go home (also sets mercs to passive). The gate bit is pretty special case for me, since I have a group that all has the gate AA, but self has the origin AA. That would take a bit of tweaking for most setups.
/pause 5, /bcga //stance passive
/pause 5, /bcga //endmac
/bcg //alt act 1217
/alt act 331
Some old ones floatin around RG

grp campfire - 2 line macro:
/bcga //makemevisible (makes whole grp visible, drops all invis if any up - required to use fellowship clicky)
/bcga //useitem fellowship reg (everyone in grp uses fellowship clicky)

Door/zone click - 2 line macro:
/bcga //doortarget
/bcga //click left door

KissAssist Camphere toggle:
/bcg //camphere

Dual invis - 2 line macro:
/bct castertoon //alt activate 1210 (grp perfected invis)
/bct clerictoon //alt activate 1212 (grp perfected ITU)

grp campfire - 2 line macro:
/bcga //makemevisible (makes whole grp visible, drops all invis if any up - required to use fellowship clicky)
/bcga //useitem fellowship reg (everyone in grp uses fellowship clicky)

Door/zone click - 2 line macro:
/bcga //doortarget
/bcga //click left door

KissAssist Camphere toggle:
/bcg //camphere

Dual invis - 2 line macro:
/bct castertoon //alt activate 1210 (grp perfected invis)
/bct clerictoon //alt activate 1212 (grp perfected ITU)

to target me and cast
/bct buffername //casting "spirit of bih`li"|8| -targetid|${Me.ID}

to target my target and cast
/bct buffername //casting "spirit of bih`li"|8| -targetid|${Target.ID}

StartAll (from tank, I use this so that I can easily swap between who is pulling in a group. I generally have one char other than tank with pulling parameters set up and simply change pullertank to tank and remove the assist)
/bcga //tar ID ${Me.ID}
/pause 6
/mac kissassist pullertank
/bcga //mac kissassist assist

PauseFollow (to make group members all pause KA and stick)
/bcga //camphere 0
/pause 6
/bcga //mqp on
/bcga //dismount
/bcg //stick ID ${Me.ID} uw 15

/bcga //mqp off
/bcga //stickoff
/bcga //camphere

Below is a list of most of my bcaa macros I used for running a 6man group - The majority are geared toward managing the group from my main SK tank:

Page1Button1Line1=/bca //target id ${Target.ID}
Page1Button1Line2=/pause 1
Page1Button1Line3=/bca //mac kissassist
Page1Button1Line4=/pause 1
Page1Button1Line5=/bcaa //melee on

Page1Button11Name=END ALL
Page1Button11Line1=/bcaa //endmac
Page1Button11Line2=/pause 1
Page1Button11Line3=/bcaa //melee off

Page1Button7Name=PAUSE ON
Page1Button7Line1=/bcaa //mqp on
Page1Button7Line2=/pause 1
Page1Button7Line3=/bcaa //melee off

Page1Button8Name=PAUSE OFF
Page1Button8Line1=/bcaa //mqp off
Page1Button8Line2=/pause 1
Page1Button8Line3=/bcaa //melee on

Page1Button9Name=SWITCH TARGET
Page1Button9Line1=/bcaa //switch

Page2Button2Name=STICK TARGET
Page2Button2Line1=/bca //target id ${Target.ID}
Page2Button2Line2=/pause 1
Page2Button2Line3=/bca //stick 5

Page2Button9Name=STICK OFF
Page2Button9Line1=/bcaa //stick off

Page2Button7Name=TO MY POSITION
Page2Button7Line1=/bca //moveto loc ${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z}

Page3Button10Name=PETS ATTACK
Page3Button10Line1=/bca //target id ${Target.ID}
Page3Button10Line2=/pause 2
Page3Button10Line3=/bcaa //pet attack


/alias /tofire /multiline ; /makemevisible ; /useitem fellowship reg

/alias /tofireg /multiline ; /bcga //makemevisible ; /bcga //useitem fellowship reg

Get Quest (Requires my bsay alias from the previous post... Target mob then click button)

/bsay sleep (Edit to whatever the quest keyword is)
/delay 2
/bcaa //notify TaskSelectWnd TSEL_AcceptButton leftmouseup

Give Item Hotkey (Edit to change item name then click have an unlimited number of tunes turn in the item.)

/bca //target ID ${Target.ID}
/bcaa //itemnotify "Insert Item name here" leftmouseup
/bcaa //click left target
/bcaa //notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
Tells all characters in the group to set everything in their current advloot window to “never” so that I can master loot everything. It also tells them to spam escape because I hate it when they have all kinds of windows open, loot window, inventory, maybe some quest window or whatever.
/pause 20, /bca //advoot shared set “Never”
/bca //keypress esc
/bca //keypress esc
/bca //keypress esc
/bca //keypress esc

can be changed to
/pause 20, /bca //advloot shared set "Never"
/bca //cleanup

The /cleanup command is basically the same as spamming the esc key except it will clear all the open windows with one command instead of being limited to 4 windows.

Tells group to all click and enter the door you are standing in front of.
/bcaa //doortarget
/pause 2
/bcaa //click left door
This works on stuff that isn't a door too! Like if you have to click a tree to enter a zone or whatever, it works.

The door one is a very useful one. But I've also got one that accepts the guild portal and other large dialog window popups. Like clicking on Oggok Stone gives you the option to go to "The Dream" or "Ferrrot", this would select The Dream
/bcaa //notify LargeDialogWindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup

Then I have one to accept a task (useful in conjunction with group hail that gets an individual task on each box)
/bcaa //notify TaskSelectWnd TSEL_AcceptButton leftmouseup

Accept a translocation or other confirmation dialog box such as are you sure you want to destroy ______ item.
/bcaa //notify ConfirmationDialogBox CD_Yes_Button leftmouseup
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When trading items from one toon to another, I use this so I don't have to swap windows if I'm just dumping the item from one to another.
/bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup

I use this on my server when killing a mob that randomly gives loot via cursor to see if any toons got the reward.
/noparse /bca //if (${Cursor.ID}) /bc ${Cursor}
Hi everyone! Original ID_10_T here. I have a few questions from things above to help me understand things. First off this is great stuff here. Now the questions.

First one: In your example /bct MyWiz //end what macro am I ending? Do I have to turn it back on later? Do I use //start or //on (and keep fingers crossed cause its hard to type with fingers that way)?
Third line has him send me a tell as a reminder to turn his macro back on once we have finished evaccing again what macro am I supposed to turn back on? Do I have to turn on whatever macro it is each time I use the //end Line?

Under IamMasterLooter will this not stop me from giving items to group members from the loot screen if the group members have set the loot to never?

Just to let you know I have no idea how the loot system works. I have figured out some of the BCS commands like BCT is broadcast to the char you want to do something...

Thanks again for any hints or leads you can help with.
/end or/endmac stops any macro that is running. Could be KissAssist or any other macro. It's just a general MQ2 command to turn off the macro program. The macro ends, not pauses (like /mqp) so you would restart the macro when you're ready just like always. /mac whatever

/end does not turn off plugins like m2berserker or mq2autoloot. You'd need to use a direct pause of off command to those. Or unload them, /unload mq2autoloot or such.

Loot will depend on what toons have set in their advanced loot options (in eq /advloot) and the Loot.ini

mq2eqbcs - i think this will link to the bcs type relay commands
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Thank you for that explanation I can now see the difference between a macro and a plugin and how to stop or unload them.... My Question now is in the the line /bca //target id ${Target.ID} is this the actual line to use in the social macro or do I need to put a toon name in place of the Target.ID part? Do I have to have my Id10tTank already targeted?

I have now made a social macro for End Macro, Pause macro on, and Pause macro off... Following the examples above...(seems so simple now with understanding)

The next big task is to get the chars into a group once they are all in-game. I take it the first line of the social macro will use the example I showed. (I could use the term assume but that leads into another discussion hehehehe)

Thanks.... Everyone is doing a great job. Please keep up the wonderful work..
Thank you for that explanation I can now see the difference between a macro and a plugin and how to stop or unload them.... My Question now is in the the line /bca //target id ${Target.ID} is this the actual line to use in the social macro or do I need to put a toon name in place of the Target.ID part? Do I have to have my Id10tTank already targeted?

I have now made a social macro for End Macro, Pause macro on, and Pause macro off... Following the examples above...(seems so simple now with understanding)

The next big task is to get the chars into a group once they are all in-game. I take it the first line of the social macro will use the example I showed. (I could use the term assume but that leads into another discussion hehehehe)

Thanks.... Everyone is doing a great job. Please keep up the wonderful work..

so if you did /bcaa //target id ${Target.ID} this issuing a command to everyone connected to your eqbc (/bcaa) to do a /target id of whatever the ID is of the target you have when you issue that command

for example with another TLO

you could do a /bcaa //target id ${Me.ID} and everyone in your eqbc would target the character issuing the command
you could do a /noparse /bcaa //target id ${Me.ID} and everyone in your eqbc would target THEMSELVES, because we used /noparse to say "hey everyone, what is YOUR ${Me.ID}" instead of "hey everyone use my ${Me.ID}
Thank you for the fast reply... I can now see how it is used... The explanation is great. I was wondering what the /noparse was or ment in a lot of examples that are here. So back to reading on MQ2Autoselect and trying to get chars to except the invite.
Thank you for the fast reply... I can now see how it is used... The explanation is great. I was wondering what the /noparse was or ment in a lot of examples that are here. So back to reading on MQ2Autoselect and trying to get chars to except the invite.

in your redguides folder find the mq2autoaccept file configuration file not the app extension one you can go in and edit modify each toon you have set up on. if you compare the ones accepting to the ones not you will find it easy to modify save and load up should work it's what i had to do when i swapped a shaman in for a wizzy temporarily
Kiss will tell them to accept an invite but sometimes they miss buffs if someone starts buffing before one of them has accepted their invite. So I started doing this with a hotkey:

/invite Fred
/invite Brian
/pause 20
/bcaa //invite

The last one will tell them to accept the invite :) Or yeah you could use mq2autoaccept which will do it too.

p.s. If you have more characters than can fit in a hotkey, then you can use "Multiline" which is a powerful macroquest feature that lets you type a huge bunch of stuff into a hotkey. Or you can make your own macro which is what I do. You don't need to be able to program and you can have it invite all your guys, tell them to accept the invite, and then run kissassist all from 1 button press.
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This will be so cool... I will try the setup and see what happens... I have seen "Multiline" in a lot of examples and kind of new that it gave greater line usage but was not really sure. Was something I was going to play around with later. Just finished watching Sic's video on Autostatus.. Looks good.. Need to try it .. Just in general MQ2 macro's only one working at a time. To use another you have to end the macro and then you can start a new macro. (Right????) Is there a limit on how may plugin's you can run at one time or is there a limit on them? An example would be running MQ2AutoAccept plugin and also running say MQ2AutoGroup?

I figured since I am stuck in the house I might as well learn something...Dad always said to find great minds and learn from them and soon you will be like them
autoaccept is already in vanilla no need to run both ... i have all of my bots set up to only automatically accept invites and trades from my main toon and who ever is my primary toon im playing otherwise i have to confirm even between bots as so i can double check who gets what and less mistakes
I think plugins probably use a little bit of ram/cpu so if you had tons of them it might bog things down. But generally you can just install whatever you want and it will be fine. If I can do something without using a macro/plugin then I will try to do it to save a bit of resources, but only because I box a lot of characters so always have to be wary of my RAM/cpu usage. But generally you can just use whatever you want :) There are lots more in the Resources link at the top.
Absolutely brilliant! Cleared up most of my MQ2 niggles I have been trying to find a solution for since I started, plus quite a few I hadn't even considered yet. A big thanks to you guys!
Still learning here and have a quick question. Is there any way to get my group to right click on a guild hall transporter (say to Umbral Plains) and tell it to transport you? When you right click it. you have to select an option first out of a drop menu. and left click does nothing. I see where you can make everyone click a door, or accept a transport box, but this isnt the smame. Thanks guys!
Still learning here and have a quick question. Is there any way to get my group to right click on a guild hall transporter (say to Umbral Plains) and tell it to transport you? When you right click it. you have to select an option first out of a drop menu. and left click does nothing. I see where you can make everyone click a door, or accept a transport box, but this isnt the smame. Thanks guys!
there's a Lua called guildclicky

I load that at startup on everyone, then if I want to go somewhere I can just do a command like this to go to say shadow haven.
/dgga /gc shadowhaven
there's a Lua called guildclicky

I load that at startup on everyone, then if I want to go somewhere I can just do a command like this to go to say shadow haven.
/dgga /gc shadowhaven
You can use a cfg to autoload it. Check my Sig or the faq
Here's one that I use with the Drunkard's Stein:
Title: Oh sh*t!
/noparse /dgae /keypress 7
/noparse /dgae /keypress 7
/noparse /dgae /keypress 7
/noparse /dgae /keypress 7
/noparse /dgae /keypress 7

If you put your Drunkard's Stein in hotkey slot 7 on each toon, and then make this hotkey for every toon in your group, you can immediately evac your whole group to PoK with the push of a button regardless of which toon you're on when it hits the fan.
should consider checking out mq2relocate

this threat got bumped from quite a few years ago - some stuff might have better ways of doing things that didn't exist 5/6 years ago.

I do have a hotkey resource for things that myself (and some others) find useful, and i regularly add/modify stuff there
should consider checking out mq2relocate

this threat got bumped from quite a few years ago - some stuff might have better ways of doing things that didn't exist 5/6 years ago.

I do have a hotkey resource for things that myself (and some others) find useful, and i regularly add/modify stuff there
relocate is the bomb dot com
I only discovered /useitem today, great with "Fellowship Registration Insignia". Works from inside a bag as expected. Great for heavy campfire users.

My use.

Use item:
/dgga /useitem Fellowship Registration Insignia
As mentioned by Sic back in Sept 23, /relocate fellowship
I only discovered /useitem today, great with "Fellowship Registration Insignia". Works from inside a bag as expected. Great for heavy campfire users.

My use.

Use item:
/dgga /useitem Fellowship Registration Insignia
the other *very* important part of useitem is - when you have multiple words, it skips everything after the first word unless you use quotes

/useitem cool item of awesomeness - this only checks for the first match it finds of an item with "cool" at the start of the name
/useitem "cool item of awesomeness" - this checks for an item named "cool item of awesomeness"

so you really want to be in the habit of "/dgga /useitem "Fellowship Registration Insignia" if you don't want to /dgga /relocate fellow
Every time I want to go somewhere, I press this button. It tells my bard to use his run speed buff, and then use his invis+levitation AA. It has to be elaborate though because he will often break his own invis by twisting songs during the invis cast, and he also sometimes misses the first cast, so the only way to make it 100% reliable is to stop his macro first and tell him to stop casting anything he is doing right now. I also spent some time to learn how to pause with multiline so I could do the whole thing with one line :) So it goes like this:

/multiline ; /bct MyBard //mqp;/timed 10 /bct MyBard //twist stop;/timed 30 /bct MyBard //casting "Selo's Sonata";/timed 60 /bct MyBard //casting "Shauri's Sonorous Clouding";/timed 80 /bct MyBard //tar MyTank;/timed 90 /bct MyBard //mac kissassist
This could be simplified slightly by doing /mac kissassist assist rather than the target tank part, but I had that fail on me in the past so I always do things the target way.

How would I break up this multi-line into 2 lines that still work?

Adding my tank and my bard's names make this too many characters for 1 line.
Guide - Useful commands/hotkeys to save time and trouble!

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