From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki
This command is added by EverQuest, MacroQuest
Syntax Key
Notation |
Text without brackets or braces |
Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> |
Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] |
Optional items
Vertical bar (|) |
Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} |
Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis (…) |
Items that can be repeated
/target [<name> | group <1-6>]
Targets <name> or group member <#>. MacroQuest currently intercepts this command but this is deprecated, so MQ users please use /mqtarget, or for original function /eqtarget
Category |
Option |
Description |
EverQuest |
<name> |
Name to target |
group <#> |
Target group member 1-6. Similar to the default keys F1 - F6. |
MacroQuest |
With no option provided, will target you. |
clear |
Clears your current target |
mycorpse |
Your own corpse (nearest) |
myself |
Target yourself |
<spawn search> |
A Spawn search will target the nearest result. |
/target group 3
- targets group member 3.
- For using MQ, see Command:/mqtarget for examples.
See also