
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by EverQuest, MacroQuest

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /advloot {personal | shared} {setallto | <item>} <loot option> [<quantity>]
Description "/advloot" by itself will toggle the Advanced Loot window. It can also set loot options for all items in the personal or shared advanced loot window. MacroQuest extends this native command to allow item-specific control.


Category Option Description
EverQuest personal setallto <loot option> Controls the personal loot window, setallto affects all items in loot window. Loot options: [loot | leave | aneed | agreed | never]
shared setallto <loot option> Controls the shared loot window, setallto affects all items in loot window.

Loot options: [need | greed | no | aneed | agreed | never | ask | roll | askroll | autoaskroll | freegrab | leave | <PlayerName>]

<PlayerName> will give all items in the window to the specified player.
MacroQuest personal { "item name" | <#index> } <loot option> Controls a specific item in the personal loot window, can be either an index number (the item's position in the list) or the "item name" in quotes. If there are multiple items of the same name, it will choose the first on the list. Loot options (simulates a click in the window): [item | loot | leave | an | ag | never | name]
shared { "item name" | <#index> } <loot option> [<quantity>] Controls a specific item in the shared loot window, can be either an index number (the item's position in the list) or the "item name" in quotes. If there are multiple items of the same name, it will choose the first on the list.

Loot options (simulates a click in the window): [item | status | action | manage | autoroll | nd | gd | no | an | ag | nv | name]

Extra loot options:

  • giveto <name> [<quantity>]
  • leave


Command Description
/advloot personal setallto aneed Adds a filter to all items in the personal loot window to "always need"
/advloot shared set agreed Adds a filter to all items in the shared loot window to "always greed"
/advloot shared setallto odii Will give all items in the shared window to the player "Odii"
/advloot shared 2 leave If you are the Master Looter this will cause the second item on the share loot list to be left on the corpse
/advloot shared "spiderling silk" leave If you are the Master Looter this will cause the first "spiderling silk" it finds in the shared list to be left on the corpse.
/advloot personal 3 ag That will simulate a click on the AG (always greed) column in the personal loot window for the third item.
/advloot shared 1 giveto eqmule 10 If you are the Master Looter this will take the first item from the Shared list and give 10 of it to eqmule

Let's say there's a stack of 4 spiderling silks in the first list item of the shared lootwindow

 /advloot shared 1 giveto eqmule 1
 /advloot shared 1 giveto SwiftyMUSE

Will give 1 spiderling silks to eqmule, and will give the remaining 3 spiderling silk to SwiftyMUSE (we didnt specify qty, so it just gave the rest)

 /advloot shared "spiderling silk" leave

Will just leave the first "spiderling silk" it finds in the shared list on the corpse...

 /advloot shared 1 leave

Will just leave whatever is in list index 1 in the shared list on the corpse... (in our example spiderling silk)

See also