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This command is added by MQ2Relocate

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /relocate [option]
Description Relocate to anchor points, zones, safe points, etc without digging through your bags or AAs.


Category Option Description
General [no option] Will tell you that you didn't provide a valid option, and inform you of "/status help" for a list of valid options.
help Will return a list of available options.
pok Will attempt to take you to Plane of Knowledge via: Drunkard's Stein, Brick of Knowledge, The Binden Concerrentia, and The Fabled Binden Concerrentia
gate Will attempt to gate you via: Gate AA or translocation potion.
origin Will attempt to use your Origin AA.
brell Will attempt to use your Mark of Brell.
bronze Will attempt to use your Harbinger's Staff and take you to City of Bronze.
fellow Will attempt to use your fellowship Insignia.
Lobby Will attempt to use your Throne of Heroes AA.
blood Will attempt to use your Theatre of Blood AA.
crystal Will attempt to use your Froststone Crystal Resonator.
evac Will attempt to use your group evac AA (if you are in a group), or your personal evac AA, or a Di`Zok Escape Staff.
teleport Will attempt to use your AoE Teleport AA.
Anchor anchor Will attempt to use an available guild anchor.
anchor1 Will attempt to use your Primary Anchor.
anchor2 Will attempt to use your Secondary Anchor.
Wishing Lamp air Will attempt to convert your wishing lamp to the appropriate state and take you to Stratos.
fire Will attempt to convert your wishing lamp to the appropriate state and take you to Aalishai.
stone Will attempt to convert your wishing lamp to the appropriate state and take you to Mearatas.
Zueria Slide stonebrunt Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to Stonebrunt.
dreadlands Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to Dreadlands.
greatdivide Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to Great Divide.
nek Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to Nektulous Forest.
nro Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to North Ro.
skyfire Will attempt to convert your Zueria Slide to the appropriate state and take you to Skyfire.


See also