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Utility MQ2AutoLoot

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plure, knightly, alynel
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2018 ESA Winner
MQ2AutoLoot - Version 1.12

This plugin is designed to handle loot from within the advanced looting window. It uses a loot.ini file located in your macro folder to define what your characters should do with each item. It can be setup to handle looting if your soloing, in a group, or a raid. If you use the advanced loot list for an item, that action is takes precedence over of this plugin. IE if you have set an item to Always Need/Always Greed/Never/Autoroll that action will be done as opposed to what you have set in your loot.ini. This means that this plugin will only work on items you have not previously specified an action for on the advanced loot list.

The master looter will keep looting items until their number of free bag slots reaches SaveBagSlots. You can set up to 2 different bag to not count when checking for free bag space with ExcludeBag1/ExcludeBag2. If the master looter can't loot or doesn't want (ie items set to quest/gear) the item he will try to pass it out to others in the group. The rest of the group will either set the item to need or no.

When passing out loot the ML waits DistributeLootDelay (default is 5 seconds) for group members to set need/no before passing out items. If two items comes up it waits the value set by DistributeLootDelay for the first item, then passes it out. After that they go to the next item to be passed out and again wait the value set by DistributeLootDelay before passing out that item. If you have any problems with this taking too long you can shorten DistributeLootDelay.

/autoloot [option] [#|setting]Interact with merchants, bankers, or barter, as well as modify settings
/setitem [option] [#]Adds settings for the item on your cursor to Loot.ini, and will react accordingly

1. Turn on advanced looting.
  • Type: /advloot
  • Click the Loot Settings Button on the Advanced Loot Window
  • Select Use Advanced Looting
2. Load the plugin.
- Type: /plugin MQ2AutoLoot
3A. If your in a group set someone to be the master looter. If you don't the leader of the group will assign himself to be the master looter.
3B. If your in a raid set someone to be the master looter. If you don't the leader of the raid will act as the master looter.

Settings - MQ2AutoLoot.ini
1. lootini= XXX absolute path to your Loot.ini file
- /AutoLoot lootini FILENAME -> Will set your loot ini as FILENAME.ini in your macro folder
2. UseAutoLoot=[0/1] turns [off/on] MQ2AutoLoot. Default is on.
- /AutoLoot turn [on|off] -> Toggle autoloot

General Settings - Loot.ini
1. RaidLoot= [0/1] turns MQ2AutoLoot [off/on] when your in a raid. Default is off.
- /AutoLoot raidloot [on|off] -> Toggle raid looting on and off​
2. SpamLootInfo= [0/1] turns [off/on] loot action messages to the MQ chat window. Default is on.
- /AutoLoot spamloot [on|off] -> Toggle loot action messages​
3. LogLoot=[0/1] turns [off/on] logging loot action messages for the master looter. Default is off.
- /AutoLoot logloot [on|off] -> Toggle logging of loot actions for the master looter​
4. CursorDelay=#n time delay in seconds before MQ2AutoLoot auto inventory items on your cursor. Default is 10 seconds.
- /AutoLoot cursordelay #n -> You will wait #n seconds before trying to auto inventory items on your cursor​
5. NewItemDelay= #n time delay in seconds before the master looter will attempt to loot/distribute items not found in your loot.ini. Default is 0 seconds.
- /AutoLoot newitemdelay#n -> Master looter waits #n seconds when a new item drops before looting that item​
6. DistributeLootDelay= #n time delay in seconds before the master looter will attempt to distribute items to others in the group/raid. Default is 5 seconds.
- /AutoLoot distributedelay #n -> Master looter waits #n seconds to try and distribute the loot​
7. NoDropDefault= XXX default loot action for new no drop items. Default is quest.
- /AutoLoot nodropdefault [quest|keep|ignore] -> Will set new no drop items to this value​
8. QuestKeep= #n if nodropdefault is set to quest the quantity to keep will be #n. Default is 10.
- /AutoLoot questkeep #n -> If nodropdefault is set to quest your new no drop items will be set to Quest|#n​
9. SaveBagSlots= #n will stop looting when #n is the number of open bag slots, not including excludedbag1/excludedbag2. Default is 0.
- /AutoLoot saveslots #n -> Stops looting when #n slots are left​
10. ExcludeBag1= XXX will exclude bags named XXX when counting open bag slots. Default is Extraplanar Trade Satchel.
- /AutoLoot excludebag1 XXX -> Will exclude bags named XXX when checking for how many slots you are free​
11. ExcludeBag2= XXX will exclude bags named XXX when counting open bag slots. Default is Extraplanar Trade Satchel.
- /AutoLoot excludebag2 XXX -> Will exclude bags named XXX when checking for how many slots you are free​
12. BarMinSellPrice= #n the minimum price in plat you will barter all particular items, note you can set the individual item price minimum higher. Default is 1 plat.
- /AutoLoot barterminimum #n -> The minimum price for all items to be bartered is #n​
13. GuildItemPermission=[view only|public if usable|public]default permission for items placed in your guild bank. Default is "View Only".
- /AutoLoot guilditempermission "[view only|public if usable|public]" -> Change your default permission for items put into your guild bank​

Item Settings - Loot.ini
1. Keep
  • Everyone will try to loot.
  • To set an item to keep. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Keep
2. Sell
  • Everyone will try to loot. During looting, this is treated the same as setting the item to "Keep".
  • To set an item to sell. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Sell
3. Deposit
  • Everyone will try to loot. During looting, this is treated the same as setting the item to "Keep".
  • To set an item to deposit. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Deposit
4. Barter
  • Example entry: Barter|#n
  • Everyone will try to loot. During looting, this is treated the same as setting the item to "Keep".
  • To set an item to barter. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Barter #n -> #n is the minimum price to sell that item when you use the barter functionality.
5. Quest
  • An example entry: Quest|#n
  • Everyone will try to loot up to #n of that item.
  • To set an item to quest. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Quest #n -> when someone gets #n of that item they will stop trying to loot them.
6. Gear
  • An example entry: Gear|Classes|WAR|PAL|SHD|BRD|NumberToLoot|#n|
  • Only classes listed will attempt to loot till they have #n.
  • To set an item to gear. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Gear, it will auto populate the entry and number to loot.
7. Ignore
  • Everyone will ignore these items.
  • To set an item to ignore. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Ignore
8. Destroy
  • The master looter will try and loot these items, once looted they will pick them out of your inventory and destroy them.
  • To set an item to destroy. Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Destroy
9. To check what an item is set to in your Loot.ini
- Put it on cursor and type : /SetItem Status

Item Actions [Sell/Buy/Deposit/Barter]
1. Sell
  • Target a Merchant.
  • Type: /AutoLoot Sell
  • The plugin will then sell every item marked "Sell" to that merchant.
2. Buy
  • Target a Merchant.
  • Type: /AutoLoot Buy "Item Name" #n
  • The plugin will then buy #n of that item from the merchant.
3. Deposit - Personal Banker
  • Target a personal Banker.
  • Type: /AutoLoot Deposit
  • The plugin will then deposit every item marked "Keep" into your personal banker.
4. Deposit - Guild Banker
  • Target a Guild Banker.
  • Type: /AutoLoot Deposit
  • The plugin will then deposit every item marked "Deposit " into your guild banker.
  • It will set the permission to either "view only|public if usable|public" depending on what you set "GuildItemPermission" in your Loot.ini.
5. Barter
  • Type: /AutoLoot Barter
  • It will attempt to barter everything marked "Barter|#n" in your Loot.ini as long as they meet your minimum price of #n plat.

TLOData Type(s)Description
AutoLootAutoLootContains datatypes that concern the activity of the eponymous plugin
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Latest reviews

Great work on this! In addition to all the other many awesome things about this plugin, the fact that you are able to destroy items as you loot them is quite helpful in terms of not leaving a massive pile of mobs for others to notice when either passing by or via peeking at their map (MQ map etc.).

A player who is at their keyboard typically will loot mobs as they play, even if not after every single kill. When another player may suspect you are killing while automated, a ton of mobs at your feet may serve to only make them more suspicious as they wonder why you haven't been looting anything.

In the past, before I started to use MQ2AutoLoot...I've even seen players come over and start looting mobs that are left around my group because they figured I was either AFK or didn't want the loot. I would have to explain to them I'm actually there as a result when I would have rather had no contact at all and kept killing. It can also show them exactly what you've been pulling for up to the past 30ish minutes (even if they just entered the zone) or however long it'll take the corpses to rot. It absolutely draws unnecessary attention to keep killing while ignoring the corpses/loot around your group! Thankfully, this plugin helps solve that problem!!

Even if you prefer to leave some corpses around because you may have a different feeling about whether a pile of corpse poses additional risks or not, this plugin allows you to make that decision for yourself. You can either "Keep", "Ignore" or "Destroy" items as you wish and therefore MQAutoLoot gives the most flexibility of any current looting method on RG in terms of how you'd like to handle your looting/mob corpses.

Assuming the settings in Loot.ini are configured properly (including proper delays where/if needed), this plugin works flawlessly for me and gets the job done. Thank you very much for the countless hours of hard work put into this!

In my humble opinion, this is still absolutely the very best way to automate looting all this time later in December 2021! ♥
Amazing plugin, I was doing loot by hand until I discovered this. It saved me so much time and clicks THANK YOU!!!