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Sic's Hotkeys

Utility Sic's Hotkeys

(as of September 2023 we make the aliases for you if you dont already have them)

To use the /cwtn and /cwtna etc ALIASES, please make sure you create them.
There are instructions down below.

Please don't listen to the "Chase Button" in the video. Use the Chase Button code down below
This video was created BEFORE many of the hotkeys in this guide.
So please make sure you take the time to read it.

Since Chat just added all of the CWTN plugins to use shortnames for their commands you can also replace any /${Berzerker.Command with /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} and not have to have mq2berzerker

and then
Hotkeys I use with my CWTN/Kiss team

--- anyone not running the matching automation would get an error for the commands if you're using mixed automations
--- this means an SK using mq2eskay doing a /camphere on is going to get a red error message because they're not using kissassist
--- this is ok, you can ignore this.

Create the CWTN Aliases

For any toon to use these alias commands they either have to a: Create the alias themselves, or b: log back into macroquest AFTER the alias is created in your macroquest.ini

The absolute easiest way to add aliases:

  1. open up your macroquest.ini
  2. paste in the aliases you want from the examples below under the [ALIASES] section
  3. save your macroquest.ini
  4. /alias reload on everyone - /dgae /alias reload or /bcaa //alias reload

if you need to know what your ini should look like after the entries are there, scroll down there are examples.

You can make this alias to use dannet/eqbc to easily send your group to do the same command. Dannet is recommended, but EQBC works fine too.

This is "cleaner" and easier to read than using the "
/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} blah" for every hotkey.
"/cwtn" is the alias we create for the 'ChatWithThisName' (the original creator) class plugins, "cwtn" is an abbreviation of chat's name, the alias makes it easier to broadcast commands.

the intent here with the "a" or "r" is as such
/cwtn - this is group not including yourself
/cwtna - this is group including yourself
/cwtnr - this is raid/everyone not including yourself
/cwtnra - this is raid/everyone including yourself
/cwtnz - this is for zone not including yourself
/cwtnza - this is for zone including yourself

/cwtn mode 0" would use dannet/eqbc to have everyone go mode 0,
"/cwtna mode 0" would have everyone including yourself go mode 0 (CWTNA, A for all).

for dannet your macroquest.ini entries would look like:
(the extra "\" is the dannet equivalent of a "/noparse"
/cwtn=/dgge /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtna=/dgga /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnr=/dgre /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnra=/dgra /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnz=/dgze /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnza=/dgza /docommand /$\{Me.Class.ShortName}
also acceptable:
/cwtn=/noparse /dgge /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtna=/noparse /dgga /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnr=/noparse /dgre /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnra=/noparse /dgra /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

for EQBC your macroquest.ini entries would look like:
/cwtn=/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtna=/noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnr=/noparse /bca //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}
/cwtnra=/noparse /bcaa //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName}

These aliases allow me to just "/cwtna burnallnamed off" and have the entire group including me turn burnallnamed off or "/cwtn mode 2" for everyone not me to go in mode 2

If you want kissassist to be able to toggle on/off burns you can utilize the ${BurnAllNamed} Variable kiss has

/varset BurnAllNamed 0 to turn off burns in kissassist
/varset BurnAllNamed 1 to turn on burns in kissassist

if you are using burns in your dps routine (like my bard ini) you will want to append && ${BurnAllNamed} in each condition that is a burn condition

dps1=burn thing|99|cond1
cond1=${Target.Named} && ${BurnAllNamed}

For all of these buttons - make sure you understand if you're using EQBC or using Dannet, and adjust them accordingly.

Campoff Key using CWTN Alias:
/bcga //returntocamp 0
/cwtna mode 0
/bcga //dismount
/bcga //chaseoff

Dannet equiv:
/dgge /returntocamp 0
/cwtna mode 0
/dgge /dismount
/dgge /chaseoff

New Toons logging in for the first time (Dannet)
/multiline ; /dga /dga /autoaccept add $\{Me.Name}; /timed 10 /dga /autoaccept save; /timed 15 /rez acceptpct 90; /timed 20 /rez delay 0; /timed 25 /rez accept on; /timed 30 /aaspend order 53214; /timed 35 /aaspend brute on; /timed 35 /aaspend bank 220; /timed 35 /aaspend save

Block Spells
/dg all /multiline ; /blockspell add me 16443 6892 6894 49288 0425 9491 9492 9493 9494 30738 30739 21684 30708 20873 32372 25861; /timed 5 /blockspell add pet 59238 59239 59240 25861 62734 62735 62736

CampOn Keys:
(this one you will want to edit for your "driver toon" as you can see either war mode 7 or shd mode 7 is normally what i have, as well as a resetcamp for the driver as well. this will ensure when i hit my CampOn button that my driver resets their camp (since resetting your mode while in your mode doesn't, unless you cycle to 0 and then back).

CampOn Key for Warrior Using CWTN Alias:
- this set's my group to make their camp where we are at, sets my war in mode 7, and resets my camp just in case i already had a camp elsewhere
- for any group members using kissassist, it would set their camp with the camphere on

/bcg //camphere on
/war mode 7
/cwtn mode 1
/war resetcamp

Dannet equiv:
/dgge /camphere on
/war mode 7
/cwtn mode 1
/war resetcamp

CampOn Key for SK Using CWTN Alias:
- this set's my group to make their camp where we are at, sets my sk in mode 7, and resets my camp just in case i already had a camp elsewhere
- for any group members using kissassist, it would set their camp with the camphere on

/bcg //camphere on
/shd mode 7
/cwtn mode 1
/shd resetcamp

Dannet Variant:
/dgge /camphere on
/shd mode 7
/cwtn mode 1
/shd resetcamp

Burn Now Key Using CWTN Alias:
/bcga //burn
/cwtna burnnow

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /burn
/cwtna burnnow

Stop BurnNow Key: (for cwtn toons) - just stops an issue'd burnnow
/noparse /bcaa //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} stopburnnow
or aliased version
/cwtna stopburnnow

Reset Camp Key:
/shd resetcamp

Reset Camp Key:
/war resetcamp

Specifically for Hytiek :)
/shd gotocamp
/war gotocamp

Stop Fenzied - sometimes i want my berzerker to stop their frenzy early
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.ActiveDisc.Name.Find[Frenzied Resolve Discipline]}) /stopdisc

Chase Key (I also stick a /shd mode 7 in my chase hotkey - but personal preference)
/cwtn mode 2
/bcg //chaseon

Dannet Variant:
/cwtn mode 2
/dgge /chaseon

SwitchWithMA - I leave this turned on so i don't actually keep a key to toggle it on/off
/cwtn switchwithma on

Pause (I actually use two keys to achieve this, but just a personal preference)
/bcga //mqp on
/noparse /bcga //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /timed 5 /twist off
/cwtna pause on

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /mqp on
/noparse /dgga /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /timed 5 /twist off
/cwtna pause on

UnPause (I actually use two keys to achieve this, but just a personal preference)
/bcga //mqp off
/cwtna pause off

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /mqp off
/cwtna pause off

Turn on Auto-Grant
/noparse /bcaa //if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[AAW_AutoGrantAAsButton].Checked}) /notify AAWindow AAW_AutoGrantAAsButton leftmouseup

Dannet Variant:
/dg all /if ($\{Window[AAWindow.Child[AAW_AutoGrantAAsButton].Checked]}) /notify AAWinwod AAW_AutoGrantAAsButton leftmouseup

Target Clear - this will have everyone clear their target, and for non cwtn toons (which turn off attack automatically), will turn off their attack. It will also back pets off and try and summon companion them
/bcga //target clear
/bcga //attack off
/bcga //pet back off
/bcga //alt act 1215

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /target clear
/dgga /attack off
/dgga /pet back off
/dgga /alt act 1215

Ass Me - Definitely not the best thought out button in the world, but i use this for some missions when using mode 0 to manually call toons to a target
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /assist ${Group.MainTank}
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /attack on
/noparse /bcg //if (!${Me.Ducking}) /nav target

Dannet Variant:
/noparse /dgge /if (!${Me.Ducking}) /assist ${Group.MainTank}
/noparse /dgge /if (!${Me.Ducking}) /attack on
/noparse /dgge /if (!${Me.Ducking}) /nav target
/dgge /multiline ; /if ($\{Me.Ducking}) /multiline ; /assist ${Group.MainTank}; /timed 5 /attack on; /timed 5 nav target

Door - This can be used near a door and you want your team to all click it. It will target the closest door and try and click it.
/bcga //doortarget
/bcga //click left door

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /doortarget
/dgga /click left door

PetBack - I use this if i am manually pet pulling for some reason
/bcga //alt act 1215
/bcga //pet back off

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /alt act 1215
/dgga /pet back off

Bard Invis - this pauses kiss, does a twist off, activates a fresh selos, and then his sonorus
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 5 /twist off; /alt activate 3704; /alt activate 231
/bcg //dismount

Dannet Variant:
/noparse /dgge /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 5 /twist off; /alt activate 3704; /alt activate 231
/dgge /dismount

Give - this button picks up the item on your cursor, and turns it into your target
-- intention is for driver to hold item and pic a target and then /give
- this is an alias you will want to add it in your macroquest.ini
/give=/dgga /multiline ; /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify #${Cursor.ID} leftmouseup; /timed 5 /target ${Target.Name}; /timed 10 /usetarget; /timed 15 /usetarget; /timed 20 /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup; /timed 25 /autoinventory

YES - this uses MQ2Yes plugin (for next it is built in with an alias)
/bcga //yes

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /yes

NO - this uses MQ2Yes plugin (for next it is built in with an alias)
/bcga //no

Dannet Variant:
/dgga /no

Revive Alias - sometimes you want everyone to click that revive button
/bcaa //revive

Dannet Variant:
/dgae /revive

Create the revive alias
/alias /revive /multiline ; /notify RespawnWnd OptionsList listselect 1; /timed 15 /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup

or creating the revive alias for everyone
/bcaa /alias /revive /multiline ; /notify RespawnWnd OptionsList listselect 1; /timed 5 /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup

Dannet Variant:
/dgae /alias /revive /multiline ; /notify RespawnWnd OptionsList listselect 1; /timed 5 /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup

Have everyone in my group taskquit
/bcga //taskquit

Dannet Variant:
/dgae /taskquit

Adding / Starting a new toon Hotkeys / Commands:
There are a few commands/hotkeys that I use when i'm setting up a new toon. These have the settings that > I < personally use, so you will want to adjust them for your usage.

Set-up AutoAccept
using eqbc, i want everyone, to add everyone else online to the autoaccept "trust" list
/noparse /bcaa //multiline ; /plugin mq2autoaccept load; /timed 10 /bcaa //autoaccept add ${Me.Name}; /timed 15 /autoaccept save

Dannet Variant:
/noparse /dgae /multiline ; /plugin mq2autoaccept load; /timed 10 /dgae /autoaccept add ${Me.Name}; /timed 15 /autoaccept save

Set-up MQ2Rez
(the default delay for mq2rez is 5.1 seconds, adjust this to what you would like to use, I'm not suggesting that *YOU* use 0, but that is what i use)
/bcaa //multiline ; /plugin mq2rez load; /timed 5 /rez accept on; /timed 10 /rez acceptpct 90; /timed 15 /rez delay 0

Dannet Variant:
/dgae /multiline ; /plugin mq2rez load; /timed 5 /rez accept on; /timed 10 /rez acceptpct 90; /timed 15 /rez delay 0

Set-up MQ2AASpend
I want to bank 200 AA points, then spend them in Focus, Class, Archetype, General, then Special, I want to use Brute AA Spending, and I want to save these settings.
/bcaa //multiline ; /plugin mq2aaspend load; /timed 5 /aaspend bank 200; /timed 10 /aaspend order 53214; /timed 15 /aaspend brute on; /timed 20 /aaspend save

Dannet Variant:
/dgae /multiline ; /plugin mq2aaspend load; /timed 5 /aaspend bank 200; /timed 10 /aaspend order 53214; /timed 15 /aaspend brute on; /timed 20 /aaspend save

Check everyone in raid to see if they have any pending personal loot

/dg raid /dgtell all $\{AdvLoot.PCount}


> GuildClicky < replaces the example below

This alias will use your "Umbral Scrying Stone" if you are standing next to it

then you can just /umbral

/alias /umbral /multiline ; /itemtarget ${Ground.Search[Umbral Plains Scrying Bowl]}; /timed 3 /click right item ; /timed 15 /notify "Teleport to Umbral Plains" menuselect

I decided to make a resource that has some of the hotkeys I use for my toons - one because I get asked for them a lot and two so I have a record of them if i lost my hard drive or something lol

After the "Bannening" I've decided to try and make all of my hotkeys void of hard-coded names, and use class finds instead
I plan on making some videos in the future available for RG members, once caption gets fixed

Here are some of my older keys:
- Some of these are no longer used, but some folks might find use in checking them out so they're included here still just in case.

Kiss Start Hotkey
i used this to start kiss on everyone that was not a berzerker or rogue in my group (who wasn't the person issuing the command). This uses a ${Select}
you can add any additional class shortnames to the list that you want to skip because they're running something else.

/noparse /bcg //if (!${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER,ROG]}) /mac kissassist assist ${Group.MainTank} 98

Bard Invis - I want bard to stop singing, then toss a fresh selos, then hit invis AA - and everyone to dismount
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /twist off
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /alt act 3704
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /alt act 231
/bcg //dismount

or Multiline Bard Invis - I want bard to stop singing, then toss a fresh selos, then hit invis AA - and everyone to dismount
/noparse /bcg //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 5 /twist off; /alt activate 3704; /alt activate 231
/bcg //dismount

or DanNet bard invis - I want bard to stop singing, then toss a fresh selos, then hit invis AA
/dex bardname  /multiline ; /mqp on; /timed 5 /twist off; /timed 10 /alt activate 3704; /timed 15 /alt activate 231

Pause - this will pause any macro my group is running, and stop any bard from twisting
/bcga //mqp on
/noparse /bcga //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[BRD]}) /timed 5 /twist off

Unpause - unpause
/bcga //mqp off

Visible - makes everyone in my group including me, uninvis
/bcga //makemevis

Remove Levitation - makes everyone remove their levitation buff
/bcga //removelev

MakeMeFall (CWTN Plugins have a makemefall command) - makes everyone remove their levitation buff
/bcga //makemefall

Switch Target
I use both the switchnow and a force target because I run mq2rogue/mq2berzerker and kiss (altho now with switchwithma turned on the cwtn class plugins they will automatically swap with the ma)
/bcga //target id ${Target.ID}
/bcga //switchnow

Manually a Fellowship Camp Fire
This will create a "/setcampfire" button which will create a "generic" fellowship campfire
/alias /setcampfire  /multiline ; /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_RefreshList leftmouseup; /timed 20 /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CampsiteKitList listselect 1; /timed 30 /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CreateCampsite leftmouseup

Manually an Empowered Fellowship Camp Fire
This will create a "/setcampfire" button which will create an "empowered" fellowship campfire. this requires the campfire components.
/alias /setcampfire  /multiline ; /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_RefreshList leftmouseup; /timed 20 /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CampsiteKitList listselect 2; /timed 30 /nomodkey /notify FellowshipWnd FP_CreateCampsite leftmouseup

Have everyone use their mount
this will have everyone mount up with the 1st mount in their mount keyring
/noparse /bcga //if (!${Me.Mount.ID}) /useitem ${Mount[1]}

CWTN Vid: Getting Started with CWTN plugins! (Movement, UI Window, Clickies, Pulling, ETC) Check Here First!
CWTN Class Vids: MQ2Bst || MQ2Berzerker || MQ2Cleric || MQ2Enchanter || MQ2Eskay || MQ2Mage || MQ2Monk || MQ2Rogue || MQ2Shaman ||MQ2War / CWTN Pulling Modes || CWTN UI
CWTN Other Vids: CWTN TypeMembers (${CWTN.MODE}) || MQ2GroundSpawns
Other Videos: Basic MQ2 Overview || "How I Move My Group Around" || MQ2Camera OverView || MQ2AutoGroup/MQ2AutoAccept/MQ2Yes
Other Videos: MQ2FeedMe || MQ2Grind
Sic ToL Mission Vids: Shei Vinitras || Aten Ha Ra || Oubliette || Close the Gate
Sic CoV Mission Vids: Zlandi || The Call || The Crusaders || The Crusaders (Clean Run) || Aaryonar
Sic ToV Mission Vids: Griklor 1.0 || Griklor 2.0 || Seeking The Sorcerer || Icebound Avatar
My Resources: (Kiss Inis, Hotkeys, Macros, etc) || Sic's Hotkeys
My Plugins: MQ2Relocate || MQ2Status || MQ2TSTrophy
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  1. give

    I don't usually do the "update resource" when i add buttons (i add/adjust buttons frequently)...
  2. no update

    no update
  3. added some dannet versions of hotkeys

    - added some dannet versions of hotkeys - cleaned some up into multilines

Latest reviews

Absolutely Brilliant! thank you. If it weren't for people like you, this game would be dull to play. Excellent instruction! I've been playing since Kunark and you have made it fun again
thanks <3
Super useful, easy to input and quick. Only comment is please add a note that /give is an alias and is added to ini.
Such a great resource sic... with many of the quality products you create like these guides I wouldn't be playing EQ and having a blast. Heartfelt thank you
appreciate the kind words
not helpfull
Sorry to hear that, the hundreds of other folks would disagree, but to each their own I guess.
THANK YOU!!! Lots of hard work here and I appreciate it.
you're welcome RWHicks <3 appreciate the kind words
Great guide to setup your shortkeys!
Love this! Great help for getting me started and I keep coming back! Very useful a must watch!
Thank you for all your great work. Really badass!
While you venture back into EQ and play with yourself, you'll need these buttons. Sit down and watch, then watch again, then set up your hotkeys.
One of the resources I come back to time and time again. Thank you!