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Question - Three boxing - how to setup plugins (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2023
I box three chars:


To date I've done my solo work as:

Step 1: Find something to charm
Step 2: Charm it (might take a bit depending on camp setup)
STep 3: Use ranger to pull and kill using InputDirector key macro's to send commands to other computers (true box server)

Cleric + Ranger buff the charmed pet, cleric CH's pet, and heals both toons while ranger does the major work. At this point the enc sits back to tash, dot, slow, mez and recharm when needed.

Now that the trubox server rules are relaxed and we can have all chars on one computer, I want to start using Macroquest. I've installed it, i have it working, i have mesh, nav etc. working

I'm looking at how to setup something similar with the plugins here. It looks like KissAssist could work if I mained the enc and had the ranger sit back and shoot arrows, my worry is enc is highly active, switching targets to mez / slow / etc. What options am I looking at here? Any recommendations?
Hi Onimal,

My first suggestion would to be setup a tank. You have heals and cc down, so that will make your life much easier. If you do not plan to do that, then my next suggestion would be to look into the cwtn plugins for all 3 or at least the 2 you want to automate. This leaves you with one to control and drive with.

If the cost is an issue for the cwtn plugins or your not on test (free there), then KA or RGMercs are two other great options. You can find some KA ini files stored HERE. Keep in mind they take some work to setup in most cases and are not the plug n play option the cwtn pluginds or rgmercs are.

Some links to automation options - Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.).

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like MQ2pluginmanager, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme , and more. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.
Thanks for the reply. I'm using mq2nav, auto loggin, those are working right now - just testing out commands.

I'll look at those, and I was looking at the MQ2Enchanter, MQ2Ranger and MQ2Cleric but still researching how they'd play together.
ah, well there are *many* more plugins than just those. for information on those plugins you'd want to read over the sticky in the cwtn section

Please see >>> Getting Started with CWTN plugins! (Movement, UI Window, Clickies, Pulling, ETC) Check Here First! <<<
Hi Onimal,

My first suggestion would to be setup a tank. You have heals and cc down, so that will make your life much easier. If you do not plan to do that, then my next suggestion would be to look into the cwtn plugins for all 3 or at least the 2 you want to automate. This leaves you with one to control and drive with.

If the cost is an issue for the cwtn plugins or your not on test (free there), then KA or RGMercs are two other great options. You can find some KA ini files stored HERE. Keep in mind they take some work to setup in most cases and are not the plug n play option the cwtn pluginds or rgmercs are.

Some links to automation options - Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.).

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like MQ2pluginmanager, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme , and more. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.
Thanks! I'll look into that.
I've made it to Darkhollow w/o the need for a tank - charmed pet's do quite well, but yes, i'm been thinking of adding a tank to the mix... but then that messes up my merc's later on :P
Thanks! I'll look into that.
I've made it to Darkhollow w/o the need for a tank - charmed pet's do quite well, but yes, i'm been thinking of adding a tank to the mix... but then that messes up my merc's later on :P
I would argue merc's are messed up when compared to any toon, even f2p =)

EDIT- Ok, maybe argue was the wrong use there. Avow is a better choice of words and it also would not pertian to a tank. Need to sub and outfit them for sure!
Thanks! I'll look into that.
I've made it to Darkhollow w/o the need for a tank - charmed pet's do quite well, but yes, i'm been thinking of adding a tank to the mix... but then that messes up my merc's later on :P
Don't forget the Ranger as a tank. They can't handle the really high levels but I do quite well on the COTF and below And that's with a merc healer.
I highly recommend the CWTN plugins, I use them on 5 of my 6 chars and they work really well individually or grouped. If he decides to do one for a bard I'll be first in line, even if his .ini file awesome. They take so much frustration out of the configuration process and let you get to playing successfully almost out of the box.
I highly recommend the CWTN plugins, I use them on 5 of my 6 chars and they work really well individually or grouped. If he decides to do one for a bard I'll be first in line, even if his .ini file awesome. They take so much frustration out of the configuration process and let you get to playing successfully almost out of the box.
there's a release schedule posted in the cwtn sticky
I box three chars:


To date I've done my solo work as:

Step 1: Find something to charm
Step 2: Charm it (might take a bit depending on camp setup)
STep 3: Use ranger to pull and kill using InputDirector key macro's to send commands to other computers (true box server)

Cleric + Ranger buff the charmed pet, cleric CH's pet, and heals both toons while ranger does the major work. At this point the enc sits back to tash, dot, slow, mez and recharm when needed.

Now that the trubox server rules are relaxed and we can have all chars on one computer, I want to start using Macroquest. I've installed it, i have it working, i have mesh, nav etc. working

I'm looking at how to setup something similar with the plugins here. It looks like KissAssist could work if I mained the enc and had the ranger sit back and shoot arrows, my worry is enc is highly active, switching targets to mez / slow / etc. What options am I looking at here? Any recommendations?
@Onimal make a tank...because past a certain point you'll need one...

Run to your desired camp...

make a social key that invites your team...

make a broadcast key on you tank that...
/rg dopull..1 (or whatever the right command in)

make a broadcast key on your tank that tells everyone else to...

AND /rg camphard if you want everyone to stay glued to your campire
OR /rg dochase on ... for everyone to follow you around...

Anything else...is just stupid...THE END
Enough Said Atlas GIF by Leroy Patterson

If you want to level up on that get some plugins...

Or go watch the hours upon hours of video and or content people have written up in dozens of articles
Tim Meadows GIF by ABC Network
I box three chars:


To date I've done my solo work as:

Step 1: Find something to charm
Step 2: Charm it (might take a bit depending on camp setup)
STep 3: Use ranger to pull and kill using InputDirector key macro's to send commands to other computers (true box server)

Cleric + Ranger buff the charmed pet, cleric CH's pet, and heals both toons while ranger does the major work. At this point the enc sits back to tash, dot, slow, mez and recharm when needed.

Now that the trubox server rules are relaxed and we can have all chars on one computer, I want to start using Macroquest. I've installed it, i have it working, i have mesh, nav etc. working

I'm looking at how to setup something similar with the plugins here. It looks like KissAssist could work if I mained the enc and had the ranger sit back and shoot arrows, my worry is enc is highly active, switching targets to mez / slow / etc. What options am I looking at here? Any recommendations?
I've only been running MQ for a couple days and it's made quite the difference. Even if enchanter is a little more labor intensive, once you have kissassist up and the ini's on your other toons, you will be far less focused on them, so it may not even be an issue. The how to videos Sic has made are extremely helpful at getting your feet wet and the basics of the program and the inputs. It obviously delves deeper. However, watch those videos maybe 2 or 3 times (I know I had to) and just give it a try, dont like kissassist, try RGmercs and so on. I so far myself have been happy with kissassist and the premade files you can find in the forums.
I've only been running MQ for a couple days and it's made quite the difference. Even if enchanter is a little more labor intensive, once you have kissassist up and the ini's on your other toons, you will be far less focused on them, so it may not even be an issue. The how to videos Sic has made are extremely helpful at getting your feet wet and the basics of the program and the inputs. It obviously delves deeper. However, watch those videos maybe 2 or 3 times (I know I had to) and just give it a try, dont like kissassist, try RGmercs and so on. I so far myself have been happy with kissassist and the premade files you can find in the forums.
@Not_The_Droid ... nice! I boiled it down to MQ2Eskay, MQ2Berzerker, MQ2Enchanter, and MQ2Cleric...everything else is RGmercs...

Yea i have some kickass ini's for my mage, ranger, and bard i tweaked over two years...but that was a lot of work to get them done.../rgmercs is nearly as good. If you wanna sink some extra plat i'd go MQ2Bard ... whenever @ChatWithThisName and @Sic get to it...in the interim I really enjoyed the betas for Mq2Ranger and I've heard Mq2Necro and Mq2Rogue kick ass...

If you wanna ghetto one i've been trying lately do a blank kissassist w/ rogue and /Lua run lerogue...and ti works fantastic...kissassist controls all movement and /Lua run lerogue kickss ass clicking shit....(that's my ghetto mq2rogue) version.

Now the don't run conflicting automation police can chime in...roll the trolls
troll dancing GIF
troll 1986 GIF by absurdnoise
Typing GIF by ehcat
Thanks for the tips here.
I've setup my toons and hotbars so I could box with regular macro's and make sure the foundation is there for those "oh @#%! moments", going to be playing with KissAssist today.

I haven't looked at Lua yet, going to have to now :P
Now that the trubox server rules are relaxed and we can have all chars on one computer, I want to start using Macroquest. I've installed it, i have it working, i have mesh, nav etc. working
Which server was the true box rules relaxed on?
Which server was the true box rules relaxed on?
This might be what your looking for

Which server was the true box rules relaxed on?

I've been running this for a week or so now and it is great!

Running through progression missions (3 boxing instead of a group) is a bit iffy as you guessed the ranger turns into a speed bump, or the enc dies quickly... but regular camping for xp the setup is quite simple.

Is it possible for KissAssist to work with more than just 1 toon? I understand this is where the $20 packages come in most likely...

I've been running this for a week or so now and it is great!

Running through progression missions (3 boxing instead of a group) is a bit iffy as you guessed the ranger turns into a speed bump, or the enc dies quickly... but regular camping for xp the setup is quite simple.

Is it possible for KissAssist to work with more than just 1 toon? I understand this is where the $20 packages come in most likely...
Kiss will work on as many char as you want... not sure what your asking..
Question - Three boxing - how to setup plugins

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