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Plugin - MQ2GroupInfo (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
Redbot submitted a new resource:

MQ2GroupInfo - Extends the group window with buttons for multiboxing.

New buttons for your group window. Mimic me, come to me and follow me to move your group around, and 3 handy equipment buttons you can set to whatever slot you wish.


To get started, type /plugin mq2groupinfo

Commands and settings are on the wiki,

Read more about this resource...
For anyone using the Default_Old UI https://www.eqinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=4615 here is the fix for GroupDistanceLoc and the Hotbuttons so they fit:

GroupDistanceElementPrefix=Needs to be set when UseGroupLayoutBox is enabled
You should only need the settings that change from the default. I added yours to the distributed ini as well, thanks for the submission!

OK I tried the above info to get this group window to behave. Just like my children it doesn't listen to me. This is how it looks when I log in:
When I want it to look like this:

Below is my Groupinfo file setting for the UI ZLIZ.
; Custom settings built into plugin
GroupDistanceElementPrefix=Needs to be set when UseGroupLayoutBox is enabled
; End Built-In Settings

I change the window. Logged out (all the way and uinloaded MQ2NEXT. Restarted computer and restarted MQ2NEXT. Loaded my toon from profiles and it still happens. Rest to default UI. Logged out and repatch EQ from the EQ launcher. Restarted MQ2NEXT logged in toon. Still Does not look like I want. So I am humbly asking (begging really) for some help.
Thank you in advance. I am sure it is something small and simple that I am not doing....
you need to edit your zliz window to give you enough space for it to always be there

which is what we talked about earlier

here is my group window for zliz


  • EQUI_GroupWindow.xml
    34 KB · Views: 40
Forgive me for being stupid, but the XML file doesn't look anything like the MQ2NEXT groupinfo file. What program should I use to open it? Sorry for being a PITA....
Forgive me for being stupid, but the XML file doesn't look anything like the MQ2NEXT groupinfo file. What program should I use to open it? Sorry for being a PITA....
you need your zliz group window to be large enough to always have room to display it without stretching it manually.

this is your EQ Group window to go inside your zliz folder --- which is why i said "here is my group window for zliz" :)
Sorry SIC, I see my confusion....the EQ GAME FOLDER where Zliz is. NOT the MQ2NEXT mq2group folder. See that is what happens to me when I read too fast and hit the keys without actually using the stuff in head besides keeping my ears apart.
Thank you . Will let you know if it works. If you see a bright flash of light in the Pacific NorthWest you will know that I have blown up my computer.
OK, it worked ...Once again SIC, you saved me from having to buy a new computer keyboard and screen and most likely a new computer. Thanks again. Looking back at the above posts, I can see my mistake...Thank s pal...YOU THE MAN.....
Seems the Come To Me button is not working for me. I'm running Macroquest Test. Is there a plugin command I need to type? The nav tool is up on all my toons but the come to me is dead.
Seems to be a problem with my Meshes. I did run the mesh tool prior to logging everyone in but maybe I messed the install/update up somehow.

Looks like I needed to open the MQ Folder and run the Mesh Updater from there rather than the Launch Mesh Updater button on the launcher UI; they were all missing. I'll report back if that fixed it or not.
you need to edit your zliz window to give you enough space for it to always be there

which is what we talked about earlier

here is my group window for zliz
Have you edited this to work with the new update? No buff window I put in will work, even the default one no longer works with this UI.
Hey everyone,
I've started switching to Dannet and have a question for any Dannet veterans. Is it possible to somehow use the 'Come To Me', 'Follow Me' and 'Mimic Me' buttons with Dannet? When I try to use those buttons, I get told that I need to connect to EQBC.

For now I created a social using /dge <groupname> /nav id ${Me.ID} for 'Come To Me' which works, but would rather use something out of the box if I can.
I think you can ignore this question. I just found this in the MQ2GroupInfo.ini. I assume I can just comment out the EQBC lines and uncomment the Dannet lines instead. I thought I would post this in case anyone else needs this info!
ComeToMeText=Come To Me
;ComeToMeCommand=/dgge /multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /nav id ${Me.ID}
ComeToMeCommand=/bcg //multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /nav id ${Me.ID}
ComeToMeToolTip=/bcg //nav id ${Me.ID}
;NavStopCommand=/dgge /nav stop
NavStopCommand=/bcg //nav stop

FollowMeText=Follow Me
;FollowMeCommand=/dgge /multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /afollow spawn ${Me.ID}
FollowMeCommand=/bcg //multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /afollow spawn ${Me.ID}
FollowMeToolTip=/bcg //multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /afollow spawn ${Me.ID}
;FollowStopCommand=/dgge /multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop
FollowStopCommand=/bcg //multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop

MimicMeText=Mimic Me
;MimicMeSayCommand=/dgge /say
MimicMeSayCommand=/bcg //say
;MimicMeHailCommand=/dgge /keypress HAIL
MimicMeHailCommand=/bcg //keypress HAIL
MimicMeToolTip=Everyone do what I do: targeting, hailing, etc.

; This command will have the spawn ID appended to it
;TargetCommand=/dgge /target id
TargetCommand=/bcg //target id
Does anyone use Drakah UI? I found what I need to make the group window work with mq2groupinfo hot buttons but I am struggling to figure out where to put it. According to https://www.redguides.com/wiki/MQ2GroupInfo I need to use

; Custom settings built into plugin
; End Built-In Settings

I have tried everything I could think of and either nothig noticable happens or the window gets completly messed up.
I think the new Drakah UI broke something. I updated it and now my group window version will not show distance to group. My MQ2GroupInfo.ini section for Drakah looks like this
; Custom settings built into plugin
GroupDistanceElementPrefix=Needs to be set when UseGroupLayoutBox is enabled
; End Built-In Settings

I am sure this could be fixed with what Sic said above for zliz but I am not sure what numbers to change as the EQUI_GroupWindow.xml is rather long. I changed the font size down to 2 in the equi file to see if maybe that was blocking it but the distances are still not showing. This is what it looks like

Also this is the new Drkah group window file in case someone who is smarter than I can figure it out


  • EQUI_GroupWindow.xml
    153.3 KB · Views: 4
Last edited by a moderator:
I would like to put "/bcga //camphere off" in there. I have a button above it now to do it so it's fine but this would be better if possible? =)

edit the groupinfo.ini

wait, what are you asking?

if you can edit the actual come to me, follow me, and mimicme buttons to be something *else*? no, not really, but you can add a camphere off to them
I keep mine like this

I think the new Drakah UI broke something. I updated it and now my group window version will not show distance to group. My MQ2GroupInfo.ini section for Drakah looks like this
; Custom settings built into plugin
GroupDistanceElementPrefix=Needs to be set when UseGroupLayoutBox is enabled
; End Built-In Settings

I am sure this could be fixed with what Sic said above for zliz but I am not sure what numbers to change as the EQUI_GroupWindow.xml is rather long. I changed the font size down to 2 in the equi file to see if maybe that was blocking it but the distances are still not showing. This is what it looks like

Also this is the new Drkah group window file in case someone who is smarter than I can figure it out

Just adjust the group size, in red to fit your box. Inside your EQUI_GroupWindow.xml located in your custom UI folder.

<Screen item="GroupWindow">
I'm getting an error... "MQ2GroupInfo is disabled due to incompatible UI, let the developer know. "
Also for TargetInfo, and xtarinfo.

Now my MQ2 doesn't know who's in my group. Any workaround, since my favorite UI is not actively being worked?

Hi MQ2 seniors,

Thanks to @durango773, I start to experience MQ2 today.

1. After reading similar threads, I checked Nav, Advpath, DanNet, EasyFind, GroupInfo, TargetInfo were all loaded. (green)
2. <Follow Me> function ok, when I target a group member and hit the button, he/she runs to me.
3. <Mimic Me> function ok, when it's enabled, my group members Hail when I Hail, and their target = my target.
4. However, when I target a group member and hit <Come To Me>, no response, looking for the solution here.
5. My buttons look like this, with Sparxx Full UI, what to do with upper 3 empty slots?
Come to me2.jpg
Hi MQ2 seniors,

Thanks to @durango773, I start to experience MQ2 today.

1. After reading similar threads, I checked Nav, Advpath, DanNet, EasyFind, GroupInfo, TargetInfo were all loaded. (green)
2. <Follow Me> function ok, when I target a group member and hit the button, he/she runs to me.
3. <Mimic Me> function ok, when it's enabled, my group members Hail when I Hail, and their target = my target.
4. However, when I target a group member and hit <Come To Me>, no response, looking for the solution here.
5. My buttons look like this, with Sparxx Full UI, what to do with upper 3 empty slots?
View attachment 43468
it uses dannet, and mq2nav with nav meshes as you mentioned.

does it say you have no mesh?

"come to me" doesn't require targeting anyone, it tells your group to come to you - so if you think this is for a non-group member, that is not the case (unless you edited it to do something differently)

5 - you can drop other buttons there if you want them, they are just 3 utility spaces
it uses dannet, and mq2nav with nav meshes as you mentioned.

does it say you have no mesh?

"come to me" doesn't require targeting anyone, it tells your group to come to you - so if you think this is for a non-group member, that is not the case (unless you edited it to do something differently)

5 - you can drop other buttons there if you want them, they are just 3 utility spaces
1. I find this message in MQ2Nav log
E 2022-11-17 22:54:27.236573 [MQ2Nav] Cannot navigate - no mesh file loaded. (C:\agent\_work\1\s\plugins\MQ2Nav\plugin\MQ2Navigation.cpp:988)
So yes Sic you are right, what is <NavMesh> and how to load/use it? I don't see any <Mesh> in PluginManager list.

[5 - you can drop other buttons there if you want them, they are just 3 utility spaces] --> Noted with thanks.
1. I find this message in MQ2Nav log
E 2022-11-17 22:54:27.236573 [MQ2Nav] Cannot navigate - no mesh file loaded. (C:\agent\_work\1\s\plugins\MQ2Nav\plugin\MQ2Navigation.cpp:988)
So yes Sic you are right, what is <NavMesh> and how to load/use it? I don't see any <Mesh> in PluginManager list.

[5 - you can drop other buttons there if you want them, they are just 3 utility spaces] --> Noted with thanks.
Hit these get started videos i shared with you earlier

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
it uses dannet, and mq2nav with nav meshes as you mentioned.

does it say you have no mesh?

"come to me" doesn't require targeting anyone, it tells your group to come to you - so if you think this is for a non-group member, that is not the case (unless you edited it to do something differently)
When I hit <Reload> in Nav Tool, it says [No nav mesh available for poknowledge] in MQ window, no wonder.
MQ2Nav.jpgNo mesh.jpg
did you click the link i've shared a couple times?
please do so.
it shows you how to get nav meshes.
Hi Sic, thank you for patience.
1. My <Come To Me> function ok now, after running Mesh Updater.
2. After watching 4th video in new user guide, I am a bit confusing between /nav, /easyfind, and /travelto

My understanding is:
/nav = move to target/loc in current zone.
/easyfind = move to object on Find in current zone.
/travelto = move to a different zone, even to a specific NPC in that zone.

So /nav and /easyfind are for movement in current zone, while /travelto is for movement to different zones, is it correct?
And it seems /nav is the the mother which /easyfind and /travelto are both based on it.
Hi y'all! Been enjoying very vanilla, but having issues with the Follow Me button out of the box.

I reviewed the other posts here. mq2nav, mq2advpath, mq2dannet are all running.

Come to Me button works like a dream. /nav target works.

But when I use Follow Me the other toons get stuck on everything. It seems like they are /follow but not /afollow and don't follow my main's exact path. Makes it pretty unusable in just about any zone they immediately get stuck.

I tested advpath on each toon with /record /save /play and they were able to run the recorded advpath no problem.

I am not running any VPNs. I uninstalled and deleted macroquest and then reinstalled. mesh updater is all good and updated.

Any ideas on what to do? Seems like something is messing up at the level of communicating between each toon, but again, Come to Me works flawlessly...

Any help is appreciated!

Hi y'all! Been enjoying very vanilla, but having issues with the Follow Me button out of the box.

I reviewed the other posts here. mq2nav, mq2advpath, mq2dannet are all running.

Come to Me button works like a dream. /nav target works.

But when I use Follow Me the other toons get stuck on everything. It seems like they are /follow but not /afollow and don't follow my main's exact path. Makes it pretty unusable in just about any zone they immediately get stuck.

I tested advpath on each toon with /record /save /play and they were able to run the recorded advpath no problem.

I am not running any VPNs. I uninstalled and deleted macroquest and then reinstalled. mesh updater is all good and updated.

Any ideas on what to do? Seems like something is messing up at the level of communicating between each toon, but again, Come to Me works flawlessly...

Any help is appreciated!

TLDR; Use chase, not /afollow.

Afollow has limited use, since all combat programs now support some version of chase. Afollow says come to me, no crap given whats in the way, what the mesh looks like or if there is a GM there. The only time i use it is like jumping off a ledge, and i want my group to follow, not path over it.
Plugin - MQ2GroupInfo

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