
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MQ2EasyFind

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /travelto [zonename] | [zonename] @ [easyfind command] | group [command] | activate | stop | dump
Description Find a route to the specified [zonename] (short or long name) and then follow it.


Option Description
(no option) Display help text
[zonename] Find a route to the specified [zonename] (short or long name) and then follow it.
[zonename] @ [easyfind command] Upon arrival in [zonename], execute [easyfind command] e.g. /travelto poknowledge @ Dogle Pitt
group [command] Broadcasts the command to the group, using the configured group plugin. e.g EasyFind.yaml could have the following configured - GroupPlugin: eqbc
activate If an existing zone path is active (created by the zone guide), activate that path with /travelto
stop Stops an active /travelto
dump Dumps zone information from the zone guide to resources\ZoneGuide.yaml file. It holds interesting information about each connection.


See also