Distance, line of sight and place holder info directly on target
New buttons for your group window. Mimic me, come to me, follow me, and a handy hot button you can set to whatever slot you wish (drag the button to set).
Load the plugin
/plugin mq2targetinfo
Syntax | Description |
/targetinfo [perchar | distance | info | placeholder | sight | reset | reload] [on|off] | Toggle settings on the targetinfo plugin |
Display Customization:
GroupWindow Button locations are configurable in mq2targetinfo.ini (
/groupinfo reload
to apply)Customize commands, texts and tooltips are displayed for the "Follow Me" and "Come to Me" buttons.
Default entries are:
ComeToMeText=Come To Me
ComeToMeCommand=/bcg //nav id ${Me.ID}
ComeToMeToolTip=/bcg //nav id ${Me.ID}
FollowMeText=Follow Me
FollowMeCommand=/bcg //afollow spawn ${Me.ID}
FollowMeeToolTip=/bcg //afollow spawn ${Me.ID}