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Plugin - MQ2DPSAdv (1 Viewer)


RedGuides OG
Jun 15, 2011
MQ2DpsAdv - This plugin shows the dps output of you and people around you in a custom dps window.

COPY MQUI_DpsAdvWnd.xml to /uifiles/default folder or to your custom UI folder.
Then you may have to reload your UI. (MQUI_DpsAdvWnd.xml is included in the compile in the /uifiles/ folder)

Rich (BB code):
/dpsadv show - Show the MQ2DPSAdv Window.
/dpsadv colors - Show the Raid Class Colors Window.
/dpsadv reload - Reload the INI File.
/dpsadv save - Save current settings to INI File.

The two views are <Target> and <MaxDmg>.

The <Target> Setting, it will show the DPS of the fight with your current target.
The <MaxDmg> Setting, it will show the fight with the most total damage.

You can view a history of your fights in the drop down menu in the DPSAdvanced window.

MQ2DPSAdv works best with HitModes set to For You Hit Other: Normal, Abbreviated

Options can be controlled via the settings tab in the UI window.
Rich (BB code):
-- ShowMeTop: This will put an entry at the top of the list for your character.
-- -> Only < #: Causes you to show up at the top of the list only if you are below this rank.
-- UseRaidColors: Activates Raid Coloring. Non-Class Colors changable in INI (Read Below).
-- LiveUpdate: Will cause the DPS Listing to update as soon as damage comes in. This may be CPU Intensive.
-- Show Total: Options to show Total Fight Damage at Top (Above or Below ShowMeTop) or at Bottom.
-- Fight I/A: Amount of time before a fight will be marked In-Active, and not used for MaxDmg. Default 8.
-- Fight T/O: Amount of time before a fight Time's Out and is marked Dead. Default 30.
-- Entry T/O: Amount of time inbetween attacks that must pass to not be counted towards Time DPS Calculation. Should be at least 7 due to DoT-Only Damage being every Tic (6 Seconds). Default 8.

Sample MQ2DPSAdv.in File
Rich (BB code):

View attachment MQUI_DPSAdvWnd.xml
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I just started playing with this plugin today to parse my warriors DPS with couple of different weapon layouts. The problem I'm having is when he does a finishing blow it is significant adding to his DPS, sometimes more then doubling it for a particular fight. Is it possible for the MQ2DPSADV plugin to be altered so that it detects the finishing blow and does NOT add the finishing blow damage to the total, perhaps as a selectable option? I honestly have no idea how difficult this might be, maybe one of the programming wizards could at least tell me if this is not possible.

Thanks in advance for any response.
You want to remove statistic outliers to get a true sense of your sustained dps? I think using GamParse would be the better way to go and just combine the fights. What you're asking does sound simple enough but could be some effort to redo that plugin
Mq2dpsadv is kind of old and limping. the author has not updated it in years. If you are using kiss it has a simple DPS parse after each fight but gamparse is the most advanced.
This is the most recent official version http://elitegamerslounge.com/home/gamparse/GamParse-

Thanks, Maskoi, for the download link. I will give it a try. I hope it is explained or at least painfully obvious how to use it.

I am only occasional using kiss on one of my baby groups, but do steal bits of the program for my own macros. I am trying to understand the "simple" DPS parse, but adapting it to my personal macro does not look that "simple" yet.
Since the patch in August 2018 I don't seem to get any spell damage data in the MQ2DPSAdv reports. My wizard now does not even show up at all, and I expect the damage I see from my magician is only the pet damage. Did anyone else observe this? If anyone knows a fix or work around I'm a taker! I did the RedGuide update but maybe I need to manually update MQ2DPSAdv or something easy like this... Thanks!
I put the xml in my UI's folder (sparxx UI) but when I reload my UI then /dpsadv show it tells me the window doesnt exist. I can get it to show if using the default UI but not sparxx for some reason. Any ideas?
Hey guys, just loaded this up today for the first time.. saw vorpalchicken's twitch stream last night and thought Damn I like that DPS window!

I'm getting what appears to be a split though on my dps for my MA (the toon I am running this dps 'parser' on), a SK...

I have a seperate line for everyone showing their dps, plus one that says me.. so i get two names , my toon name, and one that says "You" ..

the You one reports a low dps, like 25k, and then my toon name one is the dynamic one that is increasing as combat continues on and kill the mob..

Its like its attributing un-assigned damage to the mob as Me.. I've ruled out it isnt my pet's dmg, as I kept him out of the fight and that number still incremented.. but it always happens at the start of the fight (from mob health 100% down to ~75%, varies) then doesn't increment as the group kills it.

It also isn't the first one to show up in the dpsadv window list.. my MA toon name usually appearers first.. like from a riposte while pulling or something..

any thoughts or suggestions?
Hey guys, just loaded this up today for the first time.. saw vorpalchicken's twitch stream last night and thought Damn I like that DPS window!

I'm getting what appears to be a split though on my dps for my MA (the toon I am running this dps 'parser' on), a SK...

I have a seperate line for everyone showing their dps, plus one that says me.. so i get two names , my toon name, and one that says "You" ..

the You one reports a low dps, like 25k, and then my toon name one is the dynamic one that is increasing as combat continues on and kill the mob..

Its like its attributing un-assigned damage to the mob as Me.. I've ruled out it isnt my pet's dmg, as I kept him out of the fight and that number still incremented.. but it always happens at the start of the fight (from mob health 100% down to ~75%, varies) then doesn't increment as the group kills it.

It also isn't the first one to show up in the dpsadv window list.. my MA toon name usually appearers first.. like from a riposte while pulling or something..

any thoughts or suggestions?

I've been getting similar. I've been assuming it is from DOT damage or banestrike.
How do I get to save dps adv settings so that when i log in, i dont have to unclick the esc to close and lock....

I had to actually go into my UI file and edit it there. It is in your EQ folder. The file will be UI_Charactername_Servername.
Search for: [DPSAdvWnd]
Then change Escapable=1 to Escapable=0.
Save and close.
Line = 0x019f38dc "A miserable crusader's mind burns from YOUR feedback for 2000 points of non-melee damage."

is a cause of a crash currently. Feedback line of damage shields should be avoided while using MQ2DPSAdv until the fix can be added. Just got a new computer so take me a day or two to get setup properly.
I'm unsure, the EntEnd index was -1 on an Integer, which caused it to flip to a max negative value, violation the size of the string. as it happens when setting MobName[EntEnd] to \0 following the Damage shield parsing in SplitStringNonMelee. Since it's being access that way it might not work?
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Hi guys, new here. I just installed MQ2 vanilla and am playing around with the addons =)
however, I cannot get the MQ2DPSAdv to work. I have the latest xml from the forums, closed everything just to be sure and started only 1 character. In the MQ2 window I type /dpsadv show. It then gives me the message that DPSWND does not exist and to try reloading. I reload and no different.

great job guys. took my time from moloing gribble from an hour and 15minutes to 36 minutes for the first mission =)
oh and I have selected it as a plugin for the updater as well. I've also updated a few times just to be sure.
oh and I have selected it as a plugin for the updater as well. I've also updated a few times just to be sure.
I have copied the MQUI_DPSAdvWnd.xml file from my MQ2 -> Rlease -> UIFiles folder to my custom ui folder (I'm not even sure that is necessary)--- even after doing that the first time I load mq2dpsadv, I still need to zone or camp to char screen or reload my ui in some form and then /dspadv show works
That was it! Thanks Sicprofundus! I had to put the xml files into my custom UI folder like you mentioned.

Appreciate it!
Anyone know how to share the information from DPSADV? like /showdpsadv or something? or is there a means?
What do you mean by share? Put it on the clipboard like GamParse?

I just added timers to it so you can see how long a specific player was engaged.

Will see if people like this update or not.
Is there an east way to save the settings on the DPSADV window? Seems to default to 'esc to close' and at the moment I am having to manually select it off each time I run EQ.
I take back my previous statement. I've tried to verify this fix as functioning, but there appears that there might be something wrong with SetEscapable(bool bBool) and SetEscapableLocked(bool bBool) functions of CCustomWnd struct as they don't appear to do anything. I must have already toggled this manually when I went to check it.
So I was working on DPSAdv and I wanted the numbers that it output to be readable. I wanted them to be comma delimited so that I could more readily see the output and be able to make sense of it in my head without counting numbers.


goal achieved!

Then @Sic was like bro....can you make it put like 646 k, 1.5m etc instead?

I was like pft, challenge accepted. and what's this instead stuff?! I was like, Imma make it both!

(I didn't really say all that, I kinda cried at the idea of trying to make this happen in code but delved deep into my soul for the strength and determination needed to make this happen)

Quite some time later.


Given the amount of updates I went ahead and dubbed this DPS Advanced 1.3.00 as the changes were large enough not to consider them minor, but not significant enough to justify a full version number update I think.

You can switch between the two number output types using a checkbox I've added to the Settings tab.


(ignore the fact the version is incorrect in the window, was taken during testing.)

Use T B M K Numbers.....it's a mouthful, I didn't know what to call it. check the box, it changes the output immediately. Doesn't matter if it's mid fight or not.

I'm going to get these changes ready for submission, so hopefully you'll see this on the next live update!
Plugin - MQ2DPSAdv

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