- Other Authors
- WARNEN, ChatWithThisName, wired420, brainiac, Knightly, ctaylor22, drwhomphd, Redbot, Sic
- Included in Very Vanilla
- Included! No need to download.
MQ2DpsAdv - This plugin shows the dps output of you and people around you in a custom dps window.
Quick start:
/plugin dpsadv load
/reloadui (you have to reload your ui if loading it for the first time)
/dpsadv show
The two views are <Target> and <MaxDmg>.
The <Target> Setting, it will show the DPS of the fight with your current target.
The <MaxDmg> Setting, it will show the fight with the most total damage.
You can view a history of your fights in the drop down menu in the DPSAdvanced window.
MQ2DPSAdv works best with HitModes set to For You Hit Other: Normal, Abbreviated
Options can be controlled via the settings tab in the UI window.
Sample MQ2DPSAdv.ini File
Quick start:
/plugin dpsadv load
/reloadui (you have to reload your ui if loading it for the first time)
/dpsadv show
Syntax | Description |
/dpsadv [show | colors | reload | save | listsize | copy | limit] [setting] | Adjust settings or view information on the MQ2DPSAdv plugin. |
Rich (BB code):
/dpsadv show - Show the MQ2DPSAdv Window.
/dpsadv colors - Show the Raid Class Colors Window.
/dpsadv reload - Reload the INI File.
/dpsadv save - Save current settings to INI File.
The two views are <Target> and <MaxDmg>.
The <Target> Setting, it will show the DPS of the fight with your current target.
The <MaxDmg> Setting, it will show the fight with the most total damage.
You can view a history of your fights in the drop down menu in the DPSAdvanced window.
MQ2DPSAdv works best with HitModes set to For You Hit Other: Normal, Abbreviated
Options can be controlled via the settings tab in the UI window.
Rich (BB code):
-- ShowMeTop: This will put an entry at the top of the list for your character.
-- -> Only < #: Causes you to show up at the top of the list only if you are below this rank.
-- UseRaidColors: Activates Raid Coloring. Non-Class Colors changable in INI (Read Below).
-- LiveUpdate: Will cause the DPS Listing to update as soon as damage comes in. This may be CPU Intensive.
-- Show Total: Options to show Total Fight Damage at Top (Above or Below ShowMeTop) or at Bottom.
-- Fight I/A: Amount of time before a fight will be marked In-Active, and not used for MaxDmg. Default 8.
-- Fight T/O: Amount of time before a fight Time's Out and is marked Dead. Default 30.
-- Entry T/O: Amount of time inbetween attacks that must pass to not be counted towards Time DPS Calculation. Should be at least 7 due to DoT-Only Damage being every Tic (6 Seconds). Default 8.
Sample MQ2DPSAdv.ini File
Rich (BB code):
- Source Repository
- https://github.com/RedGuides/MQ2DPSAdv
- [git] Automation options?
- Yes