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Multiboxing EverQuest: The Red Guide (videos)

Guide Multiboxing EverQuest: The Red Guide (videos)

Software Requirements
Windows 10 or greater
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
These videos are made to get absolute beginners running a full group in ~30 minutes. Please watch them in order as some concepts build on one another.

If you have any issues with initial setup, head to the discussion and let us know.

The Full Playlist

1/5) How to Install Very Vanilla (Our Version of MacroQuest)

Download location for the launcher: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/redguides-launcher.1255/
Migrating from an older/other version (2021 or earlier): https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/macroquest-migrator.2156/

2/5) AutoLogin: Multiple EverQuest Character Login for Multiboxing

AutoLogin manual: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2autologin.86/
Up-to-date list of server shortnames: https://www.redguides.com/wiki/Server_short_names

3/5) DanNet: Control your EverQuest Multibox Group

DanNet resource: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2dannet.322/
Sic's hotkeys: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/sics-hotkeys.1150/

4/5) Nav: How Multibox Groups Navigate EverQuest

Nav Resource: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2nav.146/
Nav Mesh Updater: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/meshupdater-mq2nav-meshes.1270/
Zone short names: https://www.redguides.com/wiki/Zone_short_names

5/5) KissAssist: EverQuest's All-Class Multibox Macro

KissAssist INI Library: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/categories/kissassist-ini-library.18/
KissAssist resource: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/kissassist.4/
KissAssist manual: https://www.redguides.com/wiki/KissAssist

Discuss this video series here:
Minimum Required Level
First release
Last update
4.48 star(s) 21 ratings

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  1. Updated for the new "MacroQuest"

    Updated for MacroQuest (dev name "Next"), intended for brand new six boxers.
  2. mq2nav tutorial updated

    MQ2Nav tutorial updated to showcase @wired420's excellent mesh updater, and to include the new...

Latest reviews

Needed this one
Forgets to mention to even try to program in its base form you need to pay.
iam new to this, so i need to learn how this works out, helpfull video thx.
Great high level overview!
First time using MQ2. Found the videos very helpful. Ran a couple toons with basic commands, then started a couple level 1 toons to explore using KissAssist. So far, working good.
Watching these videos got me up and running fast. For being my first time dealing with something like this I very much appreciate the details and step by step instructions.
Great guide
Returned to game and wanted a little extra help. First time using anything like this and I'm not a very computer savvy fellow. I did my homework and messaged a few people where to start and how their experience was and everyone was more than helpful. I started at level 1 with a 6 box crew sk, zerk, zerk, bst, bard, shaman and playing just the evenings after work I have made it to level 90 in a week. Super easy to setup and use out of the box Im sure there are more features I can utilize and more i can be doing but i'm super happy with the results so far. after a few days i figured out how to edit my kissassist files myself and then found it very easy to customize my abilities. I have had to ask some dumb questions and everyone was great and responded quickly to my question. Great that so many people have provided ini files for us to use I have found some great ones and some that were a little buggy for my setup and in just a minute or two you can adjust to something new. Super easy and fast! I wish I would have gotten into this years ago cant wait to see what current content is like with this setup. I'm going to add MQ2Berzerker next and see how that goes but so far if your on the fence or intimidated with your pc dont be this is so easy to use. The only pitfall i fell into was maybe updating to often and hitting bazaar for gear to often. I think I would have been further along if i just did the grind and not worried about staying maxed on skills/gear every 5 levels.
Appreciate the walk throughs
Thank you for these videos. As someone coming from the EQEmu side of things, these were a godsend. These helped me with some basic level help that anyone can follow, especially since I have never used RGs MQ2 before. I've used older versions of MQ2, and a macro similar to KA. Now I have 50C, and I am ready to party.