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IRL - Second time returner, first time boxing... er boxer? (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 31, 2022
Hello everyone,

I'm returning to the game again after a year or more away. I last played on Mangler from LDON to OOW and before that back in 1999 from classic to Velious. I have been playing around in the tutorial making and then deleting toons on various live servers and while researching I can across this community. I'm excited to get started playing the game in a new way and experiencing and discovering more about the game that has never let hold of me.

I'm presently looking over all of the macros and feeling a little lost. While I'm sure I'll figure it all I appreciate any guidance on this journey. My overall idea in game is to level a 6-box team to level 85 and then swap out the cleric for a heroic rogue I created before I let my account lapse. The team I'm planning, after reading the forums is as follows: SK, SHM, BRD, BST, RNG and CLR(ROG). I figure this will provide for a great F2P experience until 85ish. At that point I think I will rotate them using krono for AA granting. This seams to be advised in various post for returning players like myself.

I will continue to make my way across the community and site. In the meantime, if you have any advice or wisdom, it is greatly apricated.

Hey! Welcome back!!!!!

So, four trains of thought. Free/Free, Free/Gold, RGPaid/Free, and RGPaid/Gold.

The 1st is using free resources from RG like KA, RGMercs, etc and Free to play accounts. The 2nd is Free resources, paid gold accounts via Kronos, or Subscription. The 3rd is spending a little cash on paid plugins/macros/Lua resources and free accounts. The last is same as 3rd, but gold accounts.

I do the 4th option but assume I am starting over again, just like you are now. I would still choose 4 (3 if I was short on funds) because the CWTN Plugins are FANTASTIC. Unbelievably fantastic. Since most of your current/future classes have CWTN resources (SHD, SHM, BST, CLR, ROG) option 3 or 4 is hands down the most solid approach IMHO. For BRD/RNG any of the other resources are fine. You could also swap out the RNG for a BER. Again, IMHO. With your already good class setup, BER benefits more than the RNG, and there is a CWTN resource for BER.

I would push hard for mid 90s before buying Krono and autogrant. The AA's will help you level, plus you can maximize the efficiency of the Kronos by hitting 110 with them and all of the AA's autogranted at 110. You will then need to farm 5-8k on your own for max AA at 110.

My thoughts on the matter.
ya. Might want to rethink the aa auto grant timing. its kind of a waste below 110. If u can handle the slow kills, do tank early.. u don't need dps and heals pumped if your tank has the aa's. can get to 110 easily enough and save your cash a bit longer.

Eq is all about the tank. Put a granite chin on your guy who takes punches in the face and its pretty fun.

also, welcome back!:) all the best, this site rocks. enjoy it and the people and resources on it
Wow, Shadow, Zeusdracco, thank you both for the response!

I like the ideas of swapping the RNG for a BER and waiting till 110 to pay for the auto granting of AA.

I am leaning towards progressing to the RGPaid/Free and RGPaid/Gold models.

I am also interested in the code used for the macros, Lua and plugins. I had played with my own automation attempts using AHK for leveling spells and skills in the past.

Also, really liking this community!

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Note that the waiting to 110+ to spend the krono for AA auto grant strategy is mostly based on having a character available to PL the team. If raising the team from scratch, then as Zeus says you should at least make the tank gold while leveling up. Just understand that without any AA the rest of the team will really suffer, and kills will be very slow.

For reference, I am leveling an FTP team ATM. The tank on that team is a gold level 120SK with max AAs. The rest of the team (ENC, MAG, MAG, BER, CLR) is now level 119 1/2 with all current spells. The SK still does 65-70% of the groups total damage when killing mobs. Grinding mobs for XP with this group is not very productive.

The only way leveling this group is viable is that they went from level 110 to 119+ by progression (ToV and ToL) using my mains to do the heavy lifting, and by cashing in collectibles (the 50% bonus helped with that, which was a nice surprise this weekend). My plan is that when they hit 120 to rotate a krono through each of them for the 110 auto grant, then donate vitality to just one toons at a time from the main group to hopefully get AAs at a decent rate.

TL;DR - tank and at least one DPS char both gold might be required to help the whole team level more quickly.
Gucci Mane Jeezy GIF by Verzuz
Hey You Hello GIF by Regal
I couldn't imagine the 70s to 80s transition (assuming no power leveling) trying to tank without AAs. The mobs start hitting like freaking trucks in the Underfoot era and beyond. I am still traumatized by my buddy taking me (SHD) to HOT courtyard at 79 or so and that was with a sub. I also didn't use KA as extensively at that point in time, though and was running the tank completely manually.
Vandersl, thank you for the valuable input. I'm not worried about the time sink of the leveling grind but I see the point you and Zeusdracco are making. I don't have any method for and didn't intend on pursuing power leveling. I had assumed I would take breaks from leveling to grind AAs but sounds like that might not be efficient or advisable. My experience in the game is from the old days or a limited time on TLP.

(wave) Beastmann

Sivispacem - I'm starting to get an idea, I really don't know what I'm in for. Correct me if I'm getting this wrong, typically you drive the tank and focus heavily on the tank for the party's survivability. So a hybrid approach of gold for the tank 70+ and then rotate the others near 110.

Oh random question: the CWTN plugins what level range are those intended for? I assume I can get by initially without them. They seem to provide a lot of "late" game (from my pov) support.

I'm slowing perusing RG for guidance and I appreciate everyone's input! Presently reading MrPatate's guide for ideas.

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Ya, my suggestions are based on efficiency since you mentioned rotating a krono between characters. Obviously the easiest way to go would be to keep all 6 toons gold and level them all at the same time, stopping for AAs as you go.

As for the CWTN plugins - absolutely recommended, as they avoid the need to get / tweak new INI files every couple of levels. I hear good things about RG Mercs from this perspective as well, but no experience with that myself. But you may want to tweak the INI files and get into the details, as they help learn the class. So your call.
Yes, focus should be on the tank first to gear and gold (sub) as your group will die very quickly if your tank can't take hits. If you aren't getting PLed, I would rotate and split up subs based on finances, but keep the tank subbed while you're playing. I did it that way and it worked out fine. The b

To add to this: up until ~65-70 the gear you find along the way will be sufficient as the defiant armor & accessory drops are FAR better than anything you'll find in era. You will find spots where you might want to stake your claim to a named for a tanking 1h drop. There's a giant in Goru`kar Mesa who drops a 1hander that's got a good ratio, but has a level req/rec. MOSS is still good from lvl 1 and should be cheap in the bazaar. Once you move into Underfoot (76-80) you'll notice where you were recently tearing through content, you'll now be looking through your combat log to see just how hard that white/yellow con hit you. Heck, I think even in SOD, the hits were starting to feel pretty heavy.

If you are on live servers, the HH event is going on and the gear that drops in those zones would make that transitional point far easier for you. I'm sure you could get ahold of someone here or in your guild(?) to help you pre-gear up during June & July. HH is a fun excuse to revisit some old zones.
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Sivispacem, thank you again for the great advice! I really appreciate it!

It has been difficult to find time to play this week, the little time I've found has been spent learning to use VV.

I hope to have all the toons out of the tutorial this weekend and start honestly leveling.

I have the platinum that is provided to a heroic so shopping the bazaar is very possible. Unless I should be save for some reason.

I'm not presently in a guild. I've been alt-tabbing toons on FV for a few months before finding this community. Now, I'm (sort of) all in with 6 new toons on Bertox (when I can find the time)!

I wanted to update everyone.

My team is level 32 now. I swapped from RGMercs to KissAssist at level 20. I also switched from using EQBCS to DanNet after watching a few more of the extremely helpful videos.

I made the mistake of trying the level 25 daily task in Stoneburnt. That was a waste of time which was salvaged by switching to the moors.

All in all, I'm really enjoying this play style. Fun with little stress! Looking forward to trying my hand at epics later. Do we have any resource for which are worth the effort?

I should look at LDoN too, that could be fun.

Anyway, thank you all for the fun and advice!

I am just returning as well. currently boxing 1 110 group 1 75 ish group and just made 6 more groups i will be boxing current raids within 2 months hoping to add 2 more crew's to my team total 42 toons if i can ill make it an even 54 !!
I am just returning as well. currently boxing 1 110 group 1 75 ish group and just made 6 more groups i will be boxing current raids within 2 months hoping to add 2 more crew's to my team total 42 toons if i can ill make it an even 54 !!

I was thinking about starting another team as the F2P accounts allow for two toons. The idea is to try different classes: PLD, DRU, ENC, MAG, something, something. I'm collecting a lot of defiant armor that is just not being used.

I could use my heroic ROG in this group once they hit 85ish and leave the CLR in the first team. Use a healer merc, and maybe have the ROG as an out of group @49% PL? This management style of play is quite fun and interesting.

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I started team2 this morning.

I decided to alter the idea above a little, Swapping PLD for WAR and moving the CLR form leveling with team 1 to team 2. Using the ROG and CLR as out of party PL until the teams catch up.

T1: SHD, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG, BER - level 32 presently, except for the heroic ROG
T2: WAR, DRU, ENC, MAG, CLR, ...

I'm not sure what to fill out team 2 with yet. I was considering WIZ or another MAG. Any thought, concerns, or suggestions?

Anyway, good luck, have fun!

I started team2 this morning.

I decided to alter the idea above a little, Swapping PLD for WAR and moving the CLR form leveling with team 1 to team 2. Using the ROG and CLR as out of party PL until the teams catch up.

T1: SHD, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG, BER - level 32 presently, except for the heroic ROG
T2: WAR, DRU, ENC, MAG, CLR, ...

I'm not sure what to fill out team 2 with yet. I was considering WIZ or another MAG. Any thought, concerns, or suggestions?

Anyway, good luck, have fun!


@EQ74 Glad you are enjoying yourself upon your return. Coincidentally your T1 is close to my melee team (PAL, BRD, SHM, BER, BER, ROG).

With that said I was wondering what are you using to control the ROG? I use this team as my experimental team because of its level. When I use RGMercs, the ROG always wants to sneak/hide and lags way behind the group when moving. I plan to use KA next to see if that helps.

Be well.
I started team2 this morning.

I decided to alter the idea above a little, Swapping PLD for WAR and moving the CLR form leveling with team 1 to team 2. Using the ROG and CLR as out of party PL until the teams catch up.

T1: SHD, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG, BER - level 32 presently, except for the heroic ROG
T2: WAR, DRU, ENC, MAG, CLR, ...

I'm not sure what to fill out team 2 with yet. I was considering WIZ or another MAG. Any thought, concerns, or suggestions?

Anyway, good luck, have fun!

Unless you are hand playing the druid, id drop it for a mag, and add a necro in 6th slot.. just my 2cp worth. druids can do massive short/med dmg, but suck on the longer fights, and are super hard to automate effectivly.
I started team2 this morning.

I decided to alter the idea above a little, Swapping PLD for WAR and moving the CLR form leveling with team 1 to team 2. Using the ROG and CLR as out of party PL until the teams catch up.

T1: SHD, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG, BER - level 32 presently, except for the heroic ROG
T2: WAR, DRU, ENC, MAG, CLR, ...

I'm not sure what to fill out team 2 with yet. I was considering WIZ or another MAG. Any thought, concerns, or suggestions?

Anyway, good luck, have fun!

T1 is Perfect. That is my combo. Love it, love it LOVE IT!

T2 - WAR, CLR, ENC (Trinity), MAG, MAG, BST. In my opinion at least. Ports aren't necessary. BST gives you extra heals, DPS, Shaman buffs.

As I said before, never had a druid, and Durango mentioned above, hard to automate. As far as his Necro suggestion? I loved my old Necro, 1st toon I ever created. I don't know how solid they are in the group game though.
T1 is Perfect. That is my combo. Love it, love it LOVE IT!

T2 - WAR, CLR, ENC (Trinity), MAG, MAG, BST. In my opinion at least. Ports aren't necessary. BST gives you extra heals, DPS, Shaman buffs.

As I said before, never had a druid, and Durango mentioned above, hard to automate. As far as his Necro suggestion? I loved my old Necro, 1st toon I ever created. I don't know how solid they are in the group game though.
Bst or necro both good picks.
BST with combat buffs for the group and pets, fero, para.

Necro some support for the group (synergy), + more pets for mage shock line... they do take a few seconds to spin up DPS, I have recently been playing my 3 necros, and its like start combat, meh, meh, 25 seconds in SLAM, mob evaporates.
@Elbrin I haven't used my ROG for anything yet, other than by hand. ROG is one of the two classes I played on a TLP in the past. I would think that KissAssist would give you more control than RGMrecs. Maybe MuleAssist, but I haven't tried or researched that macro yet.

@durango773 Interesting about the druid. I tend to be drawn to classes that I've had fun grouping with in the past. Which is to say I like trying my hand at classes that were played by cool people. The players leave a positive experience that I associate with the various race and class combination. I'm just sentimental I guess.

@durango773, @Shadow I like the idea of the pet party. While I haven't played mage before, beast is the best. I really like this idea, MAGx2 + BST. It gives me plenty of options for race variety too!

What is everyone's favorite race for BST? I favor Iksar. How is the PlantLord?

Thank you all for the input and interest!

@Elbrin I haven't used my ROG for anything yet, other than by hand. ROG is one of the two classes I played on a TLP in the past. I would think that KissAssist would give you more control than RGMrecs. Maybe MuleAssist, but I haven't tried or researched that macro yet.

@durango773 Interesting about the druid. I tend to be drawn to classes that I've had fun grouping with in the past. Which is to say I like trying my hand at classes that were played by cool people. The players leave a positive experience that I associate with the various race and class combination. I'm just sentimental I guess.

@durango773, @Shadow I like the idea of the pet party. While I haven't played mage before, beast is the best. I really like this idea, MAGx2 + BST. It gives me plenty of options for race variety too!

What is everyone's favorite race for BST? I favor Iksar. How is the PlantLord?

Thank you all for the input and interest!

Really consider using all CWTN plugins for everything that you can. SHD, SHM, BST, MAG, BER, ROG, BST, CLR, WAR, ENC. I think that is it. If on Test, they are free to use, if not, still worth the investment. Simple configuration by following the Instructions/FAQ for each and you are on your way. These truly are Set It and Forget It. Occasionally you will adjust settings, but in my case, rarely have to. Then either RGMercs or KA for the toons you cannot use CTWN plugins. I personally prefer RGMercs while leveling, so you don't have to change .ini files every 5 levels. When you get higher, switch to KA for more personalized options. IMHO - RGMercs is too slow to recognize when to mez versus KA.

Race - I try to go tiny is best. Unfortunately for BST, not really possible so I chose Vahshir. It really depends on how you want to look. I love gnomes, so I try to go gnome whenever I can.
Not sure if min/maxing matters anymore so I have been trying to stay Neutral and Agnostic. I like strolling through Neriak every now and again.
So.. I have started a trio on Test.

I took some time away from the game after having a stalker on Bertox.

I figure I was two obvious running around in POK with six low level toons in defiant. I decided I didn't want to deal with someone looking to play that game. Just didn't seem that I would find that fun.

I figure running three toons and using mercs will draw less attention.

So.. I have started a trio on Test.

I took some time away from the game after having a stalker on Bertox.

I figure I was two obvious running around in POK with six low level toons in defiant. I decided I didn't want to deal with someone looking to play that game. Just didn't seem that I would find that fun.

I figure running three toons and using mercs will draw less attention.

I personally wouldn't hold back and play however many you want to play. Just because there are purist idiots out there, shouldn't deter you from playing your way, for your enjoyment. Make 7 accounts, or better yet, testcopy a high level account if you have one. Take the other 6 low levels and never go to PoK for a while, use the 7th as the go between and errand boy until they are all higher levels, IMHO.
I personally wouldn't hold back and play however many you want to play. Just because there are purist idiots out there, shouldn't deter you from playing your way, for your enjoyment. Make 7 accounts, or better yet, testcopy a high level account if you have one. Take the other 6 low levels and never go to PoK for a while, use the 7th as the go between and errand boy until they are all higher levels, IMHO.
Agree w/ shadow man. Don't get paranoid out the gates, purist idiots won't care if you're boxing 3 or 6...they'll get sour no matter what. So you just fly under the radar and avoid engaging with them. When they come around ... i'll gladly move to an instance or a different camp and leave them alone. They're usually soloing or bugging other players ... because no one will group them to begin with.
Necro bump!

Hello everyone!

I have been away from the game and RG for about a year and a half. Life, etc. Been itching to play again so I'm downloading the game and VV to my new computer and starting fresh. Been lurking a few days while I figured out my user name and passwords. Which has given me time to figure out what I want to role.

I'm planning on rolling the following crew:

Not sure which server yet, need to look at all of my old f2p accounts and see what I have or can salvage.

Anyway, it is nice to be back, I always enjoy the forums.

IRL - Second time returner, first time boxing... er boxer?

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