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Discussion - My Lead Group Composition Dissected (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023

All running CTWN Plugins

The Shaman is my main character but they also happen to be in a great place right now. They can heal anything outside a raid. They have the deadliest DOTs in the game. Shaman is a must have for any group.

I chose the Pally over the SK to have a 2nd rezzer. Boy am I glad I did. I have an SK same level and he can't tank the same mobs my Pally can. Hey I just run the plugins. I don't consider myself a tank expert.

The third rezzer in the group. And that has saved my bacon from many a full on Louis Roberts pull and wipe. Folks say the Necro isn't good in short fights. Last I checked their DOTs still land in short fights. You have a Rogue Pet that will pet swarm. That's pretty good. Plus if the tank dies the Necro can hold off a mob and or rez the tank.

This was a rather easy choice. Most parsers consider the Mage to be the Most lethal caster.
Pet toys are just a bonus.

The Beastlord is usually the last to die if you wipe. They are just sturdy. With a strong pet and spells that stem from the Shaman line. The Beastlord can keep the fight going while you rez other group members. It's just a quality choice.

When it came to choosing Enchanter over Bard it was really about the Plugin. Having the continuity to run Hunter Tank, Puller Tank or Manual with just a simple selection. You know what the Enchanter does. Crowd Control.

My Group is a Defensive minded group. 3 rezzers, 3 per classes. It's about staying in the fight for me. I have Rogues and Rangers and I have set up groups to PL with very elite Rogue and Ranger in a headshot and backstabbing camp. But they died quickly. I had to replace them and PL with a Beastlord and Necro. It's what worked for me
Love the different group aside from just doing a sk shm bard rog rog rog haha,

Now my main group consist of Sk, Clr, Bard, Zerk, Zerk, Bst, I mained the cleric for 10 years so Always kept him around, As for tank I chose SK to assist in raiding and the epic for our warrior group is needed, As for the melee dps I went with 2 zerks and a bst because back when decap was OP I ran Zerks hah, Bard is fancy, granite no plugin but there are plenty of other good assists to help!
I think people giving advice here rarely take into consideration wipe prevention like this.

makes me wonder how much better people are than me... i wipe all the time lol, glad to see its a priority for someone else
i feel like enchanter alone would have prevented alot of wipes, but its so hard to let go of the bard. if i forget to start my kissassist i can always tell hes not running because my DPS turns to crap. so many little inconveniences compared to cwtn plugins.

All running CTWN Plugins

The Shaman is my main character but they also happen to be in a great place right now. They can heal anything outside a raid. They have the deadliest DOTs in the game. Shaman is a must have for any group.

I chose the Pally over the SK to have a 2nd rezzer. Boy am I glad I did. I have an SK same level and he can't tank the same mobs my Pally can. Hey I just run the plugins. I don't consider myself a tank expert.

The third rezzer in the group. And that has saved my bacon from many a full on Louis Roberts pull and wipe. Folks say the Necro isn't good in short fights. Last I checked their DOTs still land in short fights. You have a Rogue Pet that will pet swarm. That's pretty good. Plus if the tank dies the Necro can hold off a mob and or rez the tank.

This was a rather easy choice. Most parsers consider the Mage to be the Most lethal caster.
Pet toys are just a bonus.

The Beastlord is usually the last to die if you wipe. They are just sturdy. With a strong pet and spells that stem from the Shaman line. The Beastlord can keep the fight going while you rez other group members. It's just a quality choice.

When it came to choosing Enchanter over Bard it was really about the Plugin. Having the continuity to run Hunter Tank, Puller Tank or Manual with just a simple selection. You know what the Enchanter does. Crowd Control.

My Group is a Defensive minded group. 3 rezzers, 3 per classes. It's about staying in the fight for me. I have Rogues and Rangers and I have set up groups to PL with very elite Rogue and Ranger in a headshot and backstabbing camp. But they died quickly. I had to replace them and PL with a Beastlord and Necro. It's what worked for me
@RobRenfro ... or you could just get a cleric that battle rezzes like a boss...never worry about dying (at least due to healing)...and get yourself back 2 better dps classes...

Just saying...i understand the appeal of a shamn but Tank/Bard/Enc/Cleric.... + 2 dps of whatever flavor you prefer

Why enc + bard? ... max adps/dps during burns ... more active auras ... and 2 extra NPC pets when shit hits the fan ... with two instant aoe mezzes ...

...if you die you fucked up...

Battlestar Galactica Bill Adama GIF by PeacockTV

Don't believe me...go charm two siren pets in COV...or two dragons in WW...or whatever mean mob you can think of...and add them to your fighting dps count...
I run Pal, Dru, Bst, Brd, Rng, Zrk .

Its a bit different, and a bit less good at small burst windows (Heroes are Forged is suuuper annoying at times because of that), but works just fine in most situations
I appreciate the breakout and reasoning for it. Its put some things in perspective for me. And that truly, all groups are viable as long as you have a healer and tank. And I hadnt thought about having 3 classes that can rezz. because like you've said, My pulling and groups go sideways all the time. I've thought about going gold on 3 more accounts for the 100 hero boost and then making a new group and going from there. I appreciate your sharing. Thank you.
Aye, I really liked running bard/bst/war/dru/mag/pal and I ran it for a long time until I got fed up with druid mana issues. Having 2 res, multiple off tanks and more than sufficient DPS for the group game made it a fairly fun all-rounder type of group. Recently replaced the Dru with an Enc and Pal with a Clr since I'm not having wipe issues, or even coming close with the enc/bard duo along with multiple pets. I still don't like dot classes much though, even on the bard. Vast majority of current expansion mobs drop long before my melody even goes through 1 full cycle. It's ridiculous how poorly designed the group game has become, especially in the past decade.
@RobRenfro ... or you could just get a cleric that battle rezzes like a boss...never worry about dying (at least due to healing)...and get yourself back 2 better dps classes...

Just saying...i understand the appeal of a shamn but Tank/Bard/Enc/Cleric.... + 2 dps of whatever flavor you prefer

Why enc + bard? ... max adps/dps during burns ... more active auras ... and 2 extra NPC pets when shit hits the fan ... with two instant aoe mezzes ...

...if you die you fucked up...

Battlestar Galactica Bill Adama GIF by PeacockTV

Don't believe me...go charm two siren pets in COV...or two dragons in WW...or whatever mean mob you can think of...and add them to your fighting dps count...
Enc/brd in same group may be overkill, but it gives me variety when I decide to drive random stuff with friends.
I prefer to create groups based on aDPS buffs and synergy AAs that actually complement each other. This often leads to melee groups versus caster groups, and it has been successful for me.
Hey man I started playing a similar group to yours not to long ago. I'm running Pal/Bard/Shaman/Beastlord/Mage and i really cant figure out what to put for the last character. I'm playing with the idea of a Druid for the third. With a bard/BL/Mag and proper tweaking of the BYOS i think the druid could do respectable sustained without going oom while being a backup healer/third res and ADPS for the casters. What do you think?
I appreciate the breakout and reasoning for it. Its put some things in perspective for me. And that truly, all groups are viable as long as you have a healer and tank. And I hadnt thought about having 3 classes that can rezz. because like you've said, My pulling and groups go sideways all the time. I've thought about going gold on 3 more accounts for the 100 hero boost and then making a new group and going from there. I appreciate your sharing. Thank you.
Tiny Bubbles you have 3 months of level 2 access on me. Raise some hell.
Hey man I started playing a similar group to yours not to long ago. I'm running Pal/Bard/Shaman/Beastlord/Mage and i really cant figure out what to put for the last character. I'm playing with the idea of a Druid for the third. With a bard/BL/Mag and proper tweaking of the BYOS i think the druid could do respectable sustained without going oom while being a backup healer/third res and ADPS for the casters. What do you think?
I think you've figured out how it works for you in your head. That's all that matters is you have a group that works for your play style. And it helps if you enjoy the toons you are playing. I say go for it!
My original thought in making this was so Everytime someone asked for advice on group makeup and I shared mine, I wouldn't have to explain it. I think everyone has to build groups suited to their play style or you won't enjoy them and they may or may not work for you.
My original thought in making this was so Everytime someone asked for advice on group makeup and I shared mine, I wouldn't have to explain it. I think everyone has to build groups suited to their play style or you won't enjoy them and they may or may not work for you.
all rangers, all the time :dance:
@RobRenfro ... or you could just get a cleric that battle rezzes like a boss...never worry about dying (at least due to healing)...and get yourself back 2 better dps classes...

Just saying...i understand the appeal of a shamn but Tank/Bard/Enc/Cleric.... + 2 dps of whatever flavor you prefer

Why enc + bard? ... max adps/dps during burns ... more active auras ... and 2 extra NPC pets when shit hits the fan ... with two instant aoe mezzes ...

...if you die you fucked up...

Battlestar Galactica Bill Adama GIF by PeacockTV

Don't believe me...go charm two siren pets in COV...or two dragons in WW...or whatever mean mob you can think of...and add them to your fighting dps count...

Even with charm pets that group isn’t competing with my sk shm bard bst and teo rogue group. Granted we are talk raid weapons…. I have enchanters that I can add to my various teams but outside of raids I can’t find a true functional use for ench.
Even with charm pets that group isn’t competing with my sk shm bard bst and teo rogue group. Granted we are talk raid weapons…. I have enchanters that I can add to my various teams but outside of raids I can’t find a true functional use for ench.
@Naeeldar … you’re not swarming right my man…i never have any less than 8-10 mobs parked around my teams…and they melt quick…maybe 3–6 seconds a kill…

My benchmark is probably Griklor or Zlandi drop speed…

Personal best with 115’s ftp max as is 9 seconds for griklor

On my 120’s i’ve got him down to 6-7’s. Once the melees get their epics is pretty much game over for shit…

Can usually burn zlandi in under a minute with ftp’s with that base setup…

Zero raid gear just gotta have the right clickies.

My best time clearing the phoenix unity fearher missing is under 4 mins including burly and turn ins…

Just gotta experiment and figure out what works for you…get you restless or lvl appropriate potions and poison going..,

Sk/zerk/rogue/bard/enc/cleric is legit

Dual rogues rules

Dual mages is frakking fun

Mage ranger is fuuuuun pew pew!

Rest is history.
I have 20 toons on my six gold accounts that I can interchange all with raid gear and weapons.
That doesn't count my FTP box raid setup. I can kill Griklor and Zlandliclar fast too. But as to the way I prefer to play, that is my lead setup. It doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't have to.
I just wanted to give it an explanation.
One last thing. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. My second group, third etc groups look a lot like the groups everyone else is running. Cleric, SK, Mage, Rogue, Bard, Monk and Durango I have Ranger pinch hitting. But unlike most people when I pull 4 mobs I cringe because I only have one rezzer even though the Mage pet gives me time if the tank goes down, if the Cleric goes down basically the group goes down. Whereas In my group I could take a full on Louis Roberts pull that took out my Pally and Shaman still be able to rez them both without the group wiping. There is no wrong way to play. Just preferred ways to play. Okay there are some wrong ideas. LoL but Durango usually sets me straight on those or an_image gives me an earful. LoL
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Why enc + bard? ... max adps/dps during burns ... more active auras ... and 2 extra NPC pets when shit hits the fan ... with two instant aoe mezzes ...
Just to that point: I have SK, Shm, Mage, Rog, Enc, Brd.

Rarely have problems but a year or two ago traded Ench for Zerker thinking I'd see DPS boost.

After months, I was very surprised to see the sustained DPS between those two groups (Ench vs. Zerker) actually was essentially tied.

Back to Enchie and never feel I'm missing anything.
Just to that point: I have SK, Shm, Mage, Rog, Enc, Brd.

Rarely have problems but a year or two ago traded Ench for Zerker thinking I'd see DPS boost.

After months, I was very surprised to see the sustained DPS between those two groups (Ench vs. Zerker) actually was essentially tied.

Back to Enchie and never feel I'm missing anything.
@GoldenFrog agree...best configuration ever tank / bard / enc / cleric

Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
My usual main group is Sk, shm, clr, brd, bst, mage.

Works great with the dps, mobility.

Of course my shm is focusing on doting for the extra dps and he is parsing great even without sub.

Now that they improved the monk i would like to put one of these out for him but not sure wich one hehe.

This time with the free hero100 i maked sk, shm, brd, rog, monk, zerk. I loved this melee group but shaman just debuffing and healing sometimes its a pain for my fresa sk. They are already 115, buyed ToV and ToL paragon for the fasts lvls hehe.

The monk is parsing 1st unless humanoid target, im loving it
My usual main group is Sk, shm, clr, brd, bst, mage.

Works great with the dps, mobility.

Of course my shm is focusing on doting for the extra dps
I run almost the same setup except instead of bard I use a zerker. He is usually pretty high up on group/raid parses and his gear is little lacking compared to rest of team. He did need fair amount of aa before he got to that point though. Bst and mage usually fight for 2nd place.
Discussion - My Lead Group Composition Dissected

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