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Poll - Macros you can't live without! (1 Viewer)

Apr 3, 2020
Hail and well met. So I am fairly new to this boxing thing, heck I am having so much fun playing EQ now that I can actually run 3 toons effectively. I have the most basic setup possible right now, I am just using hotkeys telling my other toons what to do. I never see myself setting up a serious macro setup where the software does all the work for me. I watch one of Sic's videos where he had it setup so he could just watch as a mob could enter his radius and the group destroyed the mob with him never pressing a button. That looked super cool that you guys can set something like that up, but it's not for me. That being said the point of this poll thread is to see which macros you guys can't live without. Now before you answer put some thought into the one macro that you absolutely need and Kissassist is not allowed to be the choice. Give a brief summary of what the macro does.

For me like I said it is just macros that tell my other boxes to do stuff, such as mage send pet to my target, cast malo, cast rampaging pet, change pet targets etc. Before finding this website I used to have to setup macros on each toon and cycle through them and click the macros. I used to take about 35 mins to do 1 gribble now I can do a gribble in under 20 mins, faster if I am using a LoTD and pushing. Still haven't managed to get all 3 i
Not a macro, but a plugin, MQ2Feedme, because fuck making stacks of stat food.
MQ2Map. Shows the real time location of every mob, player, ground spawn in the zone. There are times I spend more time watching the map than the game itself.
Pocketfarm.mac. I recently did the Planeslayer achievement and this allowed me to have multiple characters cover many zones simultaneously. Also comes in handy for farming trade skill drops in old zones.
Welp, I use a customized version of Raid Druid. It is a helper bot macro... it does not AFK play, but rather just enables you to control toons from one main toon using keywords and commands.

Of the macros you can find here though, I would say, EQMule's Scribe.mac, and Maskoi's Ninjaloot.inc (and the example macros he wrote to demonstrate it's use... sellstuff.mac for example) and Collection.mac, small macro I wrote for collecting shinies.
*plugin, not mac
Mq2discord saved my life.

Not really, but it’s amazing to be able to control your toon (albeit with limitations) respond to tells and stuff from work.

pocketfarm is pretty cool as someone else stated
I really love making my own simple little non-programmer macros. Some examples. I think once you have your characters all working well, it is worth learning to make these little macros of your own, they can do useful things and save you time.

Besides that I would probably vote for scribe.mac which comes with Very Vanilla. You open a spell merchant (like in PoK) and it will buy all the spells you can use and scribe them for you. When I make a whole new group and level them up fast, this saves me HOURS of tedium. It seems like there is a new scribe macro too which does even more and seems fancier. I haven't tried it yet but it looks good.

I like EQ but I have played it to death over 21 years. The thing that keeps me playing now is MacroQuest :) I love boxing my own army, I love tweaking my kiss ini files with conditions to make the characters behave perfectly, and making my own little macros is a nice bonus.
Poll - Macros you can't live without!

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