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Discussion - I see the appeal of a Bard now. (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
Today I took my freshly minted level 118 Bard out for his first real test. A group at my favorite spot in Umbral Planes.

She has held up great not only with A DPS but doing all the Crowd Control adequately.

I can really see the appeal of A Bard in the group. This is my 1st ever Bard.
I'm glad you're finally seeing the beauty that is the Bard class. The jack of all trades yet master of none, this class is in my soul, lol. The utility that they bring is the best in the business and you can still smack pretty hard with your ADPS and bellows. I'm honestly amazed you've gone this long without trying them.
Wish i could get mine to work. on mischief it is working fine but i made a heroic one on fv to replace the chanter in my box group and cant get the damn thing to do anything and im at my wits end.
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Today I took my freshly minted level 118 Bard out for his first real test. A group at my favorite spot in Umbral Planes.

She has held up great not only with A DPS but doing all the Crowd Control adequately.

I can really see the appeal of A Bard in the group. This is my 1st ever Bard.
@RobRenfro glad you finally saw the light my friend. I hit the same wall years ago when @Sic was beating his head agaisn't my wall of moving to a tank led philosophy...I had too much Mage & Necro in my DNA...took a fair amount of logic smack downs from @Sic, @william12, and @Knightly for me to finally understand every class has its place.

In general terms...wish I'd argued less and listened more...much much much more efficient and effective to drive with your tank ...

lazy dog GIF

And now...your scheduled we want MQ2bard message for @ChatWithThisName and @Sic

Sad Baby GIF
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@RobRenfro glad you finally saw the light my friend. I hit the same wall years ago when @Sic was beating his head agaisn't my wall of moving to a tank led philosophy...I had too much Mage & Necro in my DNA...took a fair amount of logic smack downs from @Sic, @william12, and @Knightly for me to finally understand every class has its place.

In general terms...wish I'd argued less and listened more...much much much more efficient and effective to drive with your tank ...

lazy dog GIF
That's what I always need to do. Argue less and listen more. Great advice as usual.
this is like that episode of simpsons where homer learned to accept gays because he finally met one for the first time. bardophobia solved
Honestly, one of the biggest problems with personas is my bard not being able to create another bard persona to go along with the others that I created to level up.
@monsy oh thats an easy one! just make her your main and have the rest of your group automated 🤣 Theres no class more fun to actively play than bard!
I use Mq2medley and KissAssist. The fork. The melody singing is amazing. Still gave issue with the bard sticking to the mobs fast enough. Basically all the problems u have that u do not have with the plugins. I also can't wait for the bard plugin to come out. This would complete me. I have 4 groups at the moment with 4 bards.
Bards just make everything better. From quality of life things, like travel, to adding useful buffs to any group they are in.

I feel for the crew trying to come up with a cwtn for bards. The sheer versatility of the class that makes it great, also would make automating it a challenge.
Wish i could get mine to work. on mischief it is working fine but i made a heroic one on fv to replace the chanter in my box group and cant get the damn thing to do anything and im at my wits end.
@RobRenfro I made my first ever bard and used SIC's level 110 bard ini. And I used it until I turned 115. Then I updated to the 115 bard ini. Then I used the 115 until I got to 120 and then updated to the 120. Repeat at 125. I didn't want to be bothered with updating it each level with the new spells as I got them. I was hunting a COV to 115 and then I went to UP and picked a spot with no named mobs and went to 120. So not having the upper level spells werent a detriment to my ability to level and AA. THen from 120-125 I leveled and AA'd each level, so updating the ini with the new spells each level made more sense to me.

I've got a friend that leveled up a 125 enchanter on one account for me. He tells me you can pull the zone (exaggeration, but not really) and just let the chanter lock it all down and then kill them one at a time. But I'm not really interested in that. Most times my bard will mezz when I have 3+ mobs in camp. Sometimes he doesn't. But I've gotten over that and forgive him this one short fall.

The one thing I have found that I REALLY don't want to live without is the IVU and Invis. Being a monk, I've never understood how folks move around zones without being able to FD off mobs. And then I got the bard to 110 and OMGZ. Tubes and Tubs of oily LUBZ!!! I have a hotkey set up on the tank and puller that tells the bard to invis/ivu. I dont leave home without it anymore. It did take me setting up a remove lev and makemevis hot button for getting quests done, but that wasnt TOO bad.

Anywho, welcome to the grand old club of Bards. And as Dani Rojas from Ted Lasso would say BARDS is LIFE!
Discussion - I see the appeal of a Bard now.

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