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Combat Assist MQ2Monk 2960

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Redguides Level 2 membership to access up to date Macroquest from --Redguides ONLY--
MQ2Nav (included with VV)
MQ2MoveUtils (included with VV)
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🏢 Live Test


MQ2Monk Overview

BandoSwap and Monk: First Look

MQ2Monk UI Window as of Jan 01 2021

Fists of Steel & BandoSwap?!
We created a function that will have you swap to 1hb/h2h until Fists of Fury procs, and then back to your 2hb. Some want this; some will not. Currently, reports are saying the benefit isn't that strong at current end game AND I can confirm, the proc can actually proc using only 2hb autoattack. If they fix this in the future OR you want to use it anyway you can /monk usebandoswap on


We optimize a 4-tier burn routine built around our 4 primary dps disc lines:
Heel - Dicho - IoT - Spire
Speed - Dicho - IoT - Spire - Ton Po's - (Will use Focused Destructive / Destructive if Ton Po's is down) and Poise
Terrorpalm - Dicho - IoT - Spire - Focused Destructive / Destructive (Ton Po's if FD/F is down), and Poise
Ironfist - Crane

Silent Strike

If we are not in tank mode we will use Eye of the Storm as a filler, and Earth as a filler regardless of role

Purify Body
We will use our purify body in and out of combat if we have a Disease, Poison, Curse, or Corruption debuff on ourselves. (Also Blindness, Root, Snare)

We will use these ability lines whenever they are available.
Fists of Wu
Zan Fi's
Two-Finger Wasp (comes back quick enough not to hold)
Firewalker's Precision
Doomwalker's Precision
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Latest updates

  1. 01/07/2025

    - corrected typo in Curse line - Added toggle for Eye of the Storm usage
  2. 01/05/2025

    - fix missing usage of the oldest precision strike - - future proof'd usage
  3. 12/06/2024

    - Fix Precision, Curse, and Alliance

Latest reviews

i think the reasons i love monk so much is something that needs to be played, having been a monk main for 11 years of my EQ life. that being said, this does a great job at the dps, losing agro while maintaining dps and keeping all the gadgets used asap! it isn't fair to ask automation to do more!
Great out of the box monk. I main my monk and have for years, it's one of the few in my crew I really know how to play. I get about the same DPS as when I am playing just him and actually trying. Except, I don't have to try. IMO if you don't have a monk, go Rog or Zerk instead. However, I already had a monk so it was great for me.
Had this Macro for over a year, and the love the ease of use that this and the many other macros that CWTN and Sic create. Worth every penny! Even pulls the mobs to your group!
Does a kick-ass job! Gives my zerker a run for his money!
This is a must have plugin. It makes things so simple and easy.
totally loving this, i main a monk and this just simplifies everything. thank you very much!
It's awesome!
Love it..anyway you can add a return to fellowship camp toggle
I love the easy mode changes and setup hud. Definitely a great plugin and one I highly recommend!
HUGE group dps improvement. Running 2 monks in a group that never would out dps my other groups that now are always doing it!