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Utility MQ2ItemDisplay

Other Authors
Plazmic, lax, amadeus, dkaa, brainiac, eqmule, Knightly, dannuic
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual
MQ2ItemDisplay - This plugin allows you to add extra information to the item info windows.

/inote [add|del] <item#> <comment> - Add a custom note to an item
/itemdisplay [ [ lootbutton | lucybutton ] [on|off] ] | [reload] - Controls display of the advanced loot buttons and lucy button on the item display and spell windows

INI File

All the /inote information is stored in the MQ2ItemDisplay.ini file in the following format:

Rich (BB code):
0019542=This is found on the Great Saprophyte in EC<br>Rarity is about 1 in 5

The </br> tag can be used to insert a line break.
Sometimes it is easier to edit the file itself rather than type the whole string from within the game (also makes copying and pasting easier).
The INI file is re-read every time the item display window is opened, so changes take effect immediately.

TLOs added by MQ2ItemDisplay:

TLOData Type(s)Description
DisplayItemDisplayItemGives information on item windows
First release
Last update
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