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Question - may i start with your MQ2? (1 Viewer)

Mar 1, 2023
Hi here, i am playing now a little group being 2 SK and a shaman without program. But i miss Dps and i miss time to AA's exp. Its why i created a new grp for testing MQ2 and lvling the 3 chars i want : Bard, Mage, Mage. plus 3 others chars for the test War, Cleric, Ench.

I am not using the redguide MQ2 for now and just using hotkeys like assist, ATK, debuff, blast, heals and Stick with /bca or /bct. Someone from their site sent me to you. To be honest i dont find the new grp war/cle/ench/bard/mage/mage very strong mainly because my heals are poor and i have no hotkey for efficient mezz or CC.
The group with SK/SK/Sham plus mercs was a lot better : epics 1 at lvl 50-55, epics 1.5 at lvl 65 all red nameds from lvl 5 to lvl 107 TBM and 112 RoS nameds were done reds always 5+ lvls more than my team. things goes differently since missions/nameds in TBL and ToV. I need more AA's and Dps.

I need two things : more chars/dps
and more playing time (semi afk) for AA's, aye i want you to save my life too.

So i heard you have something for someone like me : veryvanilla and somes specials pluggin for each classes? can you tell me a little more?

Do you think my final group will go strong : SK (tank one hander) SK (Dps 2 hander) SHM BRD Mage Mage (and the 5 pets addition)?

thanks in advance and sorry for this poor english.
howdy iicena, welcome to redguides

check out our new user vids and see if becoming a lvl 2 member is for you.

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ

:rc A Redcent is the currency of our community. You can trade them in for Level 2 access, Krono, and more. Learn about them here:

Hi @licena !!!!
Welcome to RG ! You are in for the ride of your life, well for EQ anyways...from what you mentioned, besides the AFK thing, this is the place for you ! The type of stuff you may want is all here, and more. I, like almost all here, started off wondering if I should or wanted to try it. I took the plunge subscribed for a month and I was amazed and totally hooked, you will never play EQ without VV (Very Vanilla). We call it MQ now, MQ2 is old and dead to us here. There are soooooo many tools and addons to use included with subscribing and also other paid plugins, you may want after, but you will know as you go. Everything to run a full group is included. AFK is never condoned..as its against game policy and just leads to sloppy players getting banned/suspended..but there are ways to be safe.

You say you want DPS, you will easily run a full group with far more abilities than having two SK. The KissAssist, or other combat assist included, help you run your group as you want, cast and join and pull, etc as you tell them to. Look at the videos, you will see and I bet you will say yes, I want this. EQ will be a totally new and great game than the alt tab stuff. I hope you join, its a really wonderful community that I can say I am happy to be a part of for a few years now.
Damn, Sic beat me.. arg... hahah. Also Licena if you do sub today, please know because EQ is patching the game today, the RG team also has to patch the program, so it is ready a little bit later today.
Welcome To The Team GIF by MOODMAN

Welcome to RG and welcome back if you're a returning player!

Always start here RG Video

Watch the vids in Sic's signature (I'm sure he will post soon if he has not done already while I'm typing this) and then mess around with Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free.).

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options.

Check out the macros and lua's available as well like buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, mq2autoaccept, mq2status, GuildClicky, and more.

Time to subscribe to level 2 and begin a journey you won't regret. Lots of info and a super helpful community here to help when you get stuck.

Do you think my final group will go strong : SK (tank one hander) SK (Dps 2 hander) SHM BRD Mage Mage (and the 5 pets addition)?
This looks like a solid group. Make sure to play what you enjoy though.
oh thanks for your replies!

Thats good, i am just afraid to change the version of MQ2. i "worked" one week to set up like 10 hotkeys and have them to work properly. I just took a loo, at all your links here and have already a big headbash. I still cant understand how to make macros and how to add an ini file i dont know where.
Can i still use /bct /bca and simple hotkey for starting with VV?

To be honest i am a little afraid with videos, sometimes i just cant understand what its saying... so if you have a "writed guide", i'll take.
If you are already using things like /bct and bca then you probaly already have "MQ2" or "Very Vanilla" and are just a little confused by the terminology - which is perfectly fine since English is not your first language. Lets Just call it MQ.

The entire point of MQ is to not have to worry about hotkeys. If you need a hotkey - its usually because something bad has just happened or you want everyone to Pause or Unpause.

When you are setup correctly - You can play your SK. Everyone else will chase him around and do exactly what you would expect a real player to do.

ie Cleric will heal, Bard will Mez and play songs, and Mages will do what Mages will do.

My Recommendation is to start of with Just getting used to moving about. Go to a lower level zone and practice moving about.

If you want - reach out in a private message and we can go from nothing to super strong in a matter of hours.
...and somes specials pluggin for each classes? can you tell me a little more?
Regarding the class plugins, you can try them all out on the test server with your level 2 subscription to redguides to decide if they are the right fit for you.

We don't have every class finished yet. But we are working towards that end.
.... thanks a ton.... to you peps and for the one that give me 120 Rcents.
The entire point of MQ is to not have to worry about hotkeys. If you need a hotkey - its usually because something bad has just happened or you want everyone to Pause or Unpause.
ok got ya, didnt realise that was so "tricky", was thinking more about something like one char become the amiral of your fleet and had all buttons on him.

egarding the class plugins, you can try them all out on the test server with your level 2 subscription to redguides to decide if they are the right fit for you.

We don't have every class finished yet. But we are working towards that end.

nice again, and how can i do that? willing to test shamman to see if you have them as versatile (heals + dmg) as they can be.

gnight and thanks again all, didnt tested VV yet but hell you seems to be great.
Getting onto test is a topic in itself.

Somebody has probably written a guide.

In the briefest of terms:

1. Log your characters into Normal Server.

2. type /testcopy

This will take a snapshot of the Toon (Except housing n shared bank)

Now when you load into EQ using the Launchpad there are options there to allow you to log into the Test Server

If you want to get really fancy - You will actually have 2 Folders for EQ on your computer. One Folder for Live and One Folder for test.
If you are just doing it for a one off thing - then you will just need to Patch for Test, and then Patch back to Live.

There are also different version of MQ for TEST and LIVE. You will want different Folders and need to Patch Both using the Launcher.

3. Log all your toons into Test
Note: They are Gold Status automagically!
Some of the Names may change because they cant have duplicate names.

4. On your Shaman - type /plugin mq2shaman
5. You may need to reload your UI to get the Shammy UI showing.
6. On the UI - change the Shammy to Chase mode.
7. Set your Group Main Assist

8. Enjoy.

Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride. I own and use MQ2EsKay, MQ2Enchanter, mq2cleric, MQ2Mage, and mq2bst on live and love them to death. Like Chats mentioned above, pop over to test and create a group. You can try out all the CWTN plug-ins and decide for yourself. I tried out SK, Brd, Shm, Rog, Zerker, Bst the other night and loved that group. For the Bard I used KissAssist and grabbed @Naturesong ini for lower level bards.

Be well. Happy gaming.
Welcome. As far as written guides go, it depends on what flavor of automation you decide to use. I use KissAssist and I keep this link open 100% of the time in my browser since I refer to it constantly:

Furthermore, you can download people's KissAssist .ini files for characters of your level. See the search function here:
Just enter your character, level (range), and whether group or solo and you should get a few to choose from. You will want to tweak a bit since you'll have different AAs and clicky gear (and maybe spells), but it is usually a really good starting point.
thanks for replies.

My play time was realy short this week. I got a first attempt at kissassist monday and it was realy funny : cleric logging during fight, one mage doing always the same buff on pet all over fights, chanter refusing to mez and bard slacking like always ;p

My second attempt yesterday was a little better :

-MA/tank was doing fine
-Cleric is reactive and focused on heals
- 2 mages buffing pets correctly and summoning right items for the fight, debuffing and casting right nukes i wanted to.

For those 4 chars i take ini files here in library and played with them.

I still have problem with the enchanter and the bard.

-the chanter is sticking everybody and i dont know why. he's debuffing righ but cant mez correctly (probably because is debuffing in priority)
-the bard cant pull. i have a bard so i want a constant pull but i cant find an ini file or even make something by muself for have somethning good : 1 twist with combat songs // stop when mob is 50% health // go pull twist selo // pull with debuff.

i dont even ask the Bard to use Lull or mez on pulls.

for now he's playing 4 song including selo and only that but each time hes pulling he's lossing selo and die if adds.

I had no time to test class plugin on test server will probably them directly.

Last thing : i have lag with kissassist do i will have more lag with class plugin?
Alltoons are lvl 82 and FTP with 0 AA's, the war is gold. they are all filled with TBM armor and focus.

Any idea on good files here?

have done 3 missions in TBM witch is good one wasnt easy.
.... thanks a ton.... to you peps and for the one that give me 120 Rcents.

ok got ya, didnt realise that was so "tricky", was thinking more about something like one char become the amiral of your fleet and had all buttons on him.

nice again, and how can i do that? willing to test shamman to see if you have them as versatile (heals + dmg) as they can be.

gnight and thanks again all, didnt tested VV yet but hell you seems to be great.
I start all of my chars MQ2 sessions and drive them all from ONE toon. In fact, I play my SK and usually have all the other 7 chars off screen on a monitor I dont even leave on (electricity is stupid expensive where I live). I only turn that montior on if one char dies or I need to move chars around to the other screen for some reason.
Hi all,

I need a litle help about lag. Cant auto-follow correctly now. was doing fine with the first version of MQ2 i had.

Whatis this turbo 500? Any others advices.

playing with MQ2eskay and MQ2shaman. Thats crasy how good they are, buffing is fast and max, old+new buffs combos. Pros.

will have MQ2mage this week-end, got lvled my new toons lvl 112 now.

but i hate this lag prblm.
Hi all,

I need a litle help about lag. Cant auto-follow correctly now. was doing fine with the first version of MQ2 i had.

Whatis this turbo 500? Any others advices.

playing with MQ2eskay and MQ2shaman. Thats crasy how good they are, buffing is fast and max, old+new buffs combos. Pros.

will have MQ2mage this week-end, got lvled my new toons lvl 112 now.

but i hate this lag prblm.

setup framelimiter.
ensure you don't have av/filesyncing scanning your eq/mq/rg folders
check you don't have logs turned on and bogging you down
Seriously now, (turbo 500 is old skool joke)
1. Make sure logging is off for all but 1 character. Make sure the log file is smaller than 1gig. Delete it if too big.
2. Make sure MQ framelimiter is set properly universally or for each client.
3. make sure your foreground AND background FPS minimum 60 in EQClient Alt-O
4. Make sure antivirus isn’t actively scanning and monitoring your EQ and MQ directory
5. Make sure there isnt any firewall fuckery going on if your other clients aren’t running on the same box
6. Use Dannet instead of EQBCs (provided you have simple network topo)
7. Find and implement Fanra’s performance and graphics settings. You don’t need all those participle and spell effects

don’t try and run between 36 and 54 clients on one box without William12 know how.
Thanks Sic, hope this framelimiter will help me.

Thanks Hylander, in fact i knew it was a joke when i saw the rl number oturbo but i syill dont know what turbo means (outside of cars). i will try to understand what you said witch is not the case for the moment :
-i dont know what do you mean by "Make sure logging is off", i dont who is and where is this "file" that has to be smaller than 1gig and that i must delete....
-will try EQClient atl+0 in game to see whats happen ;p
-i dont have antivirus cept the windows protector things
-Dannet sounds like something good to eat
-typed "fanra's performance" into google our friend and i saw something about EQclient.ini, something i never heard about since the start of my life.

and still dont get what a client is even if William our prince is using them

i mean : thanks. I found here what i want. Zero critics in my post, just a rl thanks.
Got mq2mage yesterday, more lag, more fun, more to learn about Mage. again : pro.

again : thanks
just saw my Eqclient, seems i am all ok with what i found on the internet :

all core -1


Seems i am ok with things here https://everquest.fanra.info/wiki/Graphics_and_performance_settings_guide too. will verify ingame.

for now the good conclusion is : i am ok but i still sucks a lot ;p

edit : ingame on framelimiter i have around 20 fps....
Question - may i start with your MQ2?

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