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Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew? (1 Viewer)

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Apr 12, 2023
Redbot's edit: I'm pickpocketing this thread for a reply raffle!


Sunshine Break by Julie Bell​

Who were the best players you ever knew?

To enter, just answer the above question or contribute to the discussion. The winner will be chosen by /random.
While we usually disallow in-game names on the boards, we'll make an exception for this contest provided the characters mentioned are retired or have no connection to this site.


⚔️🎽Full NoS Raid Gear🛡️👑

We've teamed up with the charming couple from Bertox known as AllyMan to gear two winners with their special package:
  • 💎 Full NoS Raid Gear
  • ⚔️ A mix of T1 and Apparitionals
  • 📜 Full Rk3 spells
  • 🛡️ This includes your class items to be Apparitional: Weapons/Shield/Bow/Pet Earring
  • 🎟️ Includes 7/9 Raid Credits
*The estimated time to complete is 10 days*

🎁Other Prizes🎁
  • 💰A paid resource of your choice (one winner)
  • 💎💎💎💎💎💎 SIX KRONO for one lucky six boxer
  • 🍭Color username for both the forums and discord from the redcent shop. (One winner)

No purchase necessary. No more entries after August 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One answer to the question only, please. However multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't find a cost effective way to ship.
Screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

Robren911's original post that got the conversation started:
For me one and two are no brainers. One was a HHalfling Druid named Mechy. Mechy fit because he was a machine. He uses to heal me in VP while I tanked with a Shaman. He was that good
Two was a French Dwarf Pally named Khrogulai
He was just a beast. Would come back with crazy loot he got on his on., I really hate to do this but #3 was one of the original DPS Shaman. Soloing dragons in Western Wastes, talking down raid mobs. Number 4 and 5 were cousins Galen and Geordie a Mage and a Necro respectively and they used to take down raid mobs with me. Back when that was possible. I really miss all those guys. Honorable mention my best friend Shea. And Louis Roberts the worst puller in the world. He probably made me sharp back then it was get creative or die.
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Won’t mention his name but back in 2004 he used to ,”box” his whole group and he’d make room for me sometimes and I’d be amazed at how he could play so many toons at once!

He was a beast but ever since I joined this community it makes me wonder if he was using 3rd party software back then and I was just ignorant to any signs lol
i was fortunate enough to know zaar and highfever from triton back in classic/kunark eras ... as well as another necromancer from that era/guild/server named rabelais best necros and mage i've ever had the pleasure of playing with
There has been so many great people that you meet in this game. I was lucky enough to be in one of the top guilds server wide for several years. They were so professional and FUN it was an honor.
I still know many of them on social media and see them posting - several have visited me in Australia and several of them have passed on :(

It's impossible to Judge who the "BEST" player is - I have been in the top 10 Serverwide for my class, raiding every day of the week and chasing every last drop of AC/HP and now I have more fun ploughing through raids with a bot crew.

The loot doesn't make the player.

The "BEST" player is the one that helps you when you need it.
I have no idea if he was the "Best" Can't even remember the name of the Server. But it was a Pally named Darlan. We used to run LDON's together.
Each time we put together a group I had to explain to people. "Just assume there is a please and thank you before and after he tells you to do something." Provided they did what they were told, we got in and out as fast as junk geared toons could. Never lost a single mission with him.
Doubt he still plays but I wish I could thank him for some of my "core" memories with EQ. I hope he's doing good.
Back in the day Laotzu. He literally wrote the book on how to pull as a monk on monkly business.
The guy was able to pull the Statue past Vindi without bringing Vindi to the raid. Mad respect for that guy.
Looking back, a lot of people stood out over the years to me because I used to play a ranger and classes like monks and paladins would know something was up, and where it was up before I did on track. After joining RG I can see how they were able to pull that off. I was always baffled when a monk puller during a raid knew how something was pathing and where, I used to pop into wolf form and sit into the wall to "see" beyond my abilities.

The eras I played in (primarily classic through OOW on live and a run on a TLP) were very dependent on gear. For example I had LDoN groups that struggled without enchanters when we weren't geared up, but after being Time geared I did groups with me (cleric) tanking and 5 dps that mowed through Hard modes like it was nothing.

I do remember grouping in Foundation during UF era, we had a bard in the group that always pulled multiples. I thought he was nuts because at the time our gear was maybe 700-800 hp and this stuff hit like trucks, but he was so timely on his CC and utilized charm that he anchored our entire session.

It was usually bards that blew my mind now that I think about it, doing tricks with fade/highsun and the OG swarming.
Won’t mention his name but back in 2004 he used to ,”box” his whole group and he’d make room for me sometimes and I’d be amazed at how he could play so many toons at once!

He was a beast but ever since I joined this community it makes me wonder if he was using 3rd party software back then and I was just ignorant to any signs lol
was this on BB?
I remember a guy from AO that fits this description well
For me one and two are no brainers. One was a HHalfling Druid named Mechy. Mechy fit because he was a machine. He uses to heal me in VP while I tanked with a Shaman. He was that good
Two was a French Dwarf Pally named Khrogulai
He was just a beast. Would come back with crazy loot he got on his on., I really hate to do this but #3 was one of the original DPS Shaman. Soloing dragons in Western Wastes, talking down raid mobs. Number 4 and 5 were cousins Galen and Geordie a Mage and a Necro respectively and they used to take down raid mobs with me. Back when that was possible. I really miss all those guys. Honorable mention my best friend Shea. And Louis Roberts the worst puller in the world. He probably made me sharp back then it was get creative or die.
You guys know me…i’m the best at getting the whole raid, group, or partner killed … then whining until i get all the l33t l@@t

Oh and i’ always late and then complain when you have to stop to med or when you take too long on corpse recovery

Dave Grohl Hair Flip GIF
When I started playing EQ in 2001(?) I was an utter and complete noob, not to EQ itself, but just the concept of playing the game outside of well defined roles. There were several people over the years who didn't think inside the box or play the "way you're supposed to," and blew my mind. I originally played on Cazic-Thule:

Omnislash was a PAL who was a friend of a friend. He was a regular raider in a high-end guild. Late one night, my WIZ caught a Broken Golem up in POFear. Everyone in my guild was offline/asleep, so I sent out an SOS to my friends list and they gathered up a couple groups-worth of players. Omni was the tank and healer. He told me not to worry as I fussed over needing more players (at this time, I'd been in Fear in a raid, so that was my idea of what we would need). We proceeded to get in and clear out what we needed without any apparent problems and my little noob WIZ got her 1.0!

There were other players over the year who were memorable to me - a warrior friend (Sobillak?) of a friend who two-boxed a CLR and during OoW was duoing old (Kunark, Velious, Luclin) raid mobs and current content group stuff. As a squishy dress-wearer, it seemed amazing. I had a friend who played a MNK + SHM + ENC combo who did similar stuff and always seemed happy to let me tag along in-era content when otherwise I'd be sitting around LFG for hours. He inspired me to start two boxing and a decade+ later, when a different friend dragged me back to EQ in 2018, led to here.

Speaking of friends. Hiromi was the first friend I made in EQ and someone I still talk with today, though not very frequently. We were both HIE WIZ and I ran into him near Halas. We chatted each other up, both being teenage boys thinking we were talking to a girl...uh...we sorted out that we were both guys after a while and he was tremendously generous with his time over the years. He was a raider in <Second Age> and then <Unseen Hand> with his brother and other interesting characters.

I was in a casual/family guild, <Crimson Talon>, with Brewall of the map pack fame! Our guild leader was Altus, a RL lawyer who spent his evenings in a patiently exasperated state wrangling our group of distracted casuals through lower-end raids (during PoP, we managed to get TO the EPs). He ended up announcing his EQ retirement to work on RL/marriage. As a ~20y/o, it seemed weird to me at the time, but a decade later with years of marriage under my belt, a kid, and professional obligations, I had to make the same decision for a while.
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Was back in the day, but Worthy of mention. I personally watched this guy clear out full groups in pvp without dropping below 50 pct hp. Everyone knew if they wanted any chance of winning the Royal Rumble they needed to take him out first, but it wouldn't be easy. Guy had a fully raid geared toon and mad pvp skills to back it up.

Vallon Zek –
Royal Rumble
Winner – Caliel a level 70 Paladin

The Champion of Zek commanded they sit before him and wait patiently while the rules were read to them. Now for an ogre this took a lot of concentration and practice to speak the words clearly enough. The brave contestants surprised us all and sat down and listened intently to what this ogre had to say. What a sight to see, 50 Norrathians sitting before an ogre.

Once the rules were understand the call for battle was raised. A fierce battle was fought, many were brave, and they all fought honorably for this was the end. The end of Vallon and only one could remain, the Defender of Vallon.
Of the folks I actually played with or against,

Jakkard on Rallos Zek, innovative PvP troll shaman.
Badmartigan also on RZ, DE wizard who teamed up with a gnome enchanter and wreaked havoc on the high-end game.
Sam Deathwalker on Sullon Zek. Everybody had boxed a character or two, but a full group of identical wizards was a new and hilarious idea.
Sathed on Rizlona, a patient and knowledgeable raid leader.
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Arrk on E'ci. Enchanter that lead public raids into Chardok weekly in Kunark and beyond eras to help with epic pieces. Great all-around guy that helped many on the server.
I would have to mention Ticka. Not only was he a fine upstanding player with never a bad word or deed but as the guild leader of Memento Reejeryn he also held his guild mates to the same standards. MR was a guild on the Lanys / Seventh Hammer server. Ticka died in a car accident on the night before Halloween 2007.

Because he was so well remembered and many many players requested in huge numbers that the devs make a sword. So the Secrets of Faydwer went live November 13, 2007 ... With extremely short notice, the devs created and put a sword called Ticka's Great Blade of the Ravager in that expansion to remember him by.

There were a few guilds, Diligence, Memento Reejeryn and Lunacy Unbound who ran the raids in an attempt to get the sword to drop. But it was LU who got it to drop and then they invited Ticka's father (who played a druid in game on the same server) to come and loot the sword. It was chilling, sad and euphoric all at once. Ticka's father had tears, as did we all.

RIP Ticka, and they say this is just a game.
Dude named Furever on E'ci for me. Dude could play the hell out of a drood, the named pulling in Seb stands out in my memory. Fed fear raids nonstop singles too.
Best player i knew was probably was a guy i met on test server.. Went by the name of Feiddan a monk, now im not saying he was the bestest of all monks ever, but he was the best friend i made during my time playing and made playing the game the best damn year or so ever in EQ. Lost touch awhile back, wish we could speak again sometime.
1 player name stands out for me, when i first started playing eq, back many many moons ago, Zinther he was a cleric on brell server that helped and really got me into the game, he would do some awsome things as a cleric playing in GE but there are many many great people i met over the decades of playing
I remember being a complete newbie, in steamfont mountains trying to get the drop from meldrath for my ivy etched tunic i think it was? Needless to say i wasnt going to handle this guy on my own at low level

Guy called Kheops (Enchanter) shows up and kills it for me, Played with him a few times when i was higher level and joined their guild - always looked up to him as a great player and a name i've never forgotten about since
I forget the guys name on Vallon Zek, but a little dwarf warrior leveled up to 65 and maxed aa, then de-leveled back down to 25, he would terrorize High Keep randomly logging in and wiping everyone in zone then log out. He was untouchable with a fungi tunic and all the aa perks (pre-nerf).
Though I didn't know either personally, +1 for Fansy and in the same vein: Richardo Truxillo.

I had a paladin friend who turned into a paladin/cleric duo when he met his wife. He was always exceptional, but as a pair they were unstoppable. They maintained endgame raider status for years while I bounced in and out due to school/life as their lowly ranger tagalong. He never had an alt in 20+ years and was always the epitome of a paladin to me: always willing to help, was a fair leader when we were guilded together and he was in a leadership role, etc.

There was also a necro I used to be guilded with that was amazeballs. I remember just being in awe of his parses, and this was back when he had to have multiple spell sets saved and swap between them mid raid.
I started playing EQ in 2005 and I met a druid on Bristlebane named Irky. He blew me away with his skill and his ability to make use of every capability afforded the class.

I've been thinking which can be dangerous. And part of me thinks my list was incomplete. I did mention Lou Roberts maybe the worst puller in history, he could go into an area where 20 mobs spawned and come back with 30 hot on his trail. That could be considered a gift. Or Mkraan the warrior who could just never get his character where he wanted to be. But Shea my friend he never gave up and switched classed. I gave him all the gear I could. He would do my quests. Not as a trade because we were friends. Or the 2 Lady Druids I won't name who had a knack for saving our bacon at the last minute with a well timed succor or evac. I still get those confused. Like Galen and Geordie maybe the best players I really knew weren't the most highly skilled. Maybe they were my friends Scotty and Bill although both were damn good players. You had to be to survive Lou. LOL Maybe those were the best players. Because if I'm being 100% here when I was at the top of my game I was an obsessive type A and I could be a real dick to people. Now I doubt if I could solo Fippy Darkpaw but I really appreciate everything and everyone much more.
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I've been thinking which can be dangerous. And part of me thinks my list was incomplete. I did mention Lou Roberts maybe the worst puller in history, he could go into an area where 20 mobs spawned and come back with 30 hot on his trail. That could be considered a gift. Or Mkraan the warrior who could just never get his character where he wanted to be. But Shea my friend he never gave up and switched classed. I gave him all the gear I could. He would do my quests. Not as a trade because we were friends. Or the 2 Lady Druids I won't name who had a knack for saving our bacon at the last minute with a well timed succor or evac. I still get those confused. Like Galen and Geordie maybe the best players I really knew weren't the most highly skilled. Maybe they were my friends Scotty and Bill although both were damn good players. You had to be to survive Lou. LOL Maybe those were the best players. Because if I'm being 100% here when I was at the top of my game I was an obsessive type A and I could be a real dick to people. Now I doubt if I could solo Fiffy Darkpaw but I really appreciate everything and everyone much more.
lmfao 20 mobs and come back with 30
Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew?
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