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Contest May '20 Contest: What's your 6-box crew for the original Norrath? (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
Congrats to last month's winners!

"a spectre" by getlostgreg

If you were to make a 6-box group for the original Norrath, what races/classes would you choose?

To enter, just answer the above question or contribute to the discussion. BUT WAIT, THERE'S A TWIST: If your group includes a race/class combo not available at TLP launch, your entry is void!


  • 🖼 Original 1999 Cloth Map of Norrath
  • 💎💎💎💎💎💎 SIX KRONO for one lucky winner
  • 💎 ONE KRONO for two lucky winners
  • 💰 A paid plugin/macro of your choice: Options include any CWTN plugin, MQ2EQWire, Tradeskill Recipes, Explore.mac, or any other paid plugin/macro (One winner)
  • 🍭 Color username for both the forums and discord from the redcent shop. (One winner)
  • 📆 A Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend. Enjoy the Very Vanilla compile, the internet's largest collection of macros, private strategies, and a great community (One winner)

No purchase necessary. No more entries after May 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One answer to the question only, please. However multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't find a cost effective way to ship.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

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Dark Elf Warrior,
Dark Elf Cleric,
Dark Elf Enchanter
Dark Elf Rogue
Dark Elf Wizard
Dark Elf Necro

Classic EQ the classes tended to have more a spread and speciality of what they could do, and not so much synergy as we do it now.

So warrior for tanking goodness, rogue for the utility he offers and dps, cleric for maximum heals, chanter for haste and mana buffs, and CC, wizard makes things go boom, and can take us around the world, necro was just pure badass, and back then fights took a long time, so dots really did their maximum.

Bonus: Raid group

Dwarf Paladin - short race, no need for shrink on raids, and paladins was fairly good raid tanks, because of their ability to piss things off with their quick stun cycles, that cost next to nothing in mana.

Dwarf Cleric - no need for shrink, and dwarfs are just cool as heck

Gnome Enchanter - shrink not needed, can never go wrong with a chanter specially for the buffs and mana regen for raids.

Gnome Wizard - in classic wizards was powerful burn dps for raid targets and often needed for burning down a raid trash cleric that is healing trash mobs left and right, was also needed to port into the planes.

Gnome Wizard - well more power

Human Monk - For pulling things that needed monks to split.
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Dark Elf Warrior,
Dark Elf Cleric,
Dark Elf Enchanter
Dark Elf Rogue
Dark Elf Wizard
Dark Elf Necro

Classic EQ the classes tended to have more a spread and speciality of what they could do, and not so much synergy as we do it now.

So warrior for tanking goodness, rogue for the utility he offers and dps, cleric for maximum heals, chanter for haste and mana buffs, and CC, wizard makes things go boom, and can take us around the world, necro was just pure badass, and back then fights took a long time, so dots really did their maximum.

Good defense of your Necro choice, I hadn't thought of that in awhile, but this game used to be crawling with skeletons

Ogre Warrior (Rallos)
Dark Elf Rogue (Angostic)
Dark Elf Enchanter (Agnostic)
Human Cleric (Bertoxx)
High Elf Mage (Agnostic)
Human Monk (Quel)

And religion, nice! Have you picked out stats yet? :p
if i had to do it all over again i think i would like to try a
Dark elf Necro x5
Wood Elf Druid

i would jsut think all necro group and druid would be a slaughter fest lol
Normal group

Ogre- Warrior or SK
Dark Elf- Cleric
Dark Elf- Enchanter
Dark Elf- Wizard
Dark Elf- Mage
Human- Ranger
Ogre SK - that stun immunity is awesome, sure he didn't have enough mana to summon a pet, but who cares when you can take a hit?

Dwarf Cleric - Of course we're going to have a cleric and this is an easy choice because there is no better animation in the game than that sweet sweet dwarf jump and roll.

Dark Elf Enchanter - I'm actually not a fan of Dark Elves, but in this case, ya gotta. Dark Elf Enchanter can do the Stein of Moggok quest a full four levels before any other race!

Gnome Magician - That pet means I don't have to know what I'm doing at all. Some day later maybe we'll get a cool spell that lets us summon PEOPLE, but for now, it does the DPS or it is a bite size Ogre snack.

High Elf Wizard - My wife picks the race, we don't get a choice on this one. Wizards are high elves and that's how life is. Big nukes and the pickup/getaway driver. Nuff said.

Half-Elf Ranger - Have you seen that male model with the green eyes? Chick magnet! Plus when he looks up at you with those doe eyes and says he's never had a haste item, he's bound to get that need before greed FBSS. Lastly, he's our sower and best track in the game! Sure, we'll all be cheating with SEQ, but he gives us plausible deniability and you can't beat that!
Ogre Warrior - tanking, frontal stun immunity and highest hitpoints
Troll Shaman - slows / heals / haste / buffs (get that regen!)
Halfling Druid - ports / snare / buffs/ backup heals / backup DPS -and halfling gives sneak to boot
Gnome Rogue - DPS / corpse retrieval / entry to certain locked content when it releases (such as Sebilis Crypt) - Gnome allows for tinkering (War epic)
Human Monk - DPS / pulling

All I am missing is my rides to Hate and Sky, which are mostly raid content at this stage anyhow.
I am also only purchasing spells for 2 classes, which was a large pain-point for many folks back in the day. Not just that, but INT casters had spells every 4 levels (1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, etc), WIS priests had spells every 5 levels (on the 4s and 9s)
Plus, I am focusing gear mainly on the tank; the monk needs no weapon, and the rogue primarily needs a stabber + an offhand weapon.
Ogre SK or War, for the stun immunity of course.
Dwarf cleric: best cleric in game, heals of course , buffs and rez :)... For The Glory of Kaladim!!
Gnome Enc: For the CC, haste and mind buffs
Dwarf Rogue: for the DPS and pick lock ability
Dark Elf Wizard: For the DPS and the ports, usefull in the original norrath :)
High Elf Mage: For the Dps, the pets, and the ability to summon people. (and the EB or Lev thing he can summons)

All epiced once we'll reach kunark era :p
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Hmmm why not go with my very original group...

Ogre Warrior
High Elf Enchanter
Halfling Rogue (me)
Halfling Cleric (wife)
Troll Shaman
Dark Elf Wizard

While at the time we weren't boxed but that group went on to conquer the gods themselves, happy days!
I would try to get the most content down the safest, not necessarily the highest DPS.

Ogre Warrior
High Elf Cleric
Gnome Enchanter
Erudite Wizard
Erudite Mag
Iksar/Erudite Necro

Holy trinity
Wizard for Ports (original EQ without ports was horrible)
Magician for Pet Tank
Necro for Corpse summon (that was a PITA when you lost gear)
Also FD + Necro Rez and you can get back to playing

Also races were important back then.
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Woodie war (gets in small places, wears small and medium armor),
dwarven cleric, Woodie rogue,
inky necro (necessary evil),
Woodie bard (doing the running man dance),
and a high elf wiz (ports and I like to hear them cry when they get agro). ripping up cb then gfay then mm then sol a and sol b or guk
Gnome Cleric
Gnome Warrior
Gnome Wizard
Gnome Enchanter
Gnome Mage
1 for whatever class I need or for a friend to tag along

All gnomes, because size matters :) (seriously - imagine all those large races in the early Norrath ... those are just clogging the paths in SolA/B, Unrest, ...)
Ogre Sk (no stuns)
Iksar Necro (gotta love regen)
High Elf Chanter (High Int and Charisma)
Gnome Mage (Utility Gnomer)
Dwarf Cleric (Stout little cleric)
Wood Elf Druid (Nobody wants to run around without SoW)
Troll Warrior - just love the old troll models
Troll Shaman - cause its classic! regen + model!
Dark Elf Enchanter - closer to Trolls / can farm those wood elf sisters in OOT not worrying about faction!
Dark Elf Cleric - closer to Trolls / can farm those wood elf sisters in OOT not worrying about faction!
Dark elf Necro - closer to Trolls / can farm those wood elf sisters in OOT not worrying about faction!
Dark Elf Wizard - closer to Trolls / can farm those wood elf sisters in OOT not worrying about faction! and PORTS!

Shaman and Enchanter do overlap alot, but with an enchanter i have enough dps anyways. 2 healers and an enchanter means i never die. Wizard helps blow stuff up if needed. Necro because ive played mage to much. Troll warrior.. i mean i dont have to defend that its a troll warrior!
Ogre Sk - Gotta love agro and stun immunity
High Elf Wizard
High Elf Enchanter
High Elf Magician
High Elf Cleric
Wood Elf Druid Sow baby until run speed AAs

I love the blond high elves. I still have my Firiona Vie figurine from some expansion purchase.
Dwarf Paladin - In honor of barrabus, one of the first cool folks I met in game. He and his cleric buddy joined me (wood elf rogue) in killing chess pieces in butcher block.
Dwarf Cleric - In honor of his friend
Gnome Enchanter - We need to have some serious crowd control and I keep talking about reworking IHC ENC into the new rotation system...
Wood Elf Druid - Sure wizards are nice for ports but what if I want to run fast too?
High Elf Magician - For some pet support!
Wood Elf Rogue - In honor of my highest level Everquest character back in the day -- and maybe this time I can finally hit max level in era!
Barbarian Warrior
Barbarian Shaman
Half Elf Ranger
Dwarf Cleric
Halfling Druid
Dark Elf Necromancer

With this team I could go to any area or city and be able to get spells and stuff. Just send in the right character to buy stuff. The necro for dots/fear casting. Ranger for pulling. Shaman for buffs and Druid for ports, damage shields and speed. The others for what they are... Easy to set up a camp and have ranger pulling.
Dark ElfCleric
Dark ElfEnchanter
Dark ElfWizard

Above is what I would do. I mess around with race/class combos all the time as I randomly start 6 box crews. Some I don't finish which is fine. The first thing I always need is run speed, I can't go without SoW or Bard Speed. I know potions are a thing so I've debated having a shaman instead of a bard.....
Ogre Sk - Gotta love agro and stun immunity
High Elf Wizard
High Elf Enchanter
High Elf Magician
High Elf Cleric
Wood Elf Druid Sow baby until run speed AAs

I love the blond high elves. I still have my Firiona Vie figurine from some expansion purchase.
Agree on the High Elves and the figurine, just wish it was based on someone else who aged better:shh:
Bonus question:
Let's say your priority is raiding with a guild, what's your 6 box group?
ah - missed that.

well - if i only focus on raiding and can rely on guildies for leveling ...

gnome-wizard for the baddaboooom
gnome-mage for the notsomuchbaddaboooom but more baddapetbooom and of course for the utility stuff in early game like EB items.
gnome-necro (just because I like necs and the guild will need to have someone around for corpse retrieval)
gnome-wiz more baddaboom is good baddaboom
gnome-wiz even more baadaboom for the click of a key
gnome-clr too much baddaboom will need some healing

Still all gnomes. Early raid game is all clogged and imagine pressing a bunch of ogres, trolls, humans into a small space ...
(and everybody loves gnomes ... either for cuteness or because they are tasty)
Contest May '20 Contest: What's your 6-box crew for the original Norrath?
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