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IRL - Hello - just starting out (1 Viewer)


Mar 11, 2024
Hi all

I used to play some 23 years ago on live. Then a bit on a private server. Now I'm going to try this boxing out on PJL.

Does anyone have some tips?

Welcome aboard.
Bruce Willis Party GIF by IFC
I'm on the Project Lazarus server. I'm trying to figure stuff out, like how to get kissassist to autoloot and get a dps meter thing.
Hi @Cortrillioc , takea look at :MQ2DPSADV

EMUs do not have some of the fancier features Live and such have, but there is a pretty nice Lua :

Take some time looking around the Plugins, Macros and Lua scripts above. Lots of good stuff that can help.
Hi @Cortrillioc , takea look at :MQ2DPSADV

EMUs do not have some of the fancier features Live and such have, but there is a pretty nice Lua :

Take some time looking around the Plugins, Macros and Lua scripts above. Lots of good stuff that can help.

Thank you very much.

My Newbeness is showing im afraid, but am i right in thinking that I need to use another program ontop of kissassist?

I've been playing on Lazarus since dx11. Just starting out, the Lua rgmercs works great. I'm nowhere near top lvl so can't say how it'll work then, but for now it's taken me to lvl50 without a hiccup.

Thanks for the tip...what is Lua rgmercs?
Thank you very much.

My Newbeness is showing im afraid, but am i right in thinking that I need to use another program ontop of kissassist?
mq2dpsadv is just a plugin that runs alongside kissassist in macroquest

if you're looking for objectively better parsing, with more details and information you can drill into, eqlogparser is one of the "go tos" it is a program you would run outside of mq (many non mq users, use it)
am i right in thinking that I need to use another program ontop of kissassist?
You do not have to, but yes you can. As you learn more, you will find more tools that you may find helpful to your playstyle. Many options. Something to know is that a macro like Kissassist, can only run one macro at a time..a plugin or Lua can run many concurrently. A macro can run with many plugins or luas at the same time.. Some things work better for certain things in the game or for your style. Its your experience..plus as you grow in your boxing knowledge your tastes may change as you know more. Enjoy the ride, its wild.
IRL - Hello - just starting out

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