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Discussion - Final Fugue (1 Viewer)

I’m assuming we’re talking about Hero’s Forge mission now. I use SK, sham, and bat lets as well and it works most of the time.
ya. my crew probably succeeds now more often than not. mage makes it a piece of cake tho... if i pop my bst's pet cds, def going to get it
Cool ideas and info on this thread helped me get it done.

I went to South Karana, put bard on hunter killing Tesch Mas Gnolls until I got a few Gnoll Hide Lariats, set up a bando called whip for the bard and rogue that swaps them to both dual wield the whips, then also have a bando set up for their main weps.

I created buttons called Whip It: /dex soandso /bandolier activate Whip
Main: /dex soandso /bandolier activate Main

On my driving toon. When he emotes: his shield from his back his name in the target box will turn blue and you can hit the buttons. Is percentage based happens 5 times.

Set all to chase. Can add some of the good npc to xtar or just make a /nav spawn Elmara Emberclaw button to move to them as they can be easy to loose.

Because these roam and are not on xtar:
Create Button for warlock:
/nav spawn a Rallosian warlock
/target a Rallosian Warlock

Create Button for hex:
/nav spawn a Rallosian hex
/target a Rallosian hex

It seems that they don't roam as much if you kill them before the solders.

For the Plucked and the arrows there are 4 archers that you need to kill. I have not done that yet but

It looks like you might be able to just let the tank and a healer hang out and keep Captain Kar busy without stunning him on his first shield up at 80%? While you run a couple others around to kill off the archers?
You may also be able with enough dps to just hold burns until right before the 5th shielded/stun part and might get around killing the archers? I only got hit after the 5th call for stuns and at that point hes almost dead. I am not sure.

Also here are the emotes for the bando swap you could use something like this in events to do the bando swaps without buttons:

[Kar Stun Swap]
trigger=#*#Kar roars, pulls his shield from his back, and sets his feet#1#
command=/dex soandso /bandolier activate Whip
[Kar Main Swap]
trigger=#*#Kar is finally distracted by blows to the head and drops his sheild#*#
command=/dex soandso /bandolier activate Main
How does one achieve the plucked achievement? What are the requirements to prevent or avoid arrows, besides burn it faster?
This appears to be bugged, only 1 person in the group is getting this achievement per run (have been running this on lockout and still don't have my whole group done with it).
How it is done, is just go back down the tree after the 4 minis and kill 4 archers (believe thats the name), they dont attack back. AoEs from them do not start til Captain is at 80%

Entwined Hammer does work. But not all the procs are successful. Using it on 1 char, it takes about a min before a successful stun goes off and boss unlocks. Going to put it on 2 more chars to speed it up. Unfortunately, zerker sk and bst can't use, which is half my crew.

There's got to be more stun proc weapons that work, but I'm not sure of any that are easy to get yet. This one is cheap/easy to craft.

Entwined Hammer does work. But not all the procs are successful. Using it on 1 char, it takes about a min before a successful stun goes off and boss unlocks. Going to put it on 2 more chars to speed it up. Unfortunately, zerker sk and bst can't use, which is half my crew.

There's got to be more stun proc weapons that work, but I'm not sure of any that are easy to get yet. This one is cheap/easy to craft.
https://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=6613 - Sarnak Warhammer
https://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=10575 - Goblin Skull Crusher
https://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=70091 - Cudgel of the Fierce
https://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=7906 - Pebble Crusher (might be able to get in an AOC?)

a few others that might work for you.

Check any of the items listed here: https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=216 to see if they're more appealing to farm.
This worked for me just now. Farmed a couple for my bard and equipped them both and he was unlocking without me casting stuns from my cleric. The "Gnoll Hide Lariat" that w
worked for me as well

EDIT: i tried gnoll hide lariat and it worked as well.
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Entwined Hammer does work. But not all the procs are successful. Using it on 1 char, it takes about a min before a successful stun goes off and boss unlocks. Going to put it on 2 more chars to speed it up. Unfortunately, zerker sk and bst can't use, which is half my crew.

There's got to be more stun proc weapons that work, but I'm not sure of any that are easy to get yet. This one is cheap/easy to craft.
You run a bard or rog? Just use 2 Gnoll Hide Lariats. I use 2 on my bard and it breaks the stun within 5 seconds every time. They can be farmed within 15 mins in South Karana.
So for Fugue..

I have done it with an enchanter for stuns - works
I have done it with a bard with pebble crusher -works
I have done it with a cleric merc and I have done it with a shaman healer.

1st encounter

I put tank on pause and just run to hex and warlock and beat them down and everyone assist me on those.
Stay out of Aura while Hex and Warlock are alive.

2nd encounter

I let tank off pause and beat down the boars, handler, and wraith

3rd encounter

beat down gobs, you can pause tank or not, sometimes the other toons get agro and get beat up, watch this.

4th encounter

Tank unpaused and everyone assisting, the Slow guy *Speed Limit*, you can burn if you want for the achievement if your regular DPS is no bueno.

5th encounter

Keep everyone about 200 away from the Captain and just have the tank melee , put everyone on pause except the healer, or have a merc healer.
When he goes blue *Plucked* - keep everyone away from Captain and leave someone about 200 away and Dannet or EQBC temp off for them. Run everyone else to the archers and beat them up. Tank is paused so others won't attack Captain and will specifically assist you on what you're attacking.

Once archers (x4) are toast, run back to the person who was just standing there to keep Captain on agro, and then turn their Dannet/EQBC back on so they will follow,
equip stun weapons or have caster stuns ready, everyone unpaused, beat Captain like a drum, when he goes blue ,stun to re-engage.

Note: if anyone dies just CotW or Rez or stick Rez on the spot or drag to next area.

Plucked is only working for 1 toon at a time (the people say bugged)

Taskadd whoever you want ,they will at least get 2 out of 3 ach for now, that is if you ensured you followed the NPCs around so they make it to the final set of minis

I have 0 raid gear...

The new dream spiral weapon does not appear to stun or I wasn't patient enough..
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I think they fixed this today in a hotfix. Meaning, you can get the

Just did it, not the case, I logged different toons, and no one got it. Well, since I didn't see a hotfix, unless it was a ninja-fix.

I logged into zone with a character, then finished the mission, and then logged in a bunch of other characters, and logged that one out, and got nada.
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Anybody have any ideas on how to complete this mission when you dont have a stunning class? I run a melee crew with a shaman and SK so I have nobody with an actual stun spell. Stun AAs and combat abilities (rogue disc, zerker disc, bard AA) dont seem to work. I tanked him for a good 40 minutes with his health locked at 80% and couldnt get him to do it. Ended up just gating all my guys to Guild Hall and gave up.
The Mage Air Pet stuns quite often. I am sure this has already been mentioned, but you may want to use an aug that procs a stun and my last suggestion is if you have a Rogue there are poisons that you can buy that also stun. If I think of anything else, I will let you know. Palladins have a number of different spells that stun as well.
Anyone did this after today's patch?

I know the part with 3xmob ambush is sometimes weird. Today I had to deal with all 3 of them and npc's just waited there watching my struggle. I never had that happen before, they normally would help with one or two mobs. But today it was hey fuck this guy, we are not helping him.

Everything else went as usual. (Still no necklace).
Anyone did this after today's patch?

I know the part with 3xmob ambush is sometimes weird but today I had to deal with all 3 of them and npc's just waited there watching my struggle.

Everything else went normal. (Still no necklace).
did FF right after server up. seemed easier than yesterday, but was also just ZZZ
paladin, cleric, druid, enchanter, necro, wizard -- until they fix the mission, you need one of these in your group

You're also not getting your spider achievement from heroes are forged mission without a badass mage pet, if you don't run a mage, your shaman pet isn't doing to be enough to break egg sacs in time, so you get adds, but the mission is totally doable. Took me 3 tries but got it down without any deaths with my melee-heavy group.
Actually older stun weapons work on final fugue, as for the spider achieve. You dont have to have 1 pet class. The spider has very low hp and doesnt hit very hard. Eggs and ports happen at 90% and roughly every 20% after. That being said during the spider phase, have the tank, tank thespider inside a room on the lower floor, either north or south(1 of the port/egg locations) and have 3 people from the group just stand at the other 3 egg locations. Once the spider ports and lats an egg sac, a toon will arldy be standing in the room to kill the egg. Once egg is dead. Tank grabs it and brings it back to his room, and rinse repeat every 20%
paladin, cleric, druid, enchanter, necro, wizard -- until they fix the mission, you need one of these in your group

You're also not getting your spider achievement from heroes are forged mission without a badass mage pet, if you don't run a mage, your shaman pet isn't doing to be enough to break egg sacs in time, so you get adds, but the mission is totally doable. Took me 3 tries but got it down without any deaths with my melee-heavy group.
Keep everyone about 200 away from the Captain and just have the tank melee , put everyone on pause except the healer, or have a merc healer.
When he goes blue *Plucked* - keep everyone away from Captain and leave someone about 200 away and Dannet or EQBC temp off for them. Run everyone else to the archers and beat them up. Tank is paused so others won't attack Captain and will specifically assist you on what you're attacking.

Just run away before Kar activates, you can use your whole group and take your time killing archers. There didn't seem to be an engage timer for him.
I tried Bash, rogue disc, zeker disc, bard shout and bellow, mage pet w/ stunning weapons and can confirm that it has to be casted with a mana cost. Brought in my cleric instead of shammy. and loaded his stun and it worked. As of 12/11 at 10pm still.
I tried Bash, rogue disc, zeker disc, bard shout and bellow, mage pet w/ stunning weapons and can confirm that it has to be casted with a mana cost. Brought in my cleric instead of shammy. and loaded his stun and it worked. As of 12/11 at 10pm still.
Just use stun weapons that use a stun spell that is "castable" (i.e., an actual in-game spell, such as "Stun"). Examples would be Gnoll Hide Lariat, Pebble Crusher, ect. These all work perfectly.
So, I don't even bother with pulling the first orcs off - In my experience, they don't do enough damage to kill any of the NPC's there.

I do Hex + The other one - Everyone is on Chase. Then I attack the 2 orcs on the group.
Do the boars 1x1 then kill the handler then the wraith.

Then I wait at the hedges. There's like an opening the NPCs run to before the trenches that's 100 distance off - I wait right there. Usually get 1 or 2 goblins. Then go kill the remainder.

Run to the boss, everyone is on chase - Weapon swap Gnoll Hide Lariats every 10% or so.

I just leave my guys in the Aura - Don't care about the achievement.

Takes about 10-15 minutes depending if I swap in the bard or not.
Just run away before Kar activates, you can use your whole group and take your time killing archers. There didn't seem to be an engage timer for him.
It is said he may drop off agro and reset, that is why I do it that way..

We all got plunked last night. It is fixed.
If you did not start the mission with everyone else or try to taskadd at the end, you do not get it, or at least I am not getting it.
To get plucked, i generally do:
1) at 100%, pull Kar to the ledge overlooking where the archers spawn.
2) at 80%, when he is in the rooted/stun phase, kill the 4 archers. You'll be close enough to Kar to where he shouldn't lose agro.
3) kill it down
The Plucked /ach is still a bit bugged. I kill achers, and there are no blue aura, but the character zoning in first seems to (more often) be the one getting the achievement.
I found it best to just let captain lock at 8% if dps is high then just stand around and wait for blue aura. Move out of it; once it disappears run back in unlock and kill. He doesn’t move when’s he’s locked so you’re free to run out.
It is said he may drop off agro and reset, that is why I do it that way..


If you did not start the mission with everyone else or try to taskadd at the end, you do not get it, or at least I am not getting it.

The trick is to stay back near the head of the bridge but within the box defined by the totems, not where the npc's run to at first. You will need to aggro and pull the minis yourself from this spot since the NPC party will be down there with you.

Once the last mini dies, Elmira runs off to Kar and you can run down the log bridge to kill archers at leisure. The achieve is still bugged though (confirmed), so you may only get it for 1 toon still.
Unless Im wrong, Bards only have a stun song which is a self only barrier, so unless the bard is tanking, that wont work, and not sure if barrier type would trigger it. They do have a "real" stun at level 55 but it has no mana cost, and a 5 minute cooldown timer. So even if it had a mana cost, that would make for a really long fight since you need to stun like 5 times throughout the kill.

I ended up beating him by just swapping my shm for my clr, but seems really stupid that I had to do this in the first place. hopefully they'll tweak it soon.
That guy's damage output is laughable. A bard could tank it np.
Once the last mini dies, Elmira runs off to Kar and you can run down the log bridge to kill archers at leisure. The achieve is still bugged though (confirmed), so you may only get it for 1 toon still.
This is the easiest way to get the plucked achievement. Kill the 4 archers before engaging Kar, then you just have to stay out of his tiny red aura because the blue aura is gone. The achievement will only be given to the first person to zone in though until they fix that.
This is the easiest way to get the plucked achievement. Kill the 4 archers before engaging Kar, then you just have to stay out of his tiny red aura because the blue aura is gone. The achievement will only be given to the first person to zone in though until they fix that.
since its only 1 getting the plucked, skip the archer-killing and just run him out of the blue aura when you see it.
Discussion - Final Fugue

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