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Anyone Used Mq with the trial Account? (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 1, 2006
Was wondering if anyone tried maybe grabing laptop and head over to nearest coffee shop and using a trial account and seeing what is sending the red flags?
Its not that easy. Last time this happened in 2007 it took several months to figure out how Sony was detecting the active hacks and program around them. Right now its best to lay low. I will be testing the Vanilla compile extensively next week to make sure its safe. (soon as my 3 day suspension ends).

I would delete any active hack compiles and download the Very Vanilla Compile until we get more information. I removed the Ban'ei compile for everyone's protection.
K so what the chance that Soe would bann ur Ip if u where to start using trial account to figure out what sending the flags?
How many accounts would it take before they said no more? I mean with trial now u get 16/18 expansion and 14 days for free!!
K so what the chance that Soe would bann ur Ip if u where to start using trial account to figure out what sending the flags?
How many accounts would it take before they said no more? I mean with trial now u get 16/18 expansion and 14 days for free!!

Doesnt help if they're only running their detection in the last 2 expansions though :)
This has nothing to with banning of accounts or Ips. Its a matter of the right timing, peoples time and money. We have some people we pay and others that do it for fun and enjoyment as a hobby but its no ones full time job. All of us have jobs or wives and kids etc.

Last time this happened in 2007 one person figured out the solution and it was months before active hacks were safe again. That one person sold his solution to all of us and our new compiles were built on that technology. Each site doing compiles changed, improved and customized their compile around that solution.

The community is much smaller now. The guy I mentioned hasn't played EQ in years and has zero interest in MQ2 any more. Every website has spent thousands of dollars including us over the years since then on their software. We just paid our devs a significant amount over the last year to update our compile for Warlander and Ban'ei and now it may be useless.

I personally spent over 50 hours updating and testing MQ2Melee 5.0 for VoA and Hell of a lot longer last year when I did it for HoT. A few donated to me for my efforts but seriously we are talking about a total of $40.00. I charge $75.00+ an hour for what I do at my job so I can guarantee you what I do in MQ2 is not for the money. I did MQ2Melee for Notaddicted and the MQ2 community in general so people had an updated version of the second most used plugin in MQ2 after MQ2map. I can't even tell the amount of time I have spent on Kissassist but its hundreds of hours since I started writing it in March.

Trying to crack the new detection RIGHT NOW is only going to bring down more heat on everyone. We support the MQ2 community in our own way but you have to remember we base our stuff on the Source Code from macroquest2.com. They have nothing to do with us and if we start to bring unwanted attention right now to the the Vanilla version which seems to have gone undetected so far we are only going to piss off the devs and the rest of the macroquest2 community in general.

I know it sucks but right now we have to lay low a little see how stuff pans out. Collect more info on why people were suspended. Make sure the Vanilla MQ2 is undetectable and go from there.

Also you must realize SOE can detect MQ2 anytime they want active hacks or vanilla. They have always had the capability it just is a matter of far they are willing to take it. In 2007 No Delay Ghost Kill was out of control and after they nerfed it and added hacking detection. They did not hand out 3 day suspensions they BANNED thousands of accounts of anyone that was detected using active hacks and MQ2. This is a first people were warned in the MOTD and on the website and forums. Its more like a shot across our bow.

So right now we are in data collecting information mode. We are trying to deal with situation as much as we can with out getting all our members banned with an unsafe product but at the same time trying keeping everyone happy and able to play EQ. It is a very fine line right now. We are doing as much as we possibly can without poking the Sony devs with a stick that make them fine tune or improve their hacking detection methods even more because we are trying to beat it.

I will to keep everyone updated as much as possible just like I always do.
Its all good. I was writing it up anyways. A lot of people don't know everything that's involved so it was a good place to post it.
Well to answer your question, i have a trial account up been warping and piggy zoning for a little over 3 hours havent got suspended yet, but im sure it will catch up.
don't f around joe! lol it will just make them think its a war. I unloaded all the active stuff and will see what happens
Well if I was Sony I dont think I'd be tipping my hat at what detection measures were in place by suspending/banning trial accounts.

That said I also think that their detection methods may not be immediate. They may flag accounts as hacking if they detect whatever it is they detect then wait until a certain time of day or certain day of the week and suspend/ban accounts at the same time so as to leave people confused.

Really if Sony wants to take it to destroying vanilla compile and MQ2 all together I forsee alot of people quitting EQ. 990 accounts is probably something like 10% of all active eq subscriptions these days.
They did not hand out 3 day suspensions they BANNED thousands of accounts of anyone that was detected using active hacks and MQ2. This is a first people were warned in the MOTD and on the website and forums. Its more like a shot across our bow.

Before I came back I talked to a handful of players about MQ usage, and their honest opinion was that SOE mostly treated it as just another plug-in. I'm afraid, even though I play on the TLP servers, that much of the blame is coming from that area. I'm not sure how much of all that drama you guys are noticing but some of those people on Fippy are doing 3-4 daily petitions. Whereas on live player had more of a don't ask don't tell mentality. I've also heard reports that some of the abusive players from TLP slipped over into live servers for the new release and there was an outcry? Does this translation of events sum up what others have experienced?
Before I came back I talked to a handful of players about MQ usage, and their honest opinion was that SOE mostly treated it as just another plug-in. I'm afraid, even though I play on the TLP servers, that much of the blame is coming from that area. I'm not sure how much of all that drama you guys are noticing but some of those people on Fippy are doing 3-4 daily petitions. Whereas on live player had more of a don't ask don't tell mentality. I've also heard reports that some of the abusive players from TLP slipped over into live servers for the new release and there was an outcry? Does this translation of events sum up what others have experienced?

There are a TON of dbags on the TLP servers. Most people that see boxers of 3 or more toons petition them if the boxed crew is on something they want. They already immediately call MQ usage and petition you. Everyone on Fippy is petition happy and ready to do whatever it takes to get what they want by training you, KSing you, harassing you, and then petitioning you. I try to stay low key and not contest too many popular targets too often.
/agree I was on tlp servers for testing Kissassist but it took me right back to my days on Tallon zek during velious. I hated being on the tlp even for testing purposes at level 15 was a bunch of assholes.
Because of people being assholes and cocksuckers on TLP Sony threw a hissy fit and broke all our shit and suspended a bunch of accounts.
I personally 100% blame the crybabies and the MQ2 assholes from TLP for all of this.

Well I can tell you from experience, you are 100% correct. I have spend the last 5-6 months on the TLP server with a large crew.

The experience is prety damn bad at the moment. I am waiting for PoP/ldon to open so I can go back and kill the rest of NTov by myself without much grief...
Be careful with trial accounts. I read somewhere, not even sure where anymore that they were going after the main accounts of trial accounts caught hacking. That means if I RAF and start hacking on that account they can go after me because I was the referrer, How would we get around this?

found it, it was the first post about ban wave by maskoi.

"Why don't you ban by something more severe than account?

Actually, we do in some instances. You speak of a banning as not being a punishment, but those people are not just losing their characters, they are losing the access to those account(s) and subscription(s), including any purchases they have made. In some cases, including where the accounts are trials, we broaden the punishment process to include all accounts the person owns. (I.E. we find their main accounts and whack them with a stick too.) "
Anyone Used Mq with the trial Account?

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