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Utility MQ2Spawns

Other Authors
pms, eqmule, ChatWithThisName
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual
MQ2Spawns - The intention behind this plugin was to have the ability to announce all OnAddSpawn and OnRemoveSpawn to a dedicated window without the need of attaching a debugger.
(not to be confused with the core MacroQuest MQ2Spawns, which handles /caption etc.)

/dspwn <spawntype>Toggles output of this spawn type despawning. Accepted types: all - pc - npc - mount - pet - merc - flyer - campfire - banner - aura - object - untargetable - chest - trap - timer - trigger - corpse - item - unknown
/spawn [option] [setting]Configure settings for the plugin: excluding certain names, toggling timestamps, etc.
/spwn <spawntype>Toggles output of this spawn type spawning. Accepted types: all - pc - npc - mount - pet - merc - flyer - campfire - banner - aura - object - untargetable - chest - trap - timer - trigger - corpse - item - unknown
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