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Utility MQ2PortalSetter

Other Authors
dewey2461, Kaen01, DigitalPixel, ChatWithThisName, Knightly, Sic
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual
A plugin by DigitalPixel to set the guild portal with two clicks.

Once loaded, when you browse the Portal Merchant in the guild hall the MQ2PortalSetter window will automatically open. Click on the name of the zone you want to set the portal and the plugin handles the rest.


>>> Legacy MQ2 Instructions <<<

  1. Download MQUI_PortalSetterWindow.xml to your uifiles\default folder, either in VeryVanilla or EverQuest.
  2. /plugin mq2portalsetter
  3. Reload your UI. /loadskin default
  4. Visit the portal merchant in your guild hall.

You probably forgot step 3 in the instructions.
Source Repository
[git] Automation options?
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 12/03/2024

    〰️Commits PR # [1](https://github.com/RedGuides/MQ2PortalSetter/pull/1): Expansion (fa68308)...
  2. 12/04/2023

    〰️Commits Merge branch 'LSExpansion' into 'master' Add LS expansion See merge request...
  3. 20230513

    〰️Commits Error Update, Window Rounding, Cleanup (1bb3c01) ~Sic Merge branch...

Latest reviews

This plugin is great. However, it would be better if there were an easier way to re-arrange the buttons in the Portal Setter window. I use Argath and Shard's much more than ETWK, yet ETWK occupies more real estate.