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Discussion - What’s the worst zone in eq?? (1 Viewer)


I <3 SKs *kissy face*
Jun 16, 2019
Also list your favorite zone, and the most underrated zone??

1. Worst zone - open for suggestions
2. Underrated zone - The Warrens
3. Best zone - Skyfire 2.0 (I like new mechanics!)
For me I am going older stuff.
1. Worst zone- Plane of Fear
2. Underrated Zone- the hole
3. Best for me would be wall of slaughter..have a special place in my heart for that zone
1. Worst Zone- so so many candidates Stratos is very box unfriendly
2. Underrated- Skyfire 2.0
3. Best Zone - Frontier Mountains 2.0 i personally hate it due to burn out but it is the best zone to level toons up to around 105 after that it loses its luster.
1) worst- karnor's castle, the trains and trains.
2) underrated- EoK chardok
3) best- Crushbone, always has been and always will be to me.
Those Karanas are still a long run but I avoid Crystal Caverns at all cost. I hate trying to find my way around in there.

Underrated - prob the whole Cresent Reach/Moors etc area - that eliminated any need to go to your home city and there are tons of cool quests to get you started.

The best? All the ones that have the old school raid guys that I can now solo and feel like a god. Even if I have to log in 5 of my alts to make that 6 man raid doesn't matter - I solo'd something that used to take us 54 man raids to take down! **flex***
man - Sylanos's Carven's of Endless Song --- that zone suuucks

I think my favorite zone memories all come from LGuk - dunno if it was the "best" but that is where my best memories come from

underrated - Steamfont music! (don't think this counts as underrated zone - but the zone music gets me HYPED)
Worst - Marus Seru. Lots of people are picking winding and twisty zones, but this zone really showed that SoE was a bit over their heads trying to design levels with the new engine. Given its size and the new graphics, not much could be here. So it is literally just... dirt. Everywhere you look, dirt. I can't think of a more boring zone.

Underrated - Firiona Vie. For many of us, this is where we stepped off the boat and saw Kunark for the first time. Zones that made the karanas feel small. Truly a wild, vast, savage, open continent where exploration felt meaningful.

Best - Any of the Neriak zones. The colors are awesome and the zone has a soft spot because I grew up playing this game and mained a dark elf necro.
I'm going to take an unpopular opinion here and say the the worst zone in the history of EQ is the Plane of Knowledge. It fundamentally changed how one navigates the game world. It changed it from an immersive world experience to something more like a lobby chatroom where you simply teleport to whatever area you want to go. It rendered the starting cities, which had their own unique and immersive characteristics, completely obsolete and replaced them with a very bland and uninspiring, almost sterilized experience. Consolidating the playerbase into a one-size-fits-all mega city was a solution to a problem that didn't exist.
worst: pof. we are going to do a breakin to fear, loading please wait, loading please wait. loading please wait... sending a tell to another guild leader hey can you please help us get our corpses?
underrated: paw
favorite: cb forever
I'm going to take an unpopular opinion here and say the the worst zone in the history of EQ is the Plane of Knowledge. It fundamentally changed how one navigates the game world. It changed it from an immersive world experience to something more like a lobby chatroom where you simply teleport to whatever area you want to go. It rendered the starting cities, which had their own unique and immersive characteristics, completely obsolete and replaced them with a very bland and uninspiring, almost sterilized experience. Consolidating the playerbase into a one-size-fits-all mega city was a solution to a problem that didn't exist.

I don't disagree with a lot of your points. However, I do think it was necessary at the time, and even more so today. The world was beginning to get too big to not have a central hub, and populations in those starting cities were not what they had been at one time. I agree with the underlying emotions regarding PoK, but I do think it was a necessary evil.
I always thought a better solution to the bigger world would have been to let everyone have access to bard speed, with a potion or clicky or something. It was so much fun to travel as a bard, I could go 200mph and I could fly, it made any journey faster but also pretty fun. Whenever I played some other class it felt like I was in slow motion. It seemed ridiculous. PoK speeded things up but I thought it ruined the feel of the world too, made it more gamey, less world-y. Super fast running could have been the best of both worlds, fast travel while also preserving the integrity of the world. And they could have made it so the speed stops if you engage in combat.

Anyway my least favorite would be the new freeport. I get why they did it, but I just don't like it. It is too big and I don't like exploring towns and that is a huge town. I prefer to be out in the wilds. I also really liked the old freeport because it was split into 3 small zones which helped me organize it in my head. I knew where everything was and it was kinda pretty too.

Underrated - Sebilis. Old schoolers remember L Guk as being the ultimate zone, and it probably is, but Seb was very similar only bigger and a bit more intense. It had the 3 paths, one to Bonecaster Robe dude which also had extra rooms behind it, right to the chef or whatever. And straight through the locked door to the 4 rooms area, and then beyond to Chottal's place. So 3 distinct directions which again make it easier for me to organize it in my head. I know my way around it by sight, even though it is so big and has twists and turns. But then there is the whole underground level which I don't know as well, I like how you can jump down the waterfall to get there. And the dragon in the big cave at the back end of the zone was the icing on the cake. There are lots of zones I love though so it is hard to pick. I actually loved PoFear because I played a lot before and during Kunark so Fear was an important zone. Everyone needed some gear from the trash mobs, and then the golems had some important stuff too like the Bone Clasped Girdle, and the the Draco and Cazic himself had uber loot. For this reason my guild used to raid it constantly and sometimes people would get left behind. I was an SK that was pampered by the guild with good gear, so I felt like I should help people get out of there and I used to manage it. I could zone in with my SK and run towards the house on auto run. I would then run a cleric to the safe spot and camp him out. My SK could either just die or FD if I managed to. Then the cleric could rez at the safe spot. My SK was then able to drag any corpse to the safe spot and I also got a wizzy there to port people out once they were rezzed up. I even managed to solo in the zone once I started boxing. I loved how intense it was. I also loved Hate as well.

Favorite: I only really know this game up to PoP so I am sure I missed a lot. I love Chardok because of how big it is. I love Lower Guk so much because it was the top zone in the game in the old days, it used to have 40+ people in it most of the time, so many that every mob was dead and people were fighting over mobs as they spawned. The design of it is incredible, fake walls, trap floors, lots of rooms, complex without being a maze, big without taking a long time to run through. And I love how it is split into the live side and dead side. But if I had to pick one favorite, it would probably have to be The Hole. The structures are just so cool. That big bridge with a physics defying building like an entrance lobby or something. Then in the main building there are lots of places you can go, but then at the bottom it goes through a tunnel and yet more building. And then down again, and there is a whole little town down there with a bank etc. I spent a lot of time down there for my epic and really appreciated how spooky it was. It could be really deadly too if you tried to fight something and one of the complete healing mobs was nearby. But as if that wasn't big enough, there is another tunnel and then another layer below, with the undead area and a big building which goes all the way back up, a different way. And the final tunnel leading to Yael. Pretty epic zone. Chardok comes close I guess. Whenever someone is talking about Skyrim haz kool dungeons, I always think... if only you saw EQ :/
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1) worst - Velks - I get so lost and confused in that zone. No idea where I am! Caverns I would agree with. I died there So. Much. But it was also quite fun.

2) underrated - Arx Mentis is one I'd say is underrated. You had to progress to get there, then it was actually quite cool and different! Maybe it was too Star Trek for some folks, but I loved it! I think Howling Stones is another underrated zone. It felt a lot like a dungeon crawl to get to your camp, which brings back the good ol days.

3) Best - I want to say Combine Dredge or Thuliasaur Island. Mostly because it was all so much fun for me and my friends.
Worst: Gribble's HA's. After a few thousand runs it gets real old.
Best: The 120 UP in ToL. The easiest T1 drops.
Underrated: The Karanas. Grab a fellowship ring and spend 20 levels just relaxing.
Worse - Caverns of Endless Silence with a close second of Sepulcher (in era this zone was a complete PITA). I still remembering getting the one AC Aug there for the tank and getting the hell out of there as quickly as possible.
Underated - Tough one for me but maybe Fear. There was nothing like old school fear breaks in era. Just so much fun.
Best: This is fluid for me but the HOT expansion overall had some incredible zones. They really did a nice job reinviogorating the game play at such a late stage in in the game and Morells castle wa sa fun one For me. That said I could probably name dozens of best zones depending on era - LGUK probably has the most memories for me, followed by SeblIs.
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I'm going to take an unpopular opinion here and say the the worst zone in the history of EQ is the Plane of Knowledge. It fundamentally changed how one navigates the game world. It changed it from an immersive world experience to something more like a lobby chatroom where you simply teleport to whatever area you want to go. It rendered the starting cities, which had their own unique and immersive characteristics, completely obsolete and replaced them with a very bland and uninspiring, almost sterilized experience. Consolidating the playerbase into a one-size-fits-all mega city was a solution to a problem that didn't exist.
Nailed it. Add making Crescent Reach the universal starting city rather than just having the tutorial spit you out in the right starting city. Completely removed the first adventure of going from your home to a new place...
Worst: Caverns of Endless Song is by far the worst ever....

Underrated: City of Mist - I love this zone for the lvl25 - mid 40 grind. Start at the entrance and pull left right centre....and slowly progress deeper into the zone - up secret pathways and Black Reavers. Awesome zone. And killing Lhranc (The hardest mob in Kunark era) for SK Epic 1 was such a rush...and a relief.

Best: Plane of Fear. - Because it was hard - made it such an epic beast of a zone to conquest. The break - Getting armor when it was relevant - the epic mobs - The chain agro - the Death Touch - Getting agro on The Dracolich when you didnt want to, and destroying your raid. Such great memories that will never be repeated, and truly one of the reason's EQ is such a loved game. If a new game came out with Plane of Fear - folks would say fuck this shit its too hard!
I'll say it

Worst - Plane of mischief 3.0. -- Destroyed everything that was good.
Underrated - Plane of mischief 2.0 -- Everyone can travel to it, no one goes.
Best - Plane of mischief 1.0 -- Best zone in the game hands down; Not enough know about it's details, not enough appreciate it.
Worst: crystal caverns runneyeye tbl in general and the Karanas if you don’t have maps is the worst thing ever
Best: lguk sathirs tomb and the hole are all zones that I think are just so fun to do are simplistic while also being complicated enough to be fun
Underrated: pretty much everything from omens of war was amazing and no one likes it for some reason and split law 2.0 the amount of times I’ve been in split paw with my dad and just easy killing getting easy aa at level 70 and even 75 is amazing I loved that zone just for the memory’s and will always be one of my favorite zones and I miss getting to play with you dad
Oh man, it's situational depending on the era I was playing in, but I'll give my single answers (though I have many for different time frames).

Worst: Tower of Frozen Shadow - Always hated that zone
Best: Now this may come as a shock, but East Commonlands (before it just became "Commonlands") It's where my love for the original game began. I was a human, left out of east freeport and my adventure began from wolves, to snakes, moving up to orcs and skeletons. Was my first taste of this fun fantasy world and I was hooked.
Underrated: Karnor's Castle, I know it was a popular zone, but popular to hate. I loved it because it was my first "hard" zone I became actually familiar with and comfortable hunting in for my slow grind to 60.
Kedge was a thing of nightmares. I remember going there with my guild to raid Phinny but we weren't a good guild, just a bunch of over achieving noobs. None us knew the way, I think the leader was following an online map. We actually managed to kill Phinny I think, although it was close. But getting there was hell lol. I think it took us a whole day, maybe 2 days. I had to use my bard breathing song constantly and I think we had one mage pumping out breathing items but we really needed both the song and the items. It was hard going. But then there are points where mobs dispel people so they lose the buff! Underwater dungeon is harsh, add dispelling mobs and it made me think it was designed by a psychopath :D Memorable though, I'll give it that!
cavern definitely stinks real bad. absolute poop zone.

I also think that stratos kind of sucks - "hey guys you want a shiny, you're gonna have to kill yourself to get it"
1. Worst zone for me is Kael Drakkel 2.0, me don't like giants and dire wolfs in 10x packs.
2. Underrated zone Plane of Smoke TBL.. Good 105-110 gear also great exp all the way to level 110.
3. Best zone for me is Great Divide 2 at the Banshees.

4. Best memory zone is Ocean hills and HoT, me and my wife had tons of fun in em expacs.
Best zones
  • Plane of Fire – POP
  • Everfrost Peaks - Original
  • Griegs’s End - SOL
  • Velketor's Labyrinth - Velious
  • Siren's Grotto - Velious
  • Old Sebilis - Kunark
  • Chardok - Kunark
  • Blackfeather Roost - TSS
  • Loping Plains - SOF
  • Old Blackburrow - SOD
  • Brell's Temple - Underfoot
Underrated zones
  • Crypt of Nadox - LOY
  • The Deep - SOL
  • Cazic-Thule 2.0 - Original
  • Riftseekers' Sanctum - Omens
  • Stoneroot Falls - DOD
  • Temple of Bertoxxulous - SOD
  • Kor-Sha Laboratory – EOK
  • Morell's Castle - HOT
  • Sunderock Springs - TSS
Worst zones
  • Plane of Justice - POP
  • East Commonlands - Original
  • All Freeports - Original
  • All of LDON
  • Skyfire 1.0 - Kunark
  • Uqua - GOD
  • Hills of Shade - SOF
  • Feerrott, the Dream - HOT
I'm going to take an unpopular opinion here and say the the worst zone in the history of EQ is the Plane of Knowledge. It fundamentally changed how one navigates the game world. It changed it from an immersive world experience to something more like a lobby chatroom where you simply teleport to whatever area you want to go. It rendered the starting cities, which had their own unique and immersive characteristics, completely obsolete and replaced them with a very bland and uninspiring, almost sterilized experience. Consolidating the playerbase into a one-size-fits-all mega city was a solution to a problem that didn't exist.
I changed from a druid main to a mage due to this very fact because it broke druids so bad.
I changed from a druid main to a mage due to this very fact because it broke druids so bad.
I should have changed mains from a druid to a shaman when that happened, but I am and was to stubborn.
1. Worst zone - Nagafen's Lair
2. Underrated zone - Estate of Unrest
3. Best zone - Castle Mistmoore
1. Worst zone - Caverns of Endless Song (mainly because of all the back and forth questlines) (I loathe any zone that makes you go from one end to the other several times for quests)
2. Underrated zone - The Hole (That zone is way bigger than the map leads you to believe)
3. Best zone - Castle Mistmoore (First zone where I died 7 times in 15 minutes on my enchanter in 1999 and still had fun)
With so many zones I've just going to run thru the by expansion.

Worst: Lake Rathetear (Just why?)
Underrated: SolA
Best: The Hole

Worst: The Overthere
Underrated: City of Mist
Best: Old Sebilis

Worst: Crystalline Caverns
Underrated: Dragon's Necropolis
Best: Velketor's Labyrinth

Worst: Mons Letalis (Just why again?)
Underrated: The Grey
Best: Ssraeshza Temple

Worst: Plane of Justice
Underrated: Plane of Tactics
Best: Bastion of Thunder
Thank you Alakshak for the tempalte ;)


Worst: Kithicor Forest (because night time sucked when I was trying to get to my fav. zone)
Underrated: Kedge (because the ZEM was too insane to pass up and mobs had relatively low hp, you had to know what to do and levitation of some sort)
Best: Highpass keep (from killing goblins (ears) to killing guards (Fine steel weapons) and nobles, you could enter at 20 with a group and leave at 45)

Worst: Skyfire Mountains (Dispell proccing mobs all over the place).
Underrated: Karnor's Castle (Decent place with decent loot and half decent xp if you can avoid trains)
Best: City of Mist or Howling stones (CoM you can abuse Z Axis and pathing for easy soloing hard monsters (Moat) and for HS, you just have a blast when you play enchanter with being able to charm and mana tap on cooldown)

Worst: Skyshrine (I'm sure its good but I never bothered to check it out besides memorizing the run to Yelinak)
Underrated: Dragon Necropolis (Easy Phase Spider Carapace farm at the entrance and can avoid most traps with levitation)
Best: Siren's Grotto (Hard zone but you can get away with a lot of stuff when fighting fish mobs because of the available ledges)

Worst: Mons Letalis (Easy pick)
Underrated: Acrylia Caverns (Good exp, easy VT stick farm, can kill burrower with a few groups when its at full evolution)
Best: Ssraeshza Temple (Best zone design in the expansion, multiple raid targets, easy pulls, alot of reasons to be in that place when it comes to expansion progression)

Worst: Plane of Justice (Just so boring)
Underrated: Temple of Solusek Ro (easy Ornate molds farming, groupable tower bosses, better exp than BoT if you have good dps and or enchanter with imp pet)
Best: Plane of Tactics (Good zone in general, most does not summon (even named piglet!), you can charm and undead charm, Ornate molds and you can invis for the most part)
I am still learning the POP zones onward so restrict my answers to pre this time, I returned recently and still flutter between playing and not playing. I still haven't formed a bond with any of the newer zones compared to the nostalgia of playing back in 2000, therefore my answer is slightly different (based on the races I used and the zones I visited as that race and class - I still try visiting them if they exist to this day)

Starting Class - Halfling - Druid
Best Zone: Misty Thicket - what a fantastic starting zone, great low level area and guards protecting you behind a wall prior to entering the level 10 and up area

(in a nod to Sic's post on music - Rivervale (in my humble opinion has the most fantastic zone music - if you haven't heard it listen to it!!!)

Underrated Zone: Highkeep Pass - each goblin room took one group (!) and there was a banker right above you and merchants to sell your loot.
Worst Zone: The halfling run to commonlands through Kithicor at night (hug the left hand wall!!!) and stand in awe at the players brave enough to use the paths!

Starting Class - Wood Elf - Bard
Best Zone: Crushbone - Dreams of going to the throne room and killing emperor crush and the royal guards.
Underrated Zone: Oasis - Man I used to be running about in my full bronze armor in this zone trying to avoid lockjaw and hoping the giant camps were available for PP.
Worst Zone: Estate of unrest - many bad memories here and felt a bit "clunky"

Starting Class: Dwarf - Warrior
Best Zone: Dreadlands - What a fantastic open zone with many relatively safe spots to camp. When you turned up with a Lammy you'd get straight into groups.
Underrated Zone: Ocean of Tears: Spectres, although it was hard to convince a group to join.
Worst Zone: KC - being the tank and managing hard hitting adds with questionable pathing was always hard!
Worst zone: Was Nektulus Forest when they made it a weird snake maze, now I would say the Freeport revamps
Underrated Zone: Permafrost Keep - Had so much fun in there back in the day :)
Best Zone: Lower Guk / SolB - When every 3-4 mobs was camped, that was the place to be!
Discussion - What’s the worst zone in eq??

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