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News - Welcome to the Anniversary Tower! (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017

It is time to see what trials await you, traveler.​

Jan 17, 2024​

As you are traveling through the North Desert of Ro, you spot a tower floating in the sky. As you get near it, you see a glowing platform. Dare you climb onto it? Where can it possibly lead? You step onto the pad and find yourself inside the tower, being greeted by a lovely merchant maiden named Miacallie Herlsas. She invites you to view her wares but informs you that until you have gone through the trials and perils of the tower and defeated that which needs defeating, you might not afford or even see much in her shop.

Tower Merchant Miacallie Herlsas
You explore and find that the anniversary tower features 11 floors, resplendent with artwork from around Norrath. Getting in the locked doors within the tower is rather tricky and can only be done once a key for the door is obtained through the completion of its Tower Trial. These Trials will send you places across Norrath, so be sure you have on your traveling boots. When a door is unlocked, the real challenge begins as you will go up against powerful beings. Upon the successful defeat of the monster behind the door, you will earn timeless tokens which Miacallie will accept as payment for her wares.
Only once you have defeated the monsters in every tower room will you be strong enough to awaken the final tower boss. Dare you begin this treacherous journey? What will you find behind those doors? There is but one way to find out: be the hero you were born to be, and let’s get started. Once you are ready, look for the shinies in the tower, they will lead the way!
Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. 
After your first run-through, you have 30 "Timeless Tokens". That lets you buy a few ornaments or augs. Nothing earth-shattering yet. But a little fun side-trek.

A shield aug that's basically equivalent to LS aug.
A charm that's noticably worse than LS T3 charm but has a "Type 9" aug slot which you can also buy:

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What are the actual trials? Group stuff or Raid stuff?
The Charm will be decent with the type 9 Aug in it - but it amazes me how they can never get the balance of stats right for the augs. They really should stick with the theme of having 3 types that are clearly obvious who they are aimed at. TANK (SECURITY) /MELEE (ADROIT) /CASTER (VIGOR)
anyone does these yet?

it reminds me of the WoW class towers from several years back

are there rewards that are desirable / lasting?
Is this part of the LS expansion? What levels needed? Raid or groupable?
This is a completely separate quest/content for their "Year of Darkpaw".

Achievements > Events > Special > Year of Darkpaw.
There are so far three tasks released, with more to come:

Each of the first 3 give 10 Timeless Tokens upon achievement - so not repeatable for more (at least at this time).
You'll have 30 when done.

Task #1: Ground Spawn Collectables in Runnyeye

There's a new mini-zone floating off the East coast of North Ro. Pedestal portal on the shore near it to enter

Floor #1 has the merchant with the loots. Only one item visible at the start. More revealed as you progress.

Quest #1: Quest of Sand (or something like that)
Go to the second floor and pickup a ground spawn. Click on it and you'll get the first quest.
It tells you to navigate around the normal South Ro.
Hit the spots and a trivial dk. blue spawns. Kill it for an item.
Three times. The combine all 3 to complete the task.
The mobs were trivial, with my level 125 SK pet soloing one (honestly) when I wasn't paying attention

Quest #2: Tides of Time
Click the item created at the end of previous to initiate.
Zone in by clicking door on floor 2 of the tower..

3 sets of mobs. My 125 SK solo'd without trouble, but a merc or few people would make it easy for most any level/type
  • 2 Dk. Blue (to a 125) skeletons. Easy
  • 2 White (to a 125) crocodiles. Felt easy
  • 1 yellow (to a 125) "A withered memory"
None of these provided a challenge.
No level requirement, it shows Min Level 1 - Max Level 125 in the task window.

Also - you don't have to have the door key to be taskadded and zone in.

Also - just verified without doing the initial groundspawn quest - once you do the task the vendor is unlocked
the charm/aug combo on mischief is alright, its a good item to throw the frosty gem AC aug into and replace with the new shield aug. Not as good as UF raid items so maybe at lvl 90 the scaling will improve as the Hstats arent errible for the level.

Reward was 12aas to finish both tasks, soloed with an sk and the second run through was 3 aas total and more coins.
Not sure that the one listed "Collection in Runnyeye is accurate.

The ones I show and per EQ resource are:

Broken Key of Sands
Oasis of Sand
Collection: Blackburrow

So first I went to tower and can see the merchant NPC Micallie Herlsas on first floor. Her inventory shows an "argent clockwork boar saddle" for 375 TT without doing anything.

Did first task, Broken Key of Sands and she still shows just the mount but now I have 10 TT

Did the collection in Blackburrow and now I have 20 TT. But no change in offerings from Micallie. So why am I not seeing the other offerings? Is it because I don't have LS expansion or because I am only level 120? Inquiring minds want to know. According to this list below I should be able to see the other items but they are level 125


EDIT: ok after finishing the Oasis of Sand, which would be all three finished now, I can now see a few more items. So it is not expansion or level related
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Once a player in the group has the key and clicks it, your group will get the task and can enter the instance. You could avoid looting the last piece for the rest of your group to save some time for later.
This is a completely separate quest/content for their "Year of Darkpaw".

Achievements > Events > Special > Year of Darkpaw.
There are so far three tasks released, with more to come:

Each of the first 3 give 10 Timeless Tokens upon achievement - so not repeatable for more (at least at this time).
You'll have 30 when done.


3 sets of mobs. My 125 SK solo'd without trouble, but a merc or few people would make it easy for most any level/type
  • 2 Dk. Blue (to a 125) skeletons. Easy
  • 2 White (to a 125) crocodiles. Felt easy
  • 1 yellow (to a 125) "A withered memory"
None of these provided a challenge.
Emphasis mine. They are repeatable, at least the last 2 are. You get 10 coins each time you do the "mission". I am at 40 currently and have not done the collection yet.

They are pretty easy to molo at any level it looks like. I solo'd everything except the last mob in the mission "withered memory". He killed my 83 BST until I popped a cleric merc. The burst damage was a bit too much for me to heal through. Admittedly, I am not at all uber geared.

- E
And 10 coins gets you a tier 2 charm?
Yes. 10 coins for the charm.

But the charm powers up based off Missions inside the tower.

With only the T1 missions available it looks something like this:

So its pretty crap at this point. If you add a type 9 from TBM - it can be reasonable.
But the charm powers up based off Missions inside the tower.

With only the T1 missions available it looks something like this:

So its pretty crap at this point. If you add a type 9 from TBM - it can be reasonable.

Don't even think you can say "reasonable" at this point. Hard to see this stage being an upgrade for anyone even then, though very easy to acquire, and not prestige.

Is it a safe assumption there's versions for < level 125 depending on char that claims?

But even with good TBM augs, it's noticeably worse than a ToV Type 3 charm (going back 2 expansions and 5 level).

Charm+AugToV T3
News - Welcome to the Anniversary Tower!

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