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IRL - Show us your ui setup (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 2, 2024
So i am now up and running with 2 set's of 4 toons, raising them all to 10 in the tutorial and that will then hopefully help me decide on what to use for pushing later content. I am running IS boxer and interspace for windows management (i love that app!) But i am not happy with the layouts. In my head the boxes should be slimmed down and the driver should have all the info etc? I hope that makes sense.
I wwhave installed boxhud and button master so far, am i over doing it for a beginner?
Go 2 groups of 6...you're there already and don't realize it =)

I know I hardly switch to a boxed toon unless I need to do something specific with/for them. With the proper hotkeys/aliases/Lua's, you can see and run almost all functions from your driver.

Not sure you can over do it if you're comfortable and moving along. I know boxhud changed my perspective as I moved away from ISB by utilizing it. It really was a game changer as ISB was beginning to drive me nuts. I also do not recall who but when I discussed ISB in disco it was stated that having to see all your toons is not trusting in your own automation setup. At the time I was only running 2 groups and it sounded bold and crazy not be able to see them all, but looking back, it was correct and now makes perfect sense. Learning and using the automation to it's fullest took me from 2 groups to almost a full raid force.

My personal thought is once you add something to your team and are comfortable using it, why not explore more? Those moments of thinking "I do XYZ with my team all the time, is there automation to help with this" come often and thus the search on this site.
To be honest i don't think i am brave enough for that ... yet but defiantly going to research it!
Start with a simple recurring task. One of my favs was the /give alias Sic has in his hotkey sticky. You target an npc with your driver, pickup the quest item and type /give. All connected toons give it the npc the item, assuming its in their inventory of course =)

boxhud gives you tons of info as well...HP/MP/EP - Distance / Target / Spell/dsc use / automation status, etc. I found several things were "duplicated" when looking at my toons compared with automation use. But it definitely has a learning curve.
The only difficulty in doing 2 groups of 6, instead of 2 groups of 4.. is having 4 more kissassist.ini to set up (unless you're using an MQ2Class) and the reward is far beyond the work needed. Half the fun is setting it all up, getting your group to work together how you want it... and trying different things.

I've done all caster (outside of tank), all melee (which i'm more keen on as minimal if no downtime), and an assortment. On a Emu server i have a 36 box group.. though it was somewhat heavy caster because I would level them up using PB AoE pulls... Griegs didn't know what hit it! And I'm quite the newb with setting it all up.

As you go along.. improving your set up.. then you'll find what your UI is lacking. (I did have a UI Set upon my raid group, that would show the HP/Mana of the whole raid along the right side of the screen. Helps that i'm on an ultrawide.)
No screenshots! you slackers... Here is a screenshot of my template

This is the left half of my ultrawide monitor, the right half is non-eq things and I have multiple monitors setup to be able to watch what other toons are doing.
I do use /viewport and recommend everyone do as well
Modified multiple things in Sparxx

It's important to have buttons on boxes, mainly so you know what all abilities you have, going thru and setting hotbuttons with all your /discs and /aa's helps to optimize your class
The 2 bars I have in the middle are for multi binds on non-TLP's where you have lots of abilities
In game map + compass always up helps orientation
Button Master is great because you can setup keys the same across all your toons so you can drive from any of them.

Go 2 groups of 6...you're there already and don't realize it =)

I know I hardly switch to a boxed toon unless I need to do something specific with/for them. With the proper hotkeys/aliases/Lua's, you can see and run almost all functions from your driver.

Not sure you can over do it if you're comfortable and moving along. I know boxhud changed my perspective as I moved away from ISB by utilizing it. It really was a game changer as ISB was beginning to drive me nuts. I also do not recall who but when I discussed ISB in disco it was stated that having to see all your toons is not trusting in your own automation setup. At the time I was only running 2 groups and it sounded bold and crazy not be able to see them all, but looking back, it was correct and now makes perfect sense. Learning and using the automation to it's fullest took me from 2 groups to almost a full raid force.

My personal thought is once you add something to your team and are comfortable using it, why not explore more? Those moments of thinking "I do XYZ with my team all the time, is there automation to help with this" come often and thus the search on this site.

How do you manage equipment for your boxes? I currently see no way to do that atm but know of addons like buxhud and Gearly that let you at least view stats across boxes.
lol now i am sad... i meant i had got to separate groups working :( i have not managed to get them to work together yet. OK now i have a goal for this weekend, get two full groups up and working! After the tutorial i was thinking of going old school and visiting crushbone / unrest or is there better (include nostalgia in that though lol needs to be really good).
Will do a full 6 today...
Thank you for all the help guys, this site and its resources / vids / forum is awesome!
also i am using RGmercs atm is that a bad thing? i use on all but main?
lol now i am sad... i meant i had got to separate groups working :( i have not managed to get them to work together yet. OK now i have a goal for this weekend, get two full groups up and working! After the tutorial i was thinking of going old school and visiting crushbone / unrest or is there better (include nostalgia in that though lol needs to be really good).
Will do a full 6 today...
Thank you for all the help guys, this site and its resources / vids / forum is awesome!
also i am using RGmercs atm is that a bad thing? i use on all but main?
To really get the nostalgic feel, have one group train the zone in for extra mayhem.

I use Rgmercs on everyone, even the driver. Let's go team!
How do you manage equipment for your boxes? I currently see no way to do that atm but know of addons like buxhud and Gearly that let you at least view stats across boxes.
Gearly helps. Augcheck helps as well and then I use a crude excel sheet I made. I looked through every xpac back to TBL and setup a list of must have items / augs / armor and separated it by casters, priests, melee, tanks and then I use that sheet to track what they need and have. I'm sure there may be a faster / easier way but this seems to work.

I think you would be surprised how much you can remember about which toons need what when you gear them in order of Tank --> Healer --> CC--> DPS and learn the main focus items for each class. Fill in the major stuff for each class first and the rest falls in place over time as items drop.
lol now i am sad... i meant i had got to separate groups working :( i have not managed to get them to work together yet. OK now i have a goal for this weekend, get two full groups up and working! After the tutorial i was thinking of going old school and visiting crushbone / unrest or is there better (include nostalgia in that though lol needs to be really good).
Will do a full 6 today...
Thank you for all the help guys, this site and its resources / vids / forum is awesome!
also i am using RGmercs atm is that a bad thing? i use on all but main?
When you say "together", I'm not sure I would run them around together in case that wasn't obvious. Personally, I would focus on getting one group of 6 working as you want and then repeat with the second group. I usually recommend separate zones as well to minimize your exposure to those who despise the use of software (unless it's only you in an old world zone). 12 toons running around together screams " Look at me".

As for automation, any form that works for you and has your team doing what you want can't be bad imo.
I was meaning together as in baby raid but like you said i am not quite sure how to do it? Not only as in how to get two groups to communicate but as in where is ok to try it out without people getting upset lol.
I have started building my army and now have two full groups but still need to tweak. So i am going to do like you say and just focus on the two groups (separately) for awhile :)
Having said that the newbie zones are empty so far :)
I was meaning together as in baby raid but like you said i am not quite sure how to do it? Not only as in how to get two groups to communicate but as in where is ok to try it out without people getting upset lol.
I have started building my army and now have two full groups but still need to tweak. So i am going to do like you say and just focus on the two groups (separately) for awhile :)
Having said that the newbie zones are empty so far :)
If you plan to raid or run both groups at the same time, you would form a raid and then use dannet commands or aliases like /cwtnr to control commands to all toons and utilize multiple raid assists if you need them. Hotkeys play a big part.

Anytime you can get a private instance is usually the best way to test things or grind xp/aa's
/docommand ${If[${Raid.Members}, /dgre /mqp off, /dgge /mqp off]}
/docommand ${If[${Raid.Members}, /dgre /stoptwist, /dgge /stoptwist]}
/docommand ${If[${Raid.Members}, /cwtnra pause 0, /cwtnga pause 0]}

I would make your hotkeys to handle if you are in a raid with both groups or just in a group.
nvm I tried. Someone let me know if you see a toon name.
It's a beautiful thing! without asking you to list the world what are the main macro's/plugins/Lua i should start with? for instance what are the plugins for the list of characters and buffs. I am working my way through Sic's (and others) macro's lol So you use both EQBCS and dannet? or is the Lua completely separate?
There are literally so many to look through though! i am still trying to get the gear logging to csv to work lol I am thinking if i get it working now at the start will be easier later on?
Go 2 groups of 6...you're there already and don't realize it =)

I know I hardly switch to a boxed toon unless I need to do something specific with/for them. With the proper hotkeys/aliases/Lua's, you can see and run almost all functions from your driver.

Not sure you can over do it if you're comfortable and moving along. I know boxhud changed my perspective as I moved away from ISB by utilizing it. It really was a game changer as ISB was beginning to drive me nuts. I also do not recall who but when I discussed ISB in disco it was stated that having to see all your toons is not trusting in your own automation setup. At the time I was only running 2 groups and it sounded bold and crazy not be able to see them all, but looking back, it was correct and now makes perfect sense. Learning and using the automation to it's fullest took me from 2 groups to almost a full raid force.

My personal thought is once you add something to your team and are comfortable using it, why not explore more? Those moments of thinking "I do XYZ with my team all the time, is there automation to help with this" come often and thus the search on this site.

Psy, I like your response here. But my constant underlying fear is that running two 6 man groups on a Live server might attract unwanted attention and invite the Ban hammer to fall. What are your thoughts on this matter?
Psy, I like your response here. But my constant underlying fear is that running two 6 man groups on a Live server might attract unwanted attention and invite the Ban hammer to fall. What are your thoughts on this matter?
If you're doing content that requires more than a full group you will likely be in a private zone/event. If group content, you can have 2 groups off doing their own thing at the same time.
Default UI - I do move some stuff on screen.

I still miss this one.
View attachment 62225
I remember sitting in Kelethin listen to not get ambushed with that ^ :xd: However, I am fine with default UI pieces, I dont play EQ for its looks, I like the icon changes, think hytiek? gave me them.. otherwise, default, just.. clean and neat (unlike burds). Also as said earlier, all are the same (sk layout, mage, wiz whatever), but rarely look at boxes.. equipping gear/augs? so maybe once a month..
I am an information junky and (un?)fortunately I seem to be finding a new box of Lua to throw in on the daily here, so it seems I am fiddling, testing, moving (and then copying) constantlly at the moment. Stop making cool stuff and stop showing it off to me with these screenshots!
Psy, I like your response here. But my constant underlying fear is that running two 6 man groups on a Live server might attract unwanted attention and invite the Ban hammer to fall. What are your thoughts on this matter?
I run more than 2 now and without going tin foil hat and ending up in Fippys, it's a definite concern and ever-present thought in my mind as it's a real possibility. But as many have said, EQ without MQ is no bueno for me. I personally feel there are waves of susbans that are "random" and then there are those that call attention to themselves and in doing so, the server GM will know your name. Complaints/petitions lead to identification. Being on the "radar" could become a problem and thus increases your risk. Basic rules I follow;

1) NEVER AFK - Always be ready to respond and use items like mq2say, mq2posse, etc to notify you if you can't keep each group on a monitor in your face
2) I try to keep my groups in separate zones or instances/picks whenever possible.
3) Turn off guild tags and don't be outwardly identifiable. Names like cooltoon, ccooltoon, cccooltoon, etc or coolshm, cooldru, coolwiz as well, all bad IMO. And don't outfit all toons the same in one group
4) If in open zones, change camp sites often. No named or item drop is worth a negative interaction or drawing attention. NONE!
5) Use banners, campfires, etc whenever you plan to move lots of toons. For example, I would not port 54 toons into LI to raid. Not only does it draw attention but it can cause a disturbance to others game play (suspended mercs, etc). Just use a banner or multiple campfires to move around or do it with only a few toons at a time

I think we all know there is no way to guarantee avoidance of a susban but as @Doc James pointed out in his post, there are things you can do to mitigate it.
If you move alot of toons you should really use the random Lua. then do a /dg /rd 1000 /travelto poknowledge so they are all spread out
This is mine. I've put little to no effort into making any of the windows look nice. I see peoples uis in videos and it all looks so confusing. I also miss the default UI, so simple lol.


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Gearly helps. Augcheck helps as well and then I use a crude excel sheet I made. I looked through every xpac back to TBL and setup a list of must have items / augs / armor and separated it by casters, priests, melee, tanks and then I use that sheet to track what they need and have. I'm sure there may be a faster / easier way but this seems to work.

I think you would be surprised how much you can remember about which toons need what when you gear them in order of Tank --> Healer --> CC--> DPS and learn the main focus items for each class. Fill in the major stuff for each class first and the rest falls in place over time as items drop.
Do you shift through each individual box to switch out equipment? So far I've found /exchange "item name" [slot #] but would be nice if there was some sort of addon that does that for you by clicking.

Edit: I meant MQ2Exchange
Can use this https://www.redguides.com/wiki/Slot_names
Do you shift through each individual box to switch out equipment? So far I've found /exchange "item name" [slot #] but would be nice if there was some sort of addon that does that for you by clicking.

Edit: I meant MQ2Exchange
Can use this https://www.redguides.com/wiki/Slot_names
I do it manually, yes. Many times when updating/changing gear you have to remove augs etc. I use boxhud to bring that toon to the forefront and do changes there.
IRL - Show us your ui setup

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