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Poll - Should we clean up the KissAssist .ini library? (1 Viewer)

Should we clean up the KissAssist .ini library?

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Oct 15, 2004
There have been some major changes with Kissassist and some users are facing issues with old .ini's found in the library. What should we do with them?
I clicked remove --- however I think an archive'd section might be appropriate for whatever reason --- but wouldn't show up for current search
Can we add a filter for the KA version ini the menu? Maybe newer than "11.002"

I would remove/delete/archive a file, if there are 3 (maybe 5) newer ini files for that class/level combination.
If you are starting out and there are no ini files for your level 20 warrior it may be hard to get started.
As an aside, I think requiring INIs to go through the kisstemplate plugin would lead to overall increased consistency among the resources and how they're formatted.

Also I don't know if the forum software supports it, but eliminating duplicate resources would be nice. I gave an example of a level 1, 5 and 10 INI that had been uploaded that were just identical resources. Rather than have 3 duplicate INIs, maybe just allow a Level Range in the uploading tool. Being able to say "hey this ini works for levels 1-10" would probably reduce the clutter.
As an aside, I think requiring INIs to go through the kisstemplate plugin would lead to overall increased consistency among the resources and how they're formatted.

Also I don't know if the forum software supports it, but eliminating duplicate resources would be nice. I gave an example of a level 1, 5 and 10 INI that had been uploaded that were just identical resources. Rather than have 3 duplicate INIs, maybe just allow a Level Range in the uploading tool. Being able to say "hey this ini works for levels 1-10" would probably reduce the clutter.
I agree with this to a point --- but I think the template would need an update

I frequently got complaints from people saying my bard ini sucks because the bard doesn't attack - its because the kisstemplate thing removed melee stuff so he was just singing away without meleeing
I would delete the ones with conditions that don't or no longer work. I would also like a filter for kissassist1004e15, so i can see conditions that work for it. I have never just used another person ini. I look to get ideas. then I go to https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/kissassist-instructions-settings-info.26002/. This page has been the most helpful and should have the most priority. I used this page to fill out my guys ini, but i have only set up kiss for classes i knew how to play and i don't use conditions so, i didn't need too much direction as far as what to use. Just needed to know where to place it and what each space was for. I don't use conditions because I never got them to work. Part of the reason was i did not know to look for the right version and i did not know kissassist1004e15 used different conditions from other kiss mac. What might help is making a guide and page for each class and chage the approach to filling out the ini, because It really seems like the problem is not knowing how to play a class or at least take full advantage of them. The main post could be edited as people submit info. You could leave examples of where you can place certain skills, spells, and abilities. My idea is to change the approach when it comes to ini. This way they use /mac kissassist to get first ini, next look up the class guide, then the read the kissassist instructions. I would recommend getting info about your toons with /log or /note to make make it easier to just copy and paste your info the write spot. Well, those are my thoughts anyway.
IMO, anything not formatted for KA11 should be removed, including 1004e793z3490-1niner. Or at least move it to it's own section so there's zero chance that it will be confused as being KA11.
Can you organize them chronologically by date added?

On top of that, label the KISS version XX in the title so people have an easier time figuring out what's relevant now.

Like someone said above, it might be a disservice to someone starting an unfamiliar class if all the old .inis were removed. But, maybe this would clear up some confusion.
I'd get rid of anything that isn't up to date with Maskoi's KA or the variants. So probably have a section for current KA and then one for the variants and get rid of anything that won't work properly with those.
What if we consolated the info, so you would not have to go threw so many just to find the conditions or tag combos you need. I don't know how the search works but could you add a filter that will look for key words in the ini, so you could put a spell name and bring up ini's with that spell name in it. The cleric needs an ini info for conditions, options, and tags that deal with there short term, long term melee guard buffs and death save. Needs to refresh his 2 mele absorbing buffs out of combat, and keep up with the death save. Practicing what I preach saved the life of my cleric just a little while ago. Lag on pull cleric gets creamed. I'm certain death save popped because i just don't think i would have lived. Did the math and its pretty dam close to oohp.


  • hptakesnosedive.jpg
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I've got an idea. I don't know if the database can accommodate it, but it's be a major improvement in my mind. Could we get a SINGLE result returned per Author/Class keypair as a collection. And maybe that's expandable / linked-to-subpage with the various level options for the collection?

Now, this is not to pick on Almar/LurkMcGurk specifically, he's just the first example that was easy to find. Twenty INI results aren't needed. A return of 'Almar's Warrior Collection (20 entried, Levels 1 - 105)' would show folks what was available, buy wouldn't eat up a whole page.

P.s.- If you found scrolling past this image annoying, you just proved my case.
I'm confused as to how people are ended up with results for 85 90 95 100 etc all at once? When I search I search 105 105 and all it returns are ini for 105.

Personally, while outdated, I found the older Ini useful when leveling boxes. I've done 2 zerkers, wiz, mage, 2 clerics, chanter, rogue, beastlord, bard, and a ranger. Some of the ini needed a little editing but I was able to get them functioning and i'm a pretty big newb here. Some of the ini, especially caster ones, are complete trash because there's no gem list, those should be pitched, but the rest have their use.
I'm confused as to how people are ended up with results for 85 90 95 100 etc all at once? When I search I search 105 105 and all it returns are ini for 105.

Personally, while outdated, I found the older Ini useful when leveling boxes. I've done 2 zerkers, wiz, mage, 2 clerics, chanter, rogue, beastlord, bard, and a ranger. Some of the ini needed a little editing but I was able to get them functioning and i'm a pretty big newb here. Some of the ini, especially caster ones, are complete trash because there's no gem list, those should be pitched, but the rest have their use.

The main problem is due to the version of KA. Old inis are done with an outdated version of kiss that perhaps can cause some issues while running them.
IMO, anything not formatted for KA11 should be removed, including 1004e793z3490-1niner. Or at least move it to it's own section so there's zero chance that it will be confused as being KA11.

Kiss1004e15 should have it's own section as it varies greatly from KA 11 now. I think people, especially new people get very confused. The 2 different Mac's have taken a very different direction, so they are no longer interchangeable. I am not advocating which is best, that is best left to the users. I personally use Eqmule's because, that is what I am used too.

@eqmule Would it kill yah to call it some simpler <3.
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I voted no . . .
I havent found an optimal way of finding useful INI files, but having other's examples of conditional checks, other gear (i want to go get), neat ideas . . .Is very handy.
Perhaps an subsection for each class and within a subsection for antiquated files, so that the information is still there and available, just Not on the main topic, perhaps with a header "Old outdated Information, some conditionals May no longer work with current MQ core, retained for reference only"
for instance (I KNOW it aint pretty) . . . but it still works, and if it works I'm not gonna fix it . . .
Buffs1=Dark Lord's Unity (Beza)|Cond29
Cond29=!${Me.Buff[${Spell[Shroud of the Krellnakor].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Mental Fright].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Drape of the Magmaforeged].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Remoreseless Demeanor].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Helot Skin].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Helot Covenant].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Icebone Skeletal Form].RankName}].ID} &&
    !${Me.Buff[${Spell[Call of Nightfall].RankName}].ID} && !${Me.Invis}
But it keeps my SK from buffing that damned AA buff every 3 minutes even though the buffs are up, and keeps the SK from dropping invis to do it. I know spell ranks are no longer required, but I extrapolated the condition from a condition that was already working
Saw something earlier that was WOW <lightbulb>:
DPS1=command:/band activate snbo|99|Cond1
DPS2=command:/band activate dw|99|Cond2
Cond1=(${Me.XTarget}>2 || ${Target.Named}) && !${InvSlot[14].Item.Type.Equal[Shield]}
Cond2=(${Me.XTarget}<2 && !${Target.Named}) && !${Me.Buff[Dual-Wielding Proficiency].ID}
And I had no idea i could check the condition of an inventory slot for a shield . . . or how . . .
Honestly not all of us are Coders . . . dome of us understand code a bit . . . but I am a player first. . .
No clue that I could call a command from a DPS line, but I did know I could do a bandolier command in an EQ social
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Question for the hive mind. Is it time to just nuke that whole ini database and restart with fresh uploads, or at least nuke everything that predates KA 11? There are a LOT of crap INIs, works in progress with no progress that date back to KA version 8. They have things like Banestrike, Spires, and other consolidated or altered AA, and junk INIs are no good to anyone. If the author of a sub-115 INI is around he can update it. Right now there's just a lot of neglected/abandoned junk to wade through.

There is a ton of bad stuff in there. I would say at least if the ini isn't complete enough to load some spells it should be pitched. I was very frustrating and confusing as a new user to copy an ini and have a toon the just sit there doing nothing or not realizing they didn't load any new spells when leveling up. I know at least 50% of Almar scripts are that way.
The barebones INI's every 5 levels is what I find annoying/useless. It's intentional kruft and noise.
I actually use these on lower level characters, they have their place. Almar does a lot for the EQ Community at large as well, there was a reason behind creating them, and it was a great deal of work on his/her part I am sure.
At the very least we could remove non ka11 ones since format changes would mean they simply wouldn't work.

Testing whether they work is a manual process.

What we could do is filter unrated inis out of default search, but if none are returned have a link to include unrated.

Or we could assign reputation to creators... there are some I always use as the base of my inis. But I prefer the work to be rated not the person.

How do we encourage more reviews/ratings though? Red cents?
Maybe another automated update pass, like the one in Dec 2018. At least flag them as "unmaintained" if they contain stuff like Banestrike, First/Second/Third Spires, old rez commands or such.
This is still a thought? Should of happen some time ago in my opinion all too often was I PM from friends asking why their 6 month old out dated macro wont work with current kissassist. Like Ordell I also suggested nuking the entire thread of posted ini so fresh clean working versions was only things there. The old ones at some extent are not even good examples or referrences as things are done completely different. A lot the ini settings are no more or more advanced. There is a lot legit reasons why the thread needs nuked.
Poll - Should we clean up the KissAssist .ini library?

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