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Contest Redguides.com June 2019 "Best-In-Show" Pet contest (2 Viewers)


May 5, 2016

Redguides.com June 2019 "Best-In-Show" Pet contest.

I noticed some people have been sharing pictures of their pets lately, and I thought this might be a really fun way for people to share their pets, share a little bit about ourselves behind the screen, AND win some stuff.

Contest is really simple:
From when this is posted until June 30th @ 11:59 EST post a picture or a clip of your pet being cool, doing a trick, or just being the best pet ever - the post in this thread with the most RedCents/Upvotes/Emote responses will win!

Bronze 3rd Place
yes, it is not bronze :p
Comic Books/Graphic Novels (5) , 1 Pack Keith Parkinson Fantasy Cards

Silver 2nd Place
1 Krono, Comic Books/Graphic Novels (5), 1 Pack Keith Parkinson Fantasy Cards

GOLD Ultimate Grand Prize
Everquest 10th Anniversary Hardcover ($100+ value), 2 Krono, Comic Books/Graphic Novels (including 1 month Comic Stacks) , 1 pack Keith Parkinson Fantasy Cards





Q: Does it have to be *my* pet?
A: it must live with you - can be your partners or your kids etc, but you need to live with said pet - honor system, don't be a jerk

Q: Does the pet need to be a real animal? (Can I use a digital pet, like an in-game familiar)
A: Yes! Absolutely - not all of us have IRL pets, but you're included too - if you have a favorite familiar or pet share it with us

Q: Can I try and cheat or be cheesy to "w1n t3h ph4t 7ewtz"
A: I think you know the answer
Rebuttal: BuT iT DoEsN'T sAy I cAn'T dO "x"
A: ...

As a general statement - try and be mindful and don't post anything lewd, or anything NSFW, please be "cool" to your fellow RGers etc
This contest is some fun - don't ruin it for peeps =p

Big thanks to @Redbot for helping put this together and putting up some or the prizes​
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For some reason the imbed media thing isn't working, but i'll kick it off

Sic's Cat ATTACKs!

^ Story behind that - My old computer chair has a thick back, and she could sit up top --- I got a new chair then, in November, with a very thin back, and she was mad she couldn't get up top there any longer, so she randomly just jumped on my neck with claws OUT! oof

Now I have another-new chair with a thick back so she can sit on there.

As a side note, I have definitely lost a bit of weight since November as my health improves :)

Also - I'm ineligible to win the contest, but I wanted to participate anyhow =p


And here's the pups!

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This is Gus (the golden) and Maple (the lab). They’re a handful, but they’re pretty awesome.

This is Maple taking a nap with her mommy!


Pick us!
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This is NoNo. We rescued her when she was 1 year old. She got her name due to her actions. She has an insatiable appetite for high locations and we had to literally move items to keep them away from her. For example she would climb up the drapes and jump to a shelf which contained pictures and other items. Of course these pictures and items are now in her “sleeping spot” so she would use her paws to knock them off. When we caught her in the act we would say “no, no, no, no...” and rush to the falling items. Hence the name. 😁. In this picture, I had just moved my large monitor for cleaning purposes and she took the opportunity to fill the void.

This is my favorite photo of my dog (Rumple). It is not photo shopped, instead of turning around to look at us he turned his head upside down.
You can see his nose above his head, and his ears below his head and then it makes a little more sense
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@Sicprofundus is it cheating to post multiple photos?
Should they be separate posts? or the same post?
you do you

the post with the most redcents/upvotes/emote thingies win - so if you do multiple posts, they would each count separately - meaning you probably want to combine in one post to "Lure in the most cents!!! GIVE ME THE CENTS"
He just turned 12 weeks old and while he started cute he now thinks everything in the world is a chew toy. Especially my mouse.

Miffy our previous dog passed away at 14 around Xmas but she was pretty special.

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Not in it for prizes just wanted to share my new best friend in an awesome thread.

So pass on prizes even if I do run a place.

FriedFryz new addition looks like a fun cheeky puppy. 🙃
Finlay with his 'harem' of girls
Kia, Finlay, Luna (Finlay's wife) & Quinn (Finlay's Daughter)
We show Schipperke's hence having 4
2018-12-30 14.31.14.jpg
Well i dont have a pet in RL, and the family dog, died when i was a kid from a horrible untreatle disease, made kaen01 very sad.

So you get a picture of Lunchbox, my pet bear, and my rhino Karen.

We been all over norrath, and its been fun watching Lunchbox chase goblins and sarnaks, and skeletons, even a halfling now and then, which is really fun cause the make the funniest noise when they run screaming.

Well i dont have a pet in RL, and the family dog, died when i was a kid from a horrible untreatle disease, made kaen01 very sad.

So you get a picture of Lunchbox, my pet bear, and my rhino Karen.

We been all over norrath, and its been fun watching Lunchbox chase goblins and sarnaks, and skeletons, even a halfling now and then, which is really fun cause the make the funniest noise when they run screaming.

View attachment 16977

Hah, do you watch Jay and Silent Bob?
Yeah, but in wow back in the day, i had an alligator pet, and his name was lunchbox, and i think that was funny, so it kinda stuck for my pets
Yeah, but in wow back in the day, i had an alligator pet, and his name was lunchbox, and i think that was funny, so it kinda stuck for my pets

Jay calls Silent Bob “lunchbox” on the regular.
Well i dont have a pet in RL, and the family dog, died when i was a kid from a horrible untreatle disease, made kaen01 very sad.

So you get a picture of Lunchbox, my pet bear, and my rhino Karen.

We been all over norrath, and its been fun watching Lunchbox chase goblins and sarnaks, and skeletons, even a halfling now and then, which is really fun cause the make the funniest noise when they run screaming.

View attachment 16977
Glad to see you join in kaen <3
Blah, you guys made me go to log into FaceBook to find these. I haven't been on there in ages. Here's my little crew. Our cat passed away, she is sorely missed and I always say I am NOT a cat person, but she melted my heart. Our 3 pups in the pics are all rescues of different sorts, the little copper/tan one thats also my avatar was literally someone dumped her to die (3-4 weeks old) and my daughter found her by total chance. "She can stay with us until shes in good health and I'll find her a good home after".................... Shes still with us.. I'm a sucker. Btw, I love these pics of you all all and your pets. Even the digital ones. I'll see if I can post a pet video later, Hicks (the black and tan) can do a few tricks. oh and the 'Christmas pic' was all ME, not my wife, I like taking credit for it :)
Edit: wanted to add this of him playing dead. Plus, hoping to see vids of your guys pets.


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Contest Redguides.com June 2019 "Best-In-Show" Pet contest

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