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Question - Ranged attack after forage. (1 Viewer)


Sep 6, 2018
For some reason there are times that, if I have something targeted, after I forage I do a ranged attack. I don't use Kiss on my main toon, just MQ2Melee and some others to take away some of the button mashing. Was doing a PoJ trail a few months back and was wondering why some of the people we were suppose to save were dieing. Turned off Autoforage and all was good. However, if I am just out hunting there are times I am conning mobs for pulls as the one in camp is almost dead. Mob dies, I autoforage then auto range attack. I looked in MQ2Autoforage for something but found nothing. Looked in MQ2Melee and unless I am missing something, can't seem to find anything there.

BTW, will also be rolling up on Rizlona, and would welcome the chance to talk shop with more experienced users. I also want to thank this community for it's hard work. I enjoy playing Everquest, and had to quit the game for awhile cause of my Parkinson's. I finally broke down and looking into ways of trying to get back into the game I loved for years for have a hard time playing as times. <Imagine trying to push a key and your tremors move your hand over another one, and you hit the wrong one.> This has given me back the ability to play the game again and take away some of the extra work that made it hard for me to play. I will never be the top dog, but thats not what it's about. I can find like minded people, go kill some dragons, have some laughs, and alot of entertainment.

So thank you again everyone for making this gamer happy again.
Any chance you bound forage to a keybind and also bound that key to some skill attack? So you will sometimes hit that key and do both? That is all I can think of.

Also check the progression specific forum for a rizlona boxing guild.
Forage isn't bound to any keybind or skill attack. It has happened while I was playing my beastlord and also while I was playing my ranger. So didn't matter if it was thrown or from a bow. I use to share my UI .ini and thought it may have been a setting I forgot I had in there, so created a toon and redid my UI. Didn't bind it to anything, just brought up my skills window and made a hotkey for forage and put it on a far end hotbar so I could see when it went off. Sure enough, it happened, so moved the hotbutton thinking it may be that. And did it again. Deleted the hotbutton altogether, and it still did it.
No I do not unload mq2melee, I just stop foraging, or take my ammo and leave it in the bags and put something else there. So I won't range attack. As far as looking into the boxing guild, I may if things don't pan out with what is going on with the small band of people I ran with on Brekt. There was around 8 of us, that would fill a 3 group raid, and was running our little progression style guild of our own. Very casual, non purist. Before the merge we were about to break into Time. However we were caping ourselves at 75 not 65. And we were wearing out of era gear. It was just for the fun of it, but we all became very close. As far as I know, 6 of us are coming to Riz together to do the same thing.
It happens when not foraging also. Sometimes it seems there is lag or delay of some sort and a final shot or two will go off. Unfortunately I have usually targeted another mob at that point and it comes a runnin!

I think it is something in the game not in any customization.
Question - Ranged attack after forage.

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