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Question - New caster 6 box (1 Viewer)

Jan 25, 2020
So I'm building a new caster 6 box group and I have one spot left trying to decide between a Wiz or Nec? Here's what I got...

Tank - SK
Healer - SHM
Other - WIZ or NEC

What would be the pros/cons of wiz vs nec? Also, which one would have more utility and support for staying alive through most content. Most of these toons are 110 ftp. The plan is to krono each over time to build AAs and max out.

Thanks fam.
So I'm building a new caster 6 box group and I have one spot left trying to decide between a Wiz or Nec? Here's what I got...

Tank - SK
Healer - SHM
Other - WIZ or NEC

What would be the pros/cons of wiz vs nec? Also, which one would have more utility and support for staying alive through most content. Most of these toons are 110 ftp. The plan is to krono each over time to build AAs and max out.

Thanks fam.

It really depends on what you're looking for and what you enjoy. My crew is almost the same as yours and the Wiz does well with DPS on KA and is great for ports. We pop around in an instant almost anywhere. Nec will likely out DPS the Wiz in longer fights due to dots. If the goal is regular content and not hunting names or tackling missions, then the Wiz may be better for instant dps and ports. Otherwise, go with the Nec.

Heck, do both and see which you prefer =)
I recently created the following:


It's pretty disgusting but super gear / AA dependent for it to hit the big numbers. I prefer the CLR over the SHM for casters since the ENC takes care of hastes and slows already which means one of those two classes are "wasting casts" unless you have it specifically setup not to. But if your SHM is going to be primarily heals anyway, might as well have the CLR rolling with.

SHM is my DEFINITE go-to for melee groups though, they just seem to synergize better.

Also, my NEC is the least geared, and pumping the most DPS if that tells ya anything. xD It also has FD, swarm pet (w/ EM29/30 this will be a HUGE DPS increase) They also have a passive life / mana tap via AAs. WIZ is just pure raw damage but, any fight that lasts longer than 30 seconds, the NEC will shine.

The only downfall I have with this make-up is the lack of movement speed buffs. But if you're an altoholic like me, shouldn't be an issue tossing a buff out every couple of hours.
I have a necro and wiz in my setup which is close to yours. I run pal shm brd mag nec wiz. Necro will certainly out dps the wiz on nameds or larger HP pool mobs and it will add more adps to the mages in the form of their synergy which boosts spell dmg and crits. Necro also adds more swarm pets with wake the dead and the swarm pet spell if you use it which can = more dps for the mages. That all being said, with 2 mages you'll probably have plenty of dps already so the convenience of ports and evacs for me is worth the wiz, especially without a bard in the group for the run speed boost.
So I'm building a new caster 6 box group and I have one spot left trying to decide between a Wiz or Nec? Here's what I got...

Tank - SK
Healer - SHM
Other - WIZ or NEC

What would be the pros/cons of wiz vs nec? Also, which one would have more utility and support for staying alive through most content. Most of these toons are 110 ftp. The plan is to krono each over time to build AAs and max out.

Thanks fam.
I'd go necro for pet build ... your "of many spell line-up" and the necro swarms will keep the dps steady...and peak on long burns with necro dots
I recently created the following:


It's pretty disgusting but super gear / AA dependent for it to hit the big numbers. I prefer the CLR over the SHM for casters since the ENC takes care of hastes and slows already which means one of those two classes are "wasting casts" unless you have it specifically setup not to. But if your SHM is going to be primarily heals anyway, might as well have the CLR rolling with.

SHM is my DEFINITE go-to for melee groups though, they just seem to synergize better.

Also, my NEC is the least geared, and pumping the most DPS if that tells ya anything. xD It also has FD, swarm pet (w/ EM29/30 this will be a HUGE DPS increase) They also have a passive life / mana tap via AAs. WIZ is just pure raw damage but, any fight that lasts longer than 30 seconds, the NEC will shine.

The only downfall I have with this make-up is the lack of movement speed buffs. But if you're an altoholic like me, shouldn't be an issue tossing a buff out every couple of hours.
That's a great point. I have a CLR so I might swap her with the SHM and put him in my Melee group. Thanks.

I'd go necro for pet build ... your "of many spell line-up" and the necro swarms will keep the dps steady...and peak on long burns with necro dots
Yeah that's what I was thinking? The swarms will make up for the lack of immediate DPS I lose from the WIZ. Thanks.
I stated this in another post, and while not a full caster group, works amazing.


You have the Tank, Heals, CC, SHM buffs, backup heals, 3 pet classes, and DPS is very solid throughout. Everything but ports is covered and I have never had a porter, even way back in the day.
I stated this in another post, and while not a full caster group, works amazing.


You have the Tank, Heals, CC, SHM buffs, backup heals, 3 pet classes, and DPS is very solid throughout. Everything but ports is covered and I have never had a porter, even way back in the day.
The BST is interesting. I have one but don't play it a lot. I'm not worried about ports because the plan is to get the Drunken Stein for all toons and I can get anywhere I need with PoK.
I stated this in another post, and while not a full caster group, works amazing.


You have the Tank, Heals, CC, SHM buffs, backup heals, 3 pet classes, and DPS is very solid throughout. Everything but ports is covered and I have never had a porter, even way back in the day.
Nice team I want to play one too, but I'd prefer NEC-->WIZ
Why WIZ over NEC? Say your CLR goes down...NEC rez...preventing the wipe, continue on because the BST temp took over heals keeping everyone else up, and then you have the DPS, pet, etc...
Meh...if group goes down you can usually just solo stuff with SHD/NEC taps and dots lol...but tbh i'd never run a group without a cleric/enc...i like "easy mode"
Why WIZ over NEC? Say your CLR goes down...NEC rez...preventing the wipe, continue on because the BST temp took over heals keeping everyone else up, and then you have the DPS, pet, etc...
Yes that's a good logic, I was thinking evac before bad thing happened.
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Yes that's a good logic, I was thinking evac before bad thing happened.
Best Pet Team (IMO) = SHD/BARD/ENC/Cleric + Mage + Necro...first 4 because you'll never have to worry about trains/warping...anything really...second two because dps...go /shd mode 8...everyone chases....game over eq
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Personally I would go wiz, bst, or another mage. I recently leveled a necro up to 115 to go with a caster crew that I have at that level. I've been somewhat disappointed in him overall. In the group game, there just aren't enough long fights for him. Even named mobs die before his dots really have chance to ramp up. Regular trash/xp mobs get wiped out way before he gets up to speed. I parse a lot and the necro is almost always behind my mage and beastlord, even on named. All using CWTN plugins.

It is nice to have and extra FD rezzer though. There has been more than on occasion that the group wipes and I find the necro conveniently feigned which gives me a chance to rez instead of running back.

So, IMO, it depends on the content. In raids the necro is awesome, but in the group game it's kinda meh. (It's also a really fun class to solo with if MQ is down or you just feel like goofing off, so fun to have one around.)
Personally I would go wiz, bst, or another mage. I recently leveled a necro up to 115 to go with a caster crew that I have at that level. I've been somewhat disappointed in him overall. In the group game, there just aren't enough long fights for him. Even named mobs die before his dots really have chance to ramp up. Regular trash/xp mobs get wiped out way before he gets up to speed. I parse a lot and the necro is almost always behind my mage and beastlord, even on named. All using CWTN plugins.

It is nice to have and extra FD rezzer though. There has been more than on occasion that the group wipes and I find the necro conveniently feigned which gives me a chance to rez instead of running back.

So, IMO, it depends on the content. In raids the necro is awesome, but in the group game it's kinda meh. (It's also a really fun class to solo with if MQ is down or you just feel like goofing off, so fun to have one around.)
That's interesting to hear. I like the idea of pets so maybe the BST over the WIZ. So maybe it's a toss up between NEC and BST. I originally didn't include the BST because I had the SHM as my Buffs guy but now I'm rethinking things haha.
Personally I would go wiz, bst, or another mage. I recently leveled a necro up to 115 to go with a caster crew that I have at that level. I've been somewhat disappointed in him overall. In the group game, there just aren't enough long fights for him. Even named mobs die before his dots really have chance to ramp up. Regular trash/xp mobs get wiped out way before he gets up to speed. I parse a lot and the necro is almost always behind my mage and beastlord, even on named. All using CWTN plugins.

It is nice to have and extra FD rezzer though. There has been more than on occasion that the group wipes and I find the necro conveniently feigned which gives me a chance to rez instead of running back.

So, IMO, it depends on the content. In raids the necro is awesome, but in the group game it's kinda meh. (It's also a really fun class to solo with if MQ is down or you just feel like goofing off, so fun to have one around.)
What are you using to parse with? I want to get a more accurate view of how my Nec is doing vs my MAG/BST. Even on trash mobs, my NEC seems to swap with my MAG depending on mana.
You might find that you will want a bst for the mana regen. I have a group of casters and they do dish out a truckload of dmg, but they do have to med more than my melee group (endurance). I started out with a wiz and got him to 112 and dropped him. His dmg was lackluster because he was always lom. I can't speak for my necro because I only play him solo. I tried out cwtn necro and it seemed to work well for the group, but I just have never played him in a group. If you really want a caster group drop the SK for another caster. The mage pets can tank very well. I have grouped with a necro that molo's CoV and ToL missions. Apparently the necro pet can tank well enough on them and he just sits back and loads up the dots. The down side is you can't be in melee range, apparently bosses in missions will target a player over a pet.

Mage, Mage, Mage, Mage, Enc, Clr is a very powerful group, but takes a little working around since there is no tank mode for a caster. I have added a few hotkeys using eqbc (I really need to migrate to danet).
Personally I would go wiz, bst, or another mage. I recently leveled a necro up to 115 to go with a caster crew that I have at that level. I've been somewhat disappointed in him overall. In the group game, there just aren't enough long fights for him. Even named mobs die before his dots really have chance to ramp up. Regular trash/xp mobs get wiped out way before he gets up to speed. I parse a lot and the necro is almost always behind my mage and beastlord, even on named. All using CWTN plugins.

It is nice to have and extra FD rezzer though. There has been more than on occasion that the group wipes and I find the necro conveniently feigned which gives me a chance to rez instead of running back.

So, IMO, it depends on the content. In raids the necro is awesome, but in the group game it's kinda meh. (It's also a really fun class to solo with if MQ is down or you just feel like goofing off, so fun to have one around.)
You need good clickies to make the necro relevant in short-based encounters...have you gotten your 3 robes (OOW, COTF, Current), your Evil Eye Clicky...all pet clickies...Restless/Dragonmagic potions...etc...? I remember @Sic (i think) was a necrofanatic for a long time...i'd pick his brain to see if he's posted a list somewhere

My necro's not the greatest but I have a shitload of clickies that all fire off as soon as they're ready in my ini...when CTWN necro was in free/test mode out to everyone that little sucker was clearing stuff quick with /nec addclicky offensive
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You need good clickies to make the necro relevant in short-based encounters...have you gotten your 3 robes (OOW, COTF, Current), your Evil Eye Clicky...all pet clickies...Restless/Dragonmagic potions...etc...? I remember @Sic (i think) was a necrofanatic for a long time...i'd pick his brain to see if he's posted a list somewhere

My necro's not the greatest but I have a shitload of clickies that all fire off as soon as they're ready in my ini...when CTWN necro was in free/test mode out to everyone that little sucker was clearing stuff quick with /nec addclicky offensive
He's got the current robe, but haven't farmed a bunch of other stuff for him. For me that's kinda the problem though. I'm not inclined to farm a bunch of stuff to make him competitive with other classes out of the box. To each their own though, it's just another thread on personal class preferences.

/dpsadv show works well...I keep that up on my tank window 24/7, 365...gets the job done
I always have DPSADV up, but that's not really good for comparing DPS between classes. It's good for making sure your guys are fighting and doing stuff in real time, but to really parse DPS you need to look at it over many many fights.
So I'm building a new caster 6 box group and I have one spot left trying to decide between a Wiz or Nec? Here's what I got...

Tank - SK
Healer - SHM
Other - WIZ or NEC

What would be the pros/cons of wiz vs nec? Also, which one would have more utility and support for staying alive through most content. Most of these toons are 110 ftp. The plan is to krono each over time to build AAs and max out.

Thanks fam.
I would go with the Necro. The Necro can do so many things that the Wizard can not and, in my experience, if you know how to play the class the Necro can out DPS the Wizard. IMO!!
My current makeup is Pal/Shm/Enchanter/X2 mages/Ranger. I did have the druid in there for a bit before the Ranger, and well it wasn't fun. The druid was always out of mana. I then tried a Wizard for a bit, but the burst wasn't there I felt. I mainly wanted to get a porter in my group, but I got over it quickly. Now, while my Ranger does do some pretty decent dps, all T3 crafted ToL gear, I'm finding there's just something lacking. I considered putting a necro in my group, but I'm now leaning more towards a beast. Talking with some people here, bst just really get down these days, and the synergy with pets will make it worth it.

Now, I don't run a cleric cause the pally can cover the buffs, but I've considered running a cleric more recently, but I really haven't felt the need. I've always enjoyed the sham over the cleric myself.

If you feel you need that bump in dps for longer fights go with a necro, if you want short-term burst, then its mages, mages, and mages. Otherwise you can toss a bst in there, get them sham buffs, and get another slower also. I use my ranger for emergency backup heals, so that's something else you can use your bst for.

Happy Hunting
My current makeup is Pal/Shm/Enchanter/X2 mages/Ranger. I did have the druid in there for a bit before the Ranger, and well it wasn't fun. The druid was always out of mana. I then tried a Wizard for a bit, but the burst wasn't there I felt. I mainly wanted to get a porter in my group, but I got over it quickly. Now, while my Ranger does do some pretty decent dps, all T3 crafted ToL gear, I'm finding there's just something lacking. I considered putting a necro in my group, but I'm now leaning more towards a beast. Talking with some people here, bst just really get down these days, and the synergy with pets will make it worth it.

Now, I don't run a cleric cause the pally can cover the buffs, but I've considered running a cleric more recently, but I really haven't felt the need. I've always enjoyed the sham over the cleric myself.

If you feel you need that bump in dps for longer fights go with a necro, if you want short-term burst, then its mages, mages, and mages. Otherwise you can toss a bst in there, get them sham buffs, and get another slower also. I use my ranger for emergency backup heals, so that's something else you can use your bst for.

Happy Hunting
How do you like that Pally? I was thinking of creating one but went with another SK for this group because of the pet and I want to utilize pet swarms and "of many" spells. I also have the Cloth Cap on each toon so that adds more swarms.
Pally is definitely the squishiest of the 3 tanks. Having played all 3 to max level and AA it was a noticeable difference. Once the pally was fully AA'd geared and auged it is able to tank any and all group content just fine. You just really need those AAs for self healing. I love my pal shm combo as it covers the bulk of all buff categories and gives you enough heal power to heal through any content. Pal really shines in situations where you need to support the rest of the group with AE dmg. That extra group healing ability let my sham be freed up to do more doting and dpsing.

To sum up, Pal is a bit more effort at the start and you have to be a little cautious early on but in my opinion, it's well worth it.
How do you like that Pally? I was thinking of creating one but went with another SK for this group because of the pet and I want to utilize pet swarms and "of many" spells. I also have the Cloth Cap on each toon so that adds more swarms.
So, I went from pet tanking too the pally, and then also created an SK. I absolutely love Paladin over the SK all day. Why? Just because I enjoy the ability to group heal, stun, and knockbacks. But, the overall ability of the Paladin is just awesome for me.

Now, the SK, I've been dabbling in the SK/gearing him up. He's max aa just like the Paladin, I'm kinda like meh! I know everyone loves them, but I'm not finding the SK as fun as my Paladin. Maybe, I like the challenge? Or I just miss the group abilities (especially splash). But, I don't think i'd trade an SK into my group over the paladin. Swarms and many spell lines sure will benefit more overall, but I can survive a lot of crazy stuff. Not to mention, if for some reason my Shaman goes down, I can let a pet tank, rez, heal, group heal, and just keep going. That's something an SK cannot manage. Now, can an SK overall just up and beat a paladin in the parse? No doubt! But, we do own the undead parse =).

Happy Hunting!
Question - New caster 6 box

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