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Problem - Negative Red Cents? (1 Viewer)

Aug 24, 2019
So I used a bunch of redcents to buy 20 months worth of level 2. It took a long time and gave me no indication of it successfully working, so I refreshed the page and still showed I had all my redcents (like I never purchased anything). So I reduced the count to 10 months of level 2 access, again it took a long time and showed no indication of it successfully working so I refreshed my page and it showed me 20 notifications that the first one did go through, even though it didn't show me anything on my end. So now I am in negative red cents, any way I need to rectify this or will I just stay negative until I get back up to positive?

Didn't know RG has a credit system.

Yes, but Redbot charges payday loan level interest rates. And if you don't pay he shows up at your door with a switchblade comb.

Better Off Dead Cash GIF by moodman
So I used a bunch of redcents to buy 20 months worth of level 2. It took a long time and gave me no indication of it successfully working, so I refreshed the page and still showed I had all my redcents (like I never purchased anything). So I reduced the count to 10 months of level 2 access, again it took a long time and showed no indication of it successfully working so I refreshed my page and it showed me 20 notifications that the first one did go through, even though it didn't show me anything on my end. So now I am in negative red cents, any way I need to rectify this or will I just stay negative until I get back up to positive?

View attachment 58835
that's pretty unusual, it shouldn't let you do that

Problem - Negative Red Cents?

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