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Funny - My Recent EQ Mishaps (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
I parceled a full set of 120 cleric armor to a level 112 Monk. I have one Cleric and he is fully geared. The names aren't even close. I don't even remember doing it. okay it's your turn! I showed you mine, now show me yours.
The good ol' misclick on the bazaar, buying Duskbringer's Plate Chestguard for 2m instead of the 500.000plat one that i wanted to buy.
I parceled a full set of 120 cleric armor to a level 112 Monk. I have one Cleric and he is fully geared. The names aren't even close. I don't even remember doing it. okay it's your turn! I showed you mine, now show me yours.
I transferred servers and lost about 1200 stacks of items from the tradeskill depot.
I did the opposite, somebody listed an entire set of tov rogue raid vis for 20k a piece instead of 2m Rob (recent ~2 years ago or so)...
Auto loot +auto destroy, while manually bandolering between mobs ate my shield back in COV.. here one sec, gone the next :ohdear:
A guildie finally got his apparitional essence of power last night and went and made the wrong 2H for his class. DOH
I did the opposite, somebody listed an entire set of tov rogue raid vis for 20k a piece instead of 2m Rob (recent ~2 years ago or so)...
Auto loot +auto destroy, while manually bandolering between mobs ate my shield back in COV.. here one sec, gone the next :ohdear:
That sucks man sorry. Mine was just stupid. I think I can't figure it out.

I transferred servers and lost about 1200 stacks of items from the tradeskill depot.
I'm sorry man like I said mine was just stupid it didn't cost me anything, it actually gave me some more stuff to put on traders.
Accidentally buying prestige gear for ftp toons.
Not paying attention and hitting the buy button a line below what I actually was trying to purchase.
Assigning no drop loot to the wrong toon.
Accidentally had some raid loot on a trader and just did /mac bazaar. I come back later and see it sold for 500k. Not even mad, just laughed a bit and chalked it up to laziness.
I parceled a full set of 120 cleric armor to a level 112 Monk. I have one Cleric and he is fully geared. The names aren't even close. I don't even remember doing it. okay it's your turn! I showed you mine, now show me yours.
How much did you have to drink before you did that Rob?

I have accidentally clicked multiple times on items in Bazaar accidentally purchasing something for a LOT of plat when I didn't mean to. Once I ended up with a fine steel sword for 2 mil.....ugh
Accidentally buying prestige gear for ftp toons.
Not paying attention and hitting the buy button a line below what I actually was trying to purchase.
Assigning no drop loot to the wrong toon.
Sorry bro that sucks.

Consumed 5 Kronos before I figured out that a ui bug / lag just change the number
Oh no

How much did you have to drink before you did that Rob?

I know right. I'm trying to figure this one out my own damn self. Unless there is some time after being up 40 hours PL ing you slip into a fugue state of sheer dumbass.
I wrote LEM events for my guild. Had 10 min speech how it works and made them check to make sure they were enable.

I never turn my group on, lol.
I manage to do a similar mistake.. I sent a full set of ranger stuff to a friend, little did I know that one letter was not the right one in his name.. I sent whole set do an unknown toon who never replied back =P
Never , ever, spend raid coins or make raid gear late at night.

This weekend I ended up wasting 576 NoS raid coins by purchasing 2x T1 wrists ( instead of the TS ) then finding out I already had a T1 wrist ....

Was so pissed at myself.
A guildie finally got his apparitional essence of power last night and went and made the wrong 2H for his class. DOH
While their normal policy is to just tell you to suck it, if you petition and havent made the wrong item before, they will "unmake" your item for you one time per account. You may not get the container or the powder back, but they'll give you the ore back.
Never , ever, spend raid coins or make raid gear late at night.

This weekend I ended up wasting 576 NoS raid coins by purchasing 2x T1 wrists ( instead of the TS ) then finding out I already had a T1 wrist ....

Was so pissed at myself.
Have to be very deliberate if it matters. Spending raid currency, check before you buy, sometimes 2 or 3 times. Make sure you dont have the item already, make sure you have the currency, make sure you dont have any ores already in your bag you havent made, get the container, go to raidloot.com make sure its the right item, then and only then do you make the item. Ive only made 2 items wrong in the last 5 years. and I'm making gear for my entire guild constantly. The instant you get in a hurry, you're doomed.
While their normal policy is to just tell you to suck it, if you petition and havent made the wrong item before, they will "unmake" your item for you one time per account. You may not get the container or the powder back, but they'll give you the ore back.
Thanks, I'll let him know. I wondered about that but figured it would be hit or miss with DPG and prolly not worth it. B
what about passing plat to a new toon that got stuck and could not move. Back when coin had weight!
Had something similar happen to me. Back when coin had weight and we still had the old bazaar. For some reason I decided to run out of the bazaar before hitting the bank and poof I’m stuck at the nexus zone line. I was stuck there for a good hour before I found out you could move again if you had a sow
Deleted my main bag with every clickie I had (epic etc) and 200 essence emeralds…. 44 items total. It was an expensive recovery.

Was running some macro and when I picked up my bag it deleted it thinking it was a junk item. Learned to never move things around when random macros are running.
Had something similar happen to me. Back when coin had weight and we still had the old bazaar. For some reason I decided to run out of the bazaar before hitting the bank and poof I’m stuck at the nexus zone line. I was stuck there for a good hour before I found out you could move again if you had a sow
I had one of those situations, ended up logging a second account to slowly ferry coin back and forth to the bank until I could move the first toon 😂
Funny - My Recent EQ Mishaps

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