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MQ2MoveUtils question (1 Viewer)


Dec 23, 2006
I'm having a lot of problems getting the /circle on 75 to work, or any radius for that, it will run, but it does not do a circle, and it's doing very weird things. I've had it do a perfect circle a few times, but the consistency is horrible.
I have posted about this before, I run into this almost 5 times a day.. I have resorted to maken 2 hot keys.
/plug MQ2Moveutils unload
/plug MQ2Moveuitls
Any time you have a problem just reset the Plugin. I have also done that with MQ2Melee. I'm sure the avrage MQ user doesnt have these problems but if you expirament alot with macs and constanly screw up like I do, I would suggest that.
Also I don't really turn the computers off or even log out of EQ, unless server crash or computer crash's or resets by itself.
Nightmare327 said:
I have heard that there was an issue with the circle command, but haven't seen a fix come through yet.
Somebody on the mq2 boards actually found a bug with the code where turning around was 265 rather than 256. Or something like that, the #'s might not be correct, but you get the idea.
I'll see if jigs and/or redquest will be able to put the new code into their next compiles.

in fact, if other's want to compile it, its at the bottom of this page although you will need to be signed in and have access to the VIP forums
MQ2MoveUtils question

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