
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

This command is added by MQ2MoveUtils

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /circle [option]... | toggle <setting> | set <setting> {on|off}
Description Autofaces character to run in a circle with a given radius


Option Description
on [#] Begin circling using your current location as the center with default radius if optional # parameter supplied, use # as the radius size> Must be first parameter.
off Stop circling.
loc Y X Begin circling using the specified location as the center. Must be first parameter.
drunken Turn to complete the circle at random intervals.
clockwise | cw Circle in a clockwise direction (default).
cw | counterclockwise | reverse Circle in a counter-clockwise direction.
radius # Sets the default size of the circle radius. For use with loc y x since on # would have to be first parameter.
backward Run backwards instead of forwards.
help [settings] Displays generic help information, and help for the command used. The settings optional parameter displays help information for all plugin 'set' and 'toggle' commands. NOTE: this command won't show anything if verbosity is off, which is default. /stick set verbosity on to see help settings.
debug Dumps the current values of all plugin variables to a debug INI file.
status [all] ChatWnd output for the status of the issuing command (stick in this example). The all optional parameter displays status output for all aspects of the plugin.
pause [lock] | unpause pause: Pauses all aspects of the plugin.

The lock optional parameter prevents plugin from automatically unpausing under any circumstance other than user issuing unpause. Note: This does not toggle.

unpause: Resumes all aspects of the plugin.

Note: This does not toggle.
save | load Saves or load your current configuration settings using MQ2MoveUtils.ini.
imsafe BreakOnSummon and BreakOnGM have built-in protection disabling the ability to re-issue commands when triggered.

This prevents macros from continuing to issue commands in a possibly unsafe situation.

The imsafe parameter allows command usage to resume.
min Minimizes custom user window similar to /mqmin.
clear Clears custom user window buffer similar to /mqclear.
verbflags Outputs current verbosity flags setting (this one displays even if totalsilence is enabled. too bad.).


/circle on 100 Does a circle with 100 radius.

See also