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Discussion - Husband and Wife Teams (1 Viewer)

Oct 24, 2020
How many people do we have here that play with their significant other? And what does that look like? I play with my Wife nearly every night for a little bit. I love that we can bond over the game. I am a veteran player. But she's only been playing for about a year and a half now. I got to see her newbishness, and now see her as she whips through those menus in game, and go everywhere herself because she knows the zones now. Kinda cool if you ask me. :D
My ex and I played together quite a lot for a couple years. When she started I was statistically one of the top mages in the game (RIP eqplayers) and she.... wasn't.

Honestly, I found it more frustrating than I wish I had, but she really liked playing together so I struggled through. While we haven't lately, once in awhile even well after the breakup we'd play for a bit.

She never did get any good.
Met my wife through EQ. We dominated raids in eq2 with 2 other friends. In EQ we we have multiple full groups. Don't play as much as we used to, currently we play on an EMU server. Been playing together for ohhh 17 years or so.
I am considering to introduce EQ to my partner. Maybe start fresh on a new server. It could be overwhelming to start at current LIVE and be pled to 120, compared to all the funfun of the past. P
While we share gaming time, we do not share games. He plays x box stuff and I play eq.

After all I don't want to hear: honey did you make enough Luclin Garlic stir fry for everyone coming to raid tonight?
My husband and I have been playing EQ together since 2001! He always plays tank / healer and I play the rest. I let him make all the spreadsheets of what our toons need to accomplish for quests and augs. He loves planning things and strategy. He also loves tradeskills and I hate them, so he did the AP on all 6 of our toons recently. He does not use any tools either so it was all manual. I told him he was crazy....but he was having fun so I wasn't going to stop him. We run a guild together. He's the raid leader, I'm the guild leader. It's a dynamic that has been working for us for a long time.
Funny. My wife is a candy crush addict, she often complains that she has to wait for more levels. She tried EQ about 10 years ago, lasted about an hour. Now I'm kind of glad she doesn't play EQ, if she played as much as me nothing would get done around here.

haha that's why I don't want to introduce my wife to EQ.. god forbid she'd get hooked like me!!

thankfully (for me), she's not a gamer.. just likes to watch me play EQ over my shoulder, and remark on my toon names and make fun of them.. Its quite funny though, so I don't mind..
My husband and I have been playing EQ together since 2001! He always plays tank / healer and I play the rest. I let him make all the spreadsheets of what our toons need to accomplish for quests and augs. He loves planning things and strategy. He also loves tradeskills and I hate them, so he did the AP on all 6 of our toons recently. He does not use any tools either so it was all manual. I told him he was crazy....but he was having fun so I wasn't going to stop him. We run a guild together. He's the raid leader, I'm the guild leader. It's a dynamic that has been working for us for a long time.
Awww hellllllll naaaawwww. 6? I struggled with my 1st one. Working on 2nd and stopped 4 different times thinking - "This is EQ. There has to be something. ANYTHING. Better than doing the AP again." Then I find something. Like foraging. Or hugging trees. Or watching the water flow.
My wife and I play together. I started during the closed beta of eq (isn't that crazy o.0) my wife started in Kunark era. Both of us had a bad experience on our original server so left and both joined Innorruk server. Somewhere in there we met and ended up meeting IRL -> falling in love -> getting married. We have been together since, and have played just about all the mmorpgs out there. She hates PVP. I strongly dislike it now that I'm an old phart, so we tend to avoid heavy pvp games. Recently asked to come back to EQ with the TLPs, so here we are..... playing eq 25 years later.
I always played 2 characters, but now she plays 2, and I play 4! she always played caster DPS, but got hooked on cleric now too. I'm always tank + healer + dps, so our main group right now is:
Me: Pally, Bard, Druid, Enchanter
Her: Necro, Cleric.
I've played with my wife for.. 20? + years. I play my mass of char (42), she has her 7. I do a lot of the grindy stuff, she TS, and tracks quest/augs/status of things needed.
My wife and I play together. I started during the closed beta of eq (isn't that crazy o.0) my wife started in Kunark era. Both of us had a bad experience on our original server so left and both joined Innorruk server. Somewhere in there we met and ended up meeting IRL -> falling in love -> getting married. We have been together since, and have played just about all the mmorpgs out there. She hates PVP. I strongly dislike it now that I'm an old phart, so we tend to avoid heavy pvp games. Recently asked to come back to EQ with the TLPs, so here we are..... playing eq 25 years later.
I always played 2 characters, but now she plays 2, and I play 4! she always played caster DPS, but got hooked on cleric now too. I'm always tank + healer + dps, so our main group right now is:
Me: Pally, Bard, Druid, Enchanter
Her: Necro, Cleric.
Haha, hooked on cleric. I think that was the deal breaker for my wife. To start out I put her on the cleric and said when you see this pct drop below 50 hit this button. That lasted about an hour. lol
Great posts! Guess I am not the only one who plays with the wife. Funny thing about my wife, she's a Marine veteran with all that comes from her being a Marine. She never tried playing video games before EQ. And now shes hooked. She says shes been missing a lot not "playing" and kicking back once in awhile in the past. I really think I did a good thing for her showing her how to relax and have fun this way. Now we play together in bed sometimes on laptops. It's a great time :)
I can't, for the life of me, get mine to play. She just does not share the addiction but the bright side is that even though I play, wife faction is still amiable.
Oh man, my wife plays games all day long when she can, yet she will NOT play EverQuest :( - I've tried so hard haha. She is all about Zelda and Nintendo and Disney DLV. Which.. rightfully so about Zelda. That game and EverQuest made up my youth!
My wife and I played together from 1999-2008. I just came back a couple of months ago, and she hopped back in with me. The only difference is that she only plays one toon now and simply Solo/Molos. It's a great game to play together.
I started EQ bc of my ex..well not ex at the time. He'd played since beta and never maxed level bit was close. I started, was almost caught up then he met some guys using g the OLD MQ full of warpi g and nodelay etc. I thought he was nuts but I did get max level/as and fully last blooded before he got banned ..lol..he made a new toon and stayed clean but got bored when he couldn't catch u(yrs later) and I got too good at playing or something.

Few yrs later he got his old account back somehow and played for a bit but hasn't returned for more than a few months since his ban. The first time he quit was bc he thought I was cheating on him...IN the game lol.

My hubby now played a little on the emu server I set up 6-8yrs ago but he has short attention span for games. Always playing one on his PHONE(like a broad? lol) but even his favorite he only played a couple months max. He collects its memorabilia though to the tune of more than my car's worth lol, but hasn't played a PC game in like 5 yrs though that's what he buys all the merch for.

I do have an in-game hubby though who was nearly my irl hubby 10-12yrs ago. If only I could merge the 2 lol. Was in a guild years back whose entire leader and officership was comprised of married couples, like 4-6of them. All met in EQ. But that guild had a big thing going to fan faire every year, dozens of them, so probably how they met.
My wife is not a gamer, but I've known a handful of couples in the many years I've been hooked on this game. One WAR/CLR (him/her), one SHM/PAL (him/her, one RNG/CLR (him/her), and one PAL/CLR (him/her). When my wife and I were getting married and I actually sat down and thought about the lengths of some of my friendships I realized the PAL/CLR were two of my oldest friends.
Yeah same, I play with a few couples as well.. They're both on EQ hiatus right now, but my friend (she) is a member on here too!

We are all guilded up... its quite funny the banter that goes on, since we're all a family guild, and its all friends (and spouses).. I'm glad that people can enjoy it together like that!
Haha, hooked on cleric. I think that was the deal breaker for my wife. To start out I put her on the cleric and said when you see this pct drop below 50 hit this button. That lasted about an hour. lol
Yeah, I told her not to play a cleric.... so many times....
Thankfully she did this to herself, and it didn't turn out the same as your wife. Although now she is getting to the point where she just feels frustrated that EQ is SOOOOO different now (even on TLP) compared to what she remembers. The anti-nostalgic feelings are going to make her quit before she gets addicted again.
My wife loathes video games for whatever reason. Funny though that she can binge a show for 4 or 5 hours on a Saturday but if I do that on the computer screen I’m being lazy!
Nope, when I started playing back in 99 my girlfriend at the time had no interest. Was actively against it because of how much time I was spending playing, which looking back, is probably fair.

My wife doesn't game at all, says the 3D makes her dizzy lol. I kind of wish she would just so we could have a shared interest in it but honestly... I can get a bit frustrated at times when things aren't going right so might not be the best thing for our marriage if I'm blowing up with her on the regular lol

Me and some real life friends got into League of Legends back 10 years ago and I remember being so pissed that they sucked or if they goofed during a match. And it's not like I was anything, I couldn't even get out of Wood 5 in ranked matches.

I hate to admit it but I think I may not be the greatest team player.

4 kids coming up, oldest is 7 and played a little bit on one of my toons a few years back and still talks about it. He's a big gamer, Minecraft and Switch/Tablet staples so hopefully I'm cultivating at least one duo buddy. The problem at the moment is with the other 3 kids being younger than him, I have no time at all to game with him during the day. Will have to try turn them all... in time!
Discussion - Husband and Wife Teams

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