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Question - How long does it take to actually farm 1m plat? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2015
Hi guys,

Here with another silly question as I prepare to set up my group / play style.

Wondering how long it takes you folks to farm 1 million plat? Was thinking of farming the plat to buy kronos on live to use on TLP.
I believe the krono prices are 2 million plat at the moment on my server.

Thanks for any information.
@Zatox I don't have a number for you, because I farm trying to get a Krono, then I get distracted by a shiny in the bazaar.

One of my problems has been that my Farming group does not get much, because they are farming in OT. Other than the occasional diamond, stuff in OT does not sell very well to the vendor.
Method 1, Vendor stuff
I feel like I get about 50K pp per day vendoring stuff, so maybe 40 days.
This is a lot faster in lower level zones, you get more kills but no experience, and no valuable drops.
I have gotten 2 ultra rare drops, but no one seems to be buying these.

Method 2, /barter
Then there is barter, figure out which farmable items sell well in your area.
I did a /dga /mac bas.mac, and sold a ton of stuff on my guys, I got a lot of money.
This is a crap shoot. Depends where you are farming.

Method 3, Selling Bazaar (you need 1 krono first for this though).
I play during the day, and do the bazaar at night until I wake up.
Some days I wake up and I have 100K pp.
Some days I wake up and I have 0 pp, and I cry because no one bought my crap.
It is hard for me to tell what to sell here, I just end up with bags of junk no one buys. It is also different on every server.

Method 3.5, you could try to do that by saying /WTS in PoK or Guildlobby. I do not do this, I am not sure how effective it is.
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Whenever I want to farm I will split my group into two and head to lower level zones. Off of just vendor drops, I’ll usually get 350k/24 hours with my chars split into two groups of 3.
My secret is bazaar. And Research TS drops. Writing Ink and Binding Powders. Research is one of the harder skills to level up and the easiest path is those inks and powders. They sell real well and drop in almost every zone. But use the Magelo item database to find the best zones for your posse's level.
9 chars in lower lvl zones like DSH LP and Deadhills can get you 750k-1m a day pretty easy on vendering stuff. Just need bag space. Doesnt even affect you regular grouping if have the spare chars.
Here is my take on plat. I'm on FV so plat is king. Powerleveling use to make me plat but its also very time consuming. I find that mercing missions for people gets me the most plat especially when a expansion is on the newer side. I was getting people Jann's mask for 12m or 4 krono a pop when TBL first came out plus id net gear and mission coins. I would also do Talendar mini raid for a million a task add which would net me about 6million a run. When ToV first came out people were paying good money for some of the harder missions like GD and Kael 2-3m a taskadd still can get a million and 500k on some of the easier ones.
i read all this but no actual good info. like what zones gives what drops. that sell well, like what zones, what expansions. i used to swarm shards landing and /barter my drops off cause people loved that stuff and could make about 100k an hour doing so, the prices on the offering for that stuff has greatly decreased so now im struggling to make plat to keep my accounts up and going. Any help will be greatly helpfull
. im struggling financially irl and need to keep atleast two of my accounts all access and one has already gone silver and my tank goes silver on the 5th of October, so i need Plat FAST
i read all this but no actual good info. like what zones gives what drops. that sell well, like what zones, what expansions. i used to swarm shards landing and /barter my drops off cause people loved that stuff and could make about 100k an hour doing so, the prices on the offering for that stuff has greatly decreased so now im struggling to make plat to keep my accounts up and going. Any help will be greatly helpfull
. im struggling financially irl and need to keep atleast two of my accounts all access and one has already gone silver and my tank goes silver on the 5th of October, so i need Plat FAST
The grounds is a tried and true place to farm diamonds and other vendor stuff.

The near insta repop mobs in the back of dead hills (near tower of rot) is a real casual way with a group. I used to do that a ton.
ill go try the grounds, easy zone, just pick up a large portion of the zone and drop it all at once ( 115 Raid Geared SK ) ill also try the area near tower of Rot, See what i can average
Heres my results from a one hour non stop murder grind at the back of Dead Hills Near Tower of Rot. Selling everything at vendor buy besides the ethermere esscene ( this is droping 7+ mobs at a time) I made 17 Blue Diamonds|35 Diamonds|16 Etherme Essence ( buying for 550 on my server)|20 Etherme Diamonds|12 Temporal Jewls
All drops were from this one hour Grind of work. Selling all of it would equate to 26,810 Plat Per Hour. At that rate it would Take 37 hours to farm and grind up 1 Million Plat
That's not a bad rate honestly. 37 hours for 1 mil plat. Depending on the server your on krono average anywhere from 2m to 3m+, so potentially out of a 30 day sub you're looking at 74 to 111 hours. To farm up a krono.

Now, another thing to consider is zones that drop a fair amount of plat items, but also drop items that are in demand on your servers barter. I used to farm the arena for befouled silk, planar shards, and other various in demand tradeskill items such as a large variety of ores from Shards landing. But a lot of those items were dependant on my server. Such as the befouled silk selling for anywhere from 3k to 5.4k each.

There is always supply/demand to consider when using the barter system. If you farm up and sell the items a user wants, and sell all the items for the highest offer, and the offer falls off the list, then when they relist the offer might go down, assuming they relist at all. Either way, there usually is someone offering to buy these items on barter, and at a much lower price than you could get from selling on a trader. So consider listing them on a trader instead. It's obvious someone wants them, and might even be buying them on barter to resell on the bazaar. Skip the middle man and sell it yourself to the bazaar.
Heres my Results from The Grounds one hour non stop murder grind, Selling the stuff thats worth selling all at vendor price. I made 60 Blue Diamonds|75 Diamonds|37 Dream Sapphires|37 Snake Heads|15 Nightmare Rubys|13 Grimy Clump of Hair|8 Rune bone Framents|23 Dirvesh Essences For a total of 39,371 Plat In one Hour, It would Take 26 Hours to Farm and Grind Up 1 Million plat
You can get to a million in a day with 4 110's zerkers fully aa'd grinding for about 6-8 hrs. each in these 4 zones:
- Shard's Landings (bugs)
- The Grounds (kill everything)
- Frontier Mountains (Medium fort)
- House of Thule (upper floors)

The gems help...but what you really want to do is load up on extraplanar bags...hold all the ts drops...and /barter all that shit...you'll probably get a couple of large 20+ slot bags here and there you can sell for 100-500k each...

Hope that helps. Strongly recommend CWTN's plug-in in /zerk mode 8. Smart way to do it is run them at different times throughout the week...you don't want one of the moron reporters fixating on you...you do it right...you can have your little murder bot going while you have your fun

Even faster path, make a fully decked out team of SK's, max aa's, max non-prestige gear, augs, epics..and you can murder half of each of those zones in minutes
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Step one - beg the wife for some allowance money
Step two - spend said allowance on krono
Step three - sell krono
Step four - roll a new team and spend it all buying spells ... annnnnddd Im broke again.

yeah sorry - I am no real help here....

In all seriousness - I find out of the way spots and farm gems/random drops as well. With all the heat as of late I do not run all my teams -but I can pull in 30k ish in an evening if left unmolested for a few hours.
Agent of change. Raided Seru, SSra Emp . Those 2 mounts if not no drop on your server, will get you 1m right there.
Longest part about those 2 raids, is getting to them.
Need 6 to request raid, is only thing.
What I am about to say will not help much, because I do not want to lose what I figure out.
I did about 50 Kronos per week (70 hours), but with all the crap going on, I had to stop.

I was not exploiting, it's the way the game handles names and loot.
I will say this, for me, it seems the way names and loot drops are handled is the same as it was 20 years ago.

If you understand that, then you can force items to drop, buts it's a long game, not for the faint of heart.

I am sure I will get heat for what I said, but it does work very well for me.
I was not exploiting, it's the way the game handles names and loot.
I will say this, for me, it seems the way names and loot drops are handled is the same as it was 20 years ago.

If you understand that, then you can force items to drop, buts it's a long game, not for the faint of heart.
Fairly sure that taking advantage of a game mechanic in order to gain unintended positive results, is the definition of an exploit.
Two weeks. Rather than try and get rich quick create several rogues with forage and have them sit in a zone and destroy no sellable forage items and keep sellable ones.

Set them to use their vendor AAs to pop after their bags are full and sell all the forged stuff.

Leave them run 24/7. Just forget they are there until you need plat.
Fairly sure that taking advantage of a game mechanic in order to gain unintended positive results, is the definition of an exploit.

The only problem is what you said when they did that fix and the fix is still in place 20 years later.
If it was exploited they would have removed it 20 years ago.
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When people break it down in to terms of time versus rewards... it almost doesn't make sense to do it. I you can work 1 hour at a fast food place and make enough for a krono, it almost seems more beneficial to just spend the money. Unless you're doing things you would already need to do on the toons and vicariously making plat.

I found when I PL bots in Valley from 80-90 I made ok plat from vendor loot and tradeskill junk, could probs knock out 50+k a session.
You can get to a million in a day with 4 110's zerkers fully aa'd grinding for about 6-8 hrs. each in these 4 zones:
- Shard's Landings (bugs)
- The Grounds (kill everything)
- Frontier Mountains (Medium fort)
- House of Thule (upper floors)

The gems help...but what you really want to do is load up on extraplanar bags...hold all the ts drops...and /barter all that shit...you'll probably get a couple of large 20+ slot bags here and there you can sell for 100-500k each...

Hope that helps. Strongly recommend CWTN's plug-in in /zerk mode 8. Smart way to do it is run them at different times throughout the week...you don't want one of the moron reporters fixating on you...you do it right...you can have your little murder bot going while you have your fun

Even faster path, make a fully decked out team of SK's, max aa's, max non-prestige gear, augs, epics..and you can murder half of each of those zones in minutes

i do this but using 4 110 FTP SKs (krono'd once for autogrant aa) using the CWTN MQ2Eskay it works wonders. put them in a mix of conflag/t1 tov non visables and snowbound VIS using a t1 tov two hander and let them go to town
EZ Moneys
PoR zones, the word I can't think of for some reason(expac with corathus creep etc...but the word used to sort ports there lol) and UF for tinkering mats. I'd say fort mech+ too but it may not be as lucrative. Why? Nobody wants to farm the shit, and if they're not buying or you're in a hurry you can also sell all the Glowshit. Glowrocks glowgems glowstones are almost as good as diamonds, plus you get diamonds and other crap. You'll get normal TS mats in the process too. I think I got a ton of vendor trash and valuable ts mats all over VoA/RoF too, those mats for mounted heads recipes etc, big bags, etc bit there's a ton of vendor trash from VoA through TBM at least. Idk why they stopped, it's not like they weren't trying to bleed plat before HoT launched even.
I'd say fort mech+ too but it may not be as lucrative. Why? Nobody wants to farm the shit
I recently have been PLing some bots in FM (it's always empty) and I have found if you have room in your bags, it's not terrible plat. The mech tabs are 152plat each, the HQ gears are 70p and the Titaniam ones are like 65P? there is even more vendor trash on them, but I didn't have space so those are the ones I prioritized. For a level 95 zerk he could pull 10-20 mobs at a time to PL the bot. It added up.... it's not like stupid money but I'd say you could get a Mil in a week with dedication and like a 110+ melee toon.

I haven't done it yet, but I am for funzies gonna see how much I can make in 4 hours on my 120 SK. On him I can probably pull as many mobs as lag will allow lol.
This just popped up on my notifications, it's been nearly 2 years, wow.

At the moment I am flipping Ores, it's worked out great for me. Prior to that, the gentlemen on these forums have given solid advice, so I had implemented those into my routine back then.
Those Extra planar shards really did work for me ;)
Question - How long does it take to actually farm 1m plat?

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