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News - Holly leaving................ (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
Greetings Norrathians,

It is time to bid ye all a heartfelt fond farewell.

I will be taking my leave from Darkpaw Games for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I owe to all the players and developers of EverQuest and EverQuest II.

From my first experience at EverQuest’s launch as a dark elf wizard trying to leave Neriak for two hours, to joining the EverQuest and EverQuest II teams, my life has been a thrill and a blessing. For more than a decade, I’ve felt honored and thankful to have been a part of the lives of so many players and our amazing family of developers.

I’ve seen these games grow and evolve for so many years. I took part in the first-ever instanced content and forging new ground with Lost Dungeons of Norrath. I had the honor of working with Brad “Aradune” McQuaid, John Smedley, and a great number of talented people.

Both games have grown through the rise of nostalgia with progression servers in ways we didn’t expect. Above all, our community is ever-present, guiding and informing us, and helping us make better choices.

Our success as a franchise is built upon the love of those who live in Norrath. I can’t thank every one of you enough for being part of this magical life. I will miss you, but I won’t be far away!

My passion and love for EverQuest and EverQuest II is unending. Even though I am leaving Darkpaw Games as a producer for now, I will remain part of the community as a player.

For now, our intrepid Franchise Technical Director and EQ veteran Jennifer Chan will take hold of the reigns with gusto and head up the studio. She has been my leadership partner for over 5 years and excels at keeping us on track, improving our technology, and making sure everything gets done as smoothly as possible.

I promise you that the game and teams are in more-than-capable hands.

Rest assured, Norrath will continue to grow and prosper as I hope you all will.

Much love to one and all, forever. And, as always, I’ll see you in game,

Holly “Windstalker” Longdale
wow - that is pretty surprising considering some recent things - I wonder what this once-in-a-lifetime thing is
Well, kinda figured this would happen since she left once before to head another new opportunity and when that flopped (something I did beta in but it didn't last long after that - a recent flop - eq battle royale? )she drifted back to EQ. I think she will be close by as part of DBG - like way up the ladder.
Greetings Norrathians,

It is time to bid ye all a heartfelt fond farewell.

I will be taking my leave from Darkpaw Games for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I owe to all the players and developers of EverQuest and EverQuest II.

From my first experience at EverQuest’s launch as a dark elf wizard trying to leave Neriak for two hours, to joining the EverQuest and EverQuest II teams, my life has been a thrill and a blessing. For more than a decade, I’ve felt honored and thankful to have been a part of the lives of so many players and our amazing family of developers.

I’ve seen these games grow and evolve for so many years. I took part in the first-ever instanced content and forging new ground with Lost Dungeons of Norrath. I had the honor of working with Brad “Aradune” McQuaid, John Smedley, and a great number of talented people.

Both games have grown through the rise of nostalgia with progression servers in ways we didn’t expect. Above all, our community is ever-present, guiding and informing us, and helping us make better choices.

Our success as a franchise is built upon the love of those who live in Norrath. I can’t thank every one of you enough for being part of this magical life. I will miss you, but I won’t be far away!

My passion and love for EverQuest and EverQuest II is unending. Even though I am leaving Darkpaw Games as a producer for now, I will remain part of the community as a player.

For now, our intrepid Franchise Technical Director and EQ veteran Jennifer Chan will take hold of the reigns with gusto and head up the studio. She has been my leadership partner for over 5 years and excels at keeping us on track, improving our technology, and making sure everything gets done as smoothly as possible.

I promise you that the game and teams are in more-than-capable hands.

Rest assured, Norrath will continue to grow and prosper as I hope you all will.

Much love to one and all, forever. And, as always, I’ll see you in game,

Holly “Windstalker” Longdale
On a good note with this Jenn is amazing have known her over 10 years. She def will bring new fun ideas to the table.
I bet she's jumping on the Pantheon bandwagon to be honest. Its crazy that she's leaving after the recent interviews she's given, and her passion for the game itself.
She realized it was her chance to leave San Diago (read in Ron Burgandy voice), move back in with her parents and wait out the Corona Virus in her parents basement while using VV on EQ with us.......OR knows maybe to jump ship before her DarkPaw job gets actually hard as a "sort of" independent company. I jest on both of these.. but makes me laugh. :P
I am a little bit curious if this isn't a foreboding of something else.
Why would one leave a position she just got with the creation of darkpaw games ... at least I wouldn't expect one to bail out that quickly.

Either she is moving upwards in the company or something is going on in the background which made her want to leave asap.
There is a tribute npc in qeynos hills of her. Has been there for eons. She walks the lands rooting little plebs and devouring their corpses.
OH !!! Hahaha, I was immediately imagining her at her comptuer at DPG chasing CannonBall directly, shouting DING to her co-workers. Maybe I've revealed too much about me and what I would do if I worked there.
I am a little bit curious if this isn't a foreboding of something else.
Why would one leave a position she just got with the creation of darkpaw games ... at least I wouldn't expect one to bail out that quickly.

Either she is moving upwards in the company or something is going on in the background which made her want to leave asap.
Honestly expected her to leave the moment the split was announced, probably just stayed for a bit to lend some sheen of stability. Going to be interesting to see if she is really making a move or are just going to the mothership e.g Daybreak
As nobody pointed that out so far ... let me do some highlighting ...

... Even though I am leaving Darkpaw Games as a producer for now, I will remain part of the community as a player. ...

Now ... either someone is bad and grammar (or very good in twisting words and commas trying to make others' brain read what they want to read) ...
Let me do a little change ...

... Even though I am leaving Darkpaw Games as a producer, for now I will remain part of the community as a player. ...

See the difference it makes?
I saw on LinkedIN the day she posted to eq.com that she was Working at "Disney as a Producer" , like she did in 2010/2012 but who knows. ... just checked back and it was changed back to "Executive Producer at Daybreak Game Company" maybe I was seeing things.
Thank goodness. Best news for EQ1 in years! Glad she's going, she was horrible. I'm glad its Jchan taking the reigns, loved her because of past experiences I've had with her over pm. Hopefully a sign of good things to come to EQ
Thank goodness. Best news for EQ1 in years! Glad she's going, she was horrible. I'm glad its Jchan taking the reigns, loved her because of past experiences I've had with her over pm. Hopefully a sign of good things to come to EQ
Why was she horrible? I haven't really followed the big names in EQ over the years so I don't know who really did what. Your comment made me curious though.
I could absolutely see them restarting a new WoW Classic server after BC Classic launches. Perhaps some ruleset experimentation as well. It's a good fit for her experience.
Based on recent events with Darkpaw I'd say she didn't leave the team in very good shape. Without a mole on the inside to spill the beans we'll never know for sure who is responsible for the recent litany of disasters, except Overseer was surely in Holly's wheelhouse.
News - Holly leaving................

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