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Funny - Embarrassing Moments in botting (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 22, 2014
I took my team of 6 lvl 85 characters to (the Dream) and my first encounter was with a blue (lower lvl) wisp. The entire team wiped trying to kill one little wisp. I was angry at EQ for making it so difficult.

I took my team to several other lower level places and finally learned how to situate my team before engaging the enemy. I came back to Ferrott with confidence, but I got ambushed by two blue Lizardman Patrollers. The entire team died. More time was spent rezzing than fighting. Most of my team eventually lost a lvl before I finally finished the mercenary quest.

I knew something was wrong, but I was too ashamed to admit that I was doing so poorly.

I did notice that my SK did better while he was FD than when he was trying to fight. His pet could last longer than he did. I took that as a clue that my armor was not up to par. I went to the Bazaar and bought new armor. Yay! I could finally survive an attack of 3 mobs, but he would still FD from time to time. I found that annoying.

Today, I switched out my SK for a Warrior and my DRU healer for a cleric. We just went into a camp of nine Lizardmen and left with no team deaths and a reasonable amount of mana if we had more to fight. I feel like I am finally figuring out what type of team I personally need to play the game the way I like to play. :-)
Not in MY group! :-) He feigned death, and his pet tanked better than he did.

I am not denying that SK are great for some other people, evidently you have one that fits your style of play. However, SK does not work with my team for now. I have some pet classes on the team that are outstanding. Magician and Necro are always last ones standing. Necro usually never died even when the SK and the DRU died. Now, I have a tank (Warrior) that doesn't die and doesn't feign death. In my book, the tank is always the last one standing. If the healer cannot keep the rest of the team alive, he still has a chance as long as the tank is alive (not FD). With pet classes, plus enchanter, playing with my Warrior tank and cleric I think I'm set.
In my case I always lose the tank 1st then the rest get murdered..... if I keep the tank properly geared I win.... And I agree SK over any other but I am leveling a new Warrior
I have both 100 sk and 100 war. I must say the SK is just fine for group content. You can turn off that 'feign death' thing with mq2melee btw, so that he doesn't feign at all. The warrior tanks 'better' than the sk. It's smoother, easier, and he can tank more mobs with less effort. The SK though is more useful, and especially if your'e actually at the helm can free the group up from needing a healer. Both are great.
Heres an old story of mine, when TSS first launched into beta i took 4 toons and messed around exploring everywhere i could, once TSS came live i took my 5 box grp and my buddy took his 4 box and 2 other friends brought there 2 and 3 box grps, so with our mini raid of 14 we went stomping through TSS zones till we got to Valdeholm. We went into the pit and saw a snow spiderling, so my buddy took his warrior (mind you the is TSS launch day all mobs were out of balance) we had no issues till my buddy pull this spiderling, it raped us, it was hitting for 5k (at that time was like a raid mob) and was double quading so killed my buddies warrior, the other warrior tried defensive tanking an got owned super fast, in short 45 seconds of hell and we had 14 corpses to rez and a new hatred for spiderlings, me my buddy and our friends still laugh about that day a mini raid got owned by a gray con spidering.
<quote/>Your SK was FDing because you had him set to Assist in kiss an not Tank!!! </quote>

Perhaps I did, but I typed "/kissassist (tank's name) pullertank", and he feigned death on me. Doesn't that make him the tank?

I saw him do it numerous times when the DRU did not heal him in time. It was just as well because he was going to die anyway, but he never got up until the fight was over or until I manually forced him to stand up once the pets were tanking the mob. BTW, Necro pets make awesome tanks for a group with a healer.

I will admit that I am inexperienced at both the game and MacroQuest. I am sure I made many mistakes, and some of them I will not recognize until I am more familiar with both the game and the macros.

- - - Updated - - -

<QUOTE/> You can turn off that 'feign death' thing with mq2melee btw, so that he doesn't feign at all. The warrior tanks 'better' than the sk. It's smoother, easier, and he can tank more mobs with less effort. The SK though is more useful, and especially if your'e actually at the helm can free the group up from needing a healer. </QUOTE>

I am sure that I have a lot to learn about the SK class. I look forward to playing him again some time since I did not delete him I only switched him out of the team. In the meantime, I want to learn more about the game and about macros before I play him anymore.
Funny - Embarrassing Moments in botting

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