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Tip - Don't forget April Fools (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
Sometimes this gets buried among all the other things going on for Anniversary etc in the game right now.

Tomorrow is April 1 - April Fool's day and in the game there is a quest to get the Suffix: The Lunatic and a painting called Haunting Laughter as rewards . The painting is a port to Shard's Landing for those of you who collect ports and don't have the Signet of the Crystal Circle. Or just want another painting to decorate your house with. However, it does not always port you there the first click. Kind of like a bad joke from the Jester as the painting will laugh instead of porting you.

So for this quest you just zone around over and over and over. Could be one time could be 50 times. After one of these zonings you will get a buff called the 'Gift of Laughter". It lasts till midnight and cannot be removed. Other emotes you will do are "you let out a hearty chuckle" and "You light a firework, Weeee"

At that time you should also be awarded the suffix and the painting. If not, then just zone again and they should show up.

Now there is a short cut on this quest but I will warn you in advance that regardless of what you may have read it is bugged and does not work right every time. The short cut is to find someone who already has the painting and click it over and over and over until you zone into Shard's Landing which is then supposed to reward the painting and the suffix.

The bug is that you get the painting as a reward but not the suffix. It has been posted that if you just zone over and over on any April 1 then it will update. I can personally tell you that it does not update that way. After many years my SK still does not have the suffix. He used the short cut painting method and has religously zoned over and over again every April 1 for 9 years now and has not gotten the suffix.

So I learned my lesson on that one and just have my guys who need it do zoning thru the books etc. Its about the same amount of zoning anyway. Not like the stein quest where your cutting off 80% of it.

This is the painting:

haha i did that on test for the first time this year..

It did exactly like you said.. nothing at all.. just about 5-6 mins of clicking and peering into the painting, and FINALLY getting ported to Shards.. The painting belonged to a fellow guildmate..

Nothing at all, zoning, etc, made a difference in the ach/reward

Then next day, i logged that account in, to a reward window with the ach, and the painting in my inv..

Buggy is an understatement lol
haha i did that on test for the first time this year..

It did exactly like you said.. nothing at all.. just about 5-6 mins of clicking and peering into the painting, and FINALLY getting ported to Shards.. The painting belonged to a fellow guildmate..

Nothing at all, zoning, etc, made a difference in the ach/reward

Then next day, i logged that account in, to a reward window with the ach, and the painting in my inv..

Buggy is an understatement lol
Did you get the suffix "the Lunatic"? That is what gets skipped via the short cut
Did you get the suffix "the Lunatic"? That is what gets skipped via the short cut

Hmm I honestly didnt notice.. I'm not big on the titles, so I totally glossed over the specifics haha

Let me check right now!

Edit: No I dont see the suffix on there! I feel slighted now!

So.. this reminds me of someones comment from the test patch last month.. where stuff got really messed up with achievements.. Someone said a bunch of titles were removed from the game.. and I dont believe this was listed in the patch notes.. one of those ninja things, or a "meh" cant be bothered to, things.. but i bet this falls within that lump of removed items then..

I suppose the thing to do is bug report it, and see if they flag as "not a bug" ...
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This is super easy to do.

just go to Ethernere West Karana Portal Door, the ones that go to The Dead Hills.

Just make a group button to click the door portal, just go back and forth.
I just did the whole group in less than 30 min.

Dropped each one once they get it.
Hmm I honestly didnt notice.. I'm not big on the titles, so I totally glossed over the specifics haha

Let me check right now!

Edit: No I dont see the suffix on there! I feel slighted now!
View attachment 47494
View attachment 47495

So.. this reminds me of someones comment from the test patch last month.. where stuff got really messed up with achievements.. Someone said a bunch of titles were removed from the game.. and I dont believe this was listed in the patch notes.. one of those ninja things, or a "meh" cant be bothered to, things.. but i bet this falls within that lump of removed items then..

I suppose the thing to do is bug report it, and see if they flag as "not a bug" ...
Yes, I tried a bug report starting in 2018 for this and the response was that they could not assign a suffix to a character. They did not address the fact that you cannot repeat the quest. And then other players who did not understand the issue starting saying they got the suffix. Well, yes they did if they did it the normal way. So devs picked up on that and now say there is no bug and that you can get the suffix so long as you keep zoning on April 1.

So year 6 and am still zoning today.
Yes, I tried a bug report starting in 2018 for this and the response was that they could not assign a suffix to a character. They did not address the fact that you cannot repeat the quest. And then other players who did not understand the issue starting saying they got the suffix. Well, yes they did if they did it the normal way. So devs picked up on that and now say there is no bug and that you can get the suffix so long as you keep zoning on April 1.

So year 6 and am still zoning today.
ahh ok.. wow , pain in the butt! well, good luck, i hope you get it sooner rather than later!
Lua Update to a cheesy macro I put together in the past to just toggle between two zone lines. Overtime's method is better, but I'm too lazy to run somewhere specific.

Unfortunately I'm in the same situation as LorDeth - can't get that suffix due to the bug. Painful for completionists... >ouch<

1. Stand at a zone line
2. Change the two lines to specify zone names
3. Run script
4. Go get coffee

local mq = require("mq")
local zone1 = 'crescent'
local zone2 = 'moors'

local ach = mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter');
if (ach.Completed()) then
    print('I already have the achievement. Exiting.')
    mq.cmdf('/bcaa //echo %s already has achievement.', mq.TLO.Me.Name())
local function toggle_zone()
    if (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone1) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone2)
    elseif (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone2) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone1)
while mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Gift of Laughter')() == nil do
print('HAVE Gift of Laughter. Zoning once more to get reward')
mq.cmd('/bca //echo I have the thingy')
if (mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter').Completed() == false) then
    print('Zoning once more to get reward')
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Sometimes this gets buried among all the other things going on for Anniversary etc in the game right now.

Tomorrow is April 1 - April Fool's day and in the game there is a quest to get the Suffix: The Lunatic and a painting called Haunting Laughter as rewards . The painting is a port to Shard's Landing for those of you who collect ports and don't have the Signet of the Crystal Circle. Or just want another painting to decorate your house with. However, it does not always port you there the first click. Kind of like a bad joke from the Jester as the painting will laugh instead of porting you.

So for this quest you just zone around over and over and over. Could be one time could be 50 times. After one of these zonings you will get a buff called the 'Gift of Laughter". It lasts till midnight and cannot be removed. Other emotes you will do are "you let out a hearty chuckle" and "You light a firework, Weeee"

At that time you should also be awarded the suffix and the painting. If not, then just zone again and they should show up.

Now there is a short cut on this quest but I will warn you in advance that regardless of what you may have read it is bugged and does not work right every time. The short cut is to find someone who already has the painting and click it over and over and over until you zone into Shard's Landing which is then supposed to reward the painting and the suffix.

The bug is that you get the painting as a reward but not the suffix. It has been posted that if you just zone over and over on any April 1 then it will update. I can personally tell you that it does not update that way. After many years my SK still does not have the suffix. He used the short cut painting method and has religously zoned over and over again every April 1 for 9 years now and has not gotten the suffix.

So I learned my lesson on that one and just have my guys who need it do zoning thru the books etc. Its about the same amount of zoning anyway. Not like the stein quest where your cutting off 80% of it.

This is the painting:

View attachment 47478
Thanks for the reminder Red! I had forgot I had it and that it does anything at all. I had to go roam around my guild hall and I have two I guess. I only found one, ha. Mysterious Forces cannot locate the other. HAHAHA. Anyways, So I went to it and clicked "Stare into madness" a hundred times (UGH) and it took me to Shard Landing. For one character it immediately gave the full Achievement, which is the Suffix title and the painting and player flag. For another it said he achieved it and ported to Shards Landing, but gave no reward. I Anchored back to GH and clicked another 50 times or so and still no reward. I logged out and back in, that did it.
I think this seems correct, but am not sure---before you get the achievement, its a random amount of clicking to be able to use a nice free port to Shards, I figured AFTER you are player flagged from the achievement, you could use it normally (not tons of clicking). Is it always just random?
Thanks for the reminder Red! I had forgot I had it and that it does anything at all. I had to go roam around my guild hall and I have two I guess. I only found one, ha. Mysterious Forces cannot locate the other. HAHAHA. Anyways, So I went to it and clicked "Stare into madness" a hundred times (UGH) and it took me to Shard Landing. For one character it immediately gave the full Achievement, which is the Suffix title and the painting and player flag. For another it said he achieved it and ported to Shards Landing, but gave no reward. I Anchored back to GH and clicked another 50 times or so and still no reward. I logged out and back in, that did it.
I think this seems correct, but am not sure---before you get the achievement, its a random amount of clicking to be able to use a nice free port to Shards, I figured AFTER you are player flagged from the achievement, you could use it normally (not tons of clicking). Is it always just random?
Its always just random. Was a big disappointment when that was discovered. So I went and got this

I wanted to speed things up a bit and made a hot key that traveled between two zones. I tied my razor to that hot key and let it go to town. It worked out great but I was an idiot and had full rewards from Overseer. No paintings but the "Lunatic" is there. I was wanting to do an entire wall with that ugly painting in my GH. If I get bored enough I will make level 1's and do it again.
All I get when zoning is the usual "You have entered The Plane of Knowledge". No other messages. Tried several toons, same thing. I guess I'm going to have to live without the painting.
All I get when zoning is the usual "You have entered The Plane of Knowledge". No other messages. Tried several toons, same thing. I guess I'm going to have to live without the painting.
Its a random 'flag' you get when zoning anytime dure April 1 only. You ALSO can ask in general if anyone has the painting on a wall available in a house or GH that you can enter..if you do it this way, you right click the painting and choose 'Stare into Madness" on the menu. Over and over and over until you wind up zoning into Shard landing. Logging out and back in has fixed the flagging (for 2 of my characters) that did not immediately get the Suffix or the painting. the latter seems easier to me, but you have to ask someone for the painting. Oh, and if you don;t have sounds on, you will not know that everytime you 'fail' the 'Stare into madness' there is a laughing, no text or message or anything. So if you are clicking for a hundred times and think its broken, that is how it is working. :)
Lua Update to a cheesy macro I put together in the past to just toggle between two zone lines. Overtime's method is better, but I'm too lazy to run somewhere specific.

Unfortunately I'm in the same situation as LorDeth - can't get that suffix due to the bug. Painful for completionists... >ouch<

1. Stand at a zone line
2. Change the two lines to specify zone names
3. Run script
4. Go get coffee

local mq = require("mq")
local zone1 = 'crescent'
local zone2 = 'moors'

local ach = mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter');
if (ach.Completed()) then
    print('I already have the achievement. Exiting.')
    mq.cmdf('/bcaa //echo %s already has achievement.', mq.TLO.Me.Name())
local function toggle_zone()
    if (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone1) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone2)
    elseif (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone2) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone1)
while mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Gift of Laughter')() == nil do
print('HAVE Gift of Laughter. Zoning once more to get reward')
mq.cmd('/bca //echo I have the thingy')
if (mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter').Completed() == false) then
    print('Zoning once more to get reward')
1680376785431.png Took less than 3 minutes with your Lua script. You are my hero!
Its a random 'flag' you get when zoning anytime dure April 1 only. You ALSO can ask in general if anyone has the painting on a wall available in a house or GH that you can enter..if you do it this way, you right click the painting and choose 'Stare into Madness" on the menu. Over and over and over until you wind up zoning into Shard landing. Logging out and back in has fixed the flagging (for 2 of my characters) that did not immediately get the Suffix or the painting. the latter seems easier to me, but you have to ask someone for the painting. Oh, and if you don;t have sounds on, you will not know that everytime you 'fail' the 'Stare into madness' there is a laughing, no text or message or anything. So if you are clicking for a hundred times and think its broken, that is how it is working. :)

Thanks. I know someone with the painting so I will try doing it that way.
Some here have a problem in reading, please see post 5.

I do not believe in LUCK.
Did 6 toons in 30 mins.

Follow my Intstuction to the TEE.

Forgot to mention I got all 6 flags in The Dead Hills.
Ok just did another 100 zones. Used the Dead Hills as suggested. Used another suggest to do a hot key for bb/ef. Tried this characters own copy of the painting. Used the original players painting to try that again and still no suffix. ah well
Lua Update to a cheesy macro I put together in the past to just toggle between two zone lines. Overtime's method is better, but I'm too lazy to run somewhere specific.

Unfortunately I'm in the same situation as LorDeth - can't get that suffix due to the bug. Painful for completionists... >ouch<

1. Stand at a zone line
2. Change the two lines to specify zone names
3. Run script
4. Go get coffee

local mq = require("mq")
local zone1 = 'crescent'
local zone2 = 'moors'

local ach = mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter');
if (ach.Completed()) then
    print('I already have the achievement. Exiting.')
    mq.cmdf('/bcaa //echo %s already has achievement.', mq.TLO.Me.Name())
local function toggle_zone()
    if (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone1) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone2)
    elseif (mq.TLO.Zone.ShortName() == zone2) then
        mq.cmdf('/travelto %s', zone1)
while mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Gift of Laughter')() == nil do
print('HAVE Gift of Laughter. Zoning once more to get reward')
mq.cmd('/bca //echo I have the thingy')
if (mq.TLO.Achievement('Bristlebane Day: The Gift of Laughter').Completed() == false) then
    print('Zoning once more to get reward')
I dont really use Lua yet... So i just copy and paste this into notepad and save as Lunatic.Lua and then /lua run lunatic? I'm dumb, sorry.

Wow, never mind! That was quick. Just did Overtime's method and took like 5 minutes. Thanks!

Happy So Excited GIF by TikTok
This is super easy to do.

just go to Ethernere West Karana Portal Door, the ones that go to The Dead Hills.

Just make a group button to click the door portal, just go back and forth.
I just did the whole group in less than 30 min.

Dropped each one once they get it.
^^^ This! Done in 45 mins on all toons, thanks!
Tip - Don't forget April Fools

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