After hearing so many stories here, I can say, no.
With that being said, the amount of money I have started putting into this game over the past month, if I extrapolated it, over years I would lol! There were times in the past that I paid for 2 accounts at once, but I just didn't like the idea of multi-boxing. I absolutely loved trying to do things solo, and figure out quirks about the game that would let me solo what I could with my monk, mostly, but it eventually got too difficult if I wasn't raiding 6 days a week. The way MQ has progressed over the years, the multibox fiasco for me, has dwindled to near nothing. Seeing how VV / Kiss / Plugins have made it so easy to do things is a game changer for me. My biggest regret, is that I didn't make more friends from way back in the day. Hopefully ill change that now that playing again.