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News - A quarantine thread. What are you doing to stay sane? (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
How is your quarantine going? Are you playing more or less EQ?

I'm keeping odd hours, but that's more because of the baby. No home gym, so I'm trying to ride my bike every day, and struggling to not eat through all of our supplies.
lots of fighting kids, less TP, Food consumption restrictions, and still trying to do work via phone and Teams meetings as much as possible. Trying to get some spring cleaning done, about same amount of EQ.
so what you are saying you are breaking quarantine!, do you want zombies?? this is how you get zombies!!!

My life has not changed at all really, only the weekly meetings i have with my aid people are now phone meetings. and the stores are kinda less crowded in a way.
Home business and having the kid home 24/7 has made it more hectic. I work part-time evenings at UPS (for health insurance) and they are super busy. It's like peak holiday season all over again.

Just bought 5 more ToV expacs for alts though. Gotta keep the lights on at Darkpaw.
Doing my best to not panic my kids, wife is a nurse, and on the frontline in critical atm, she needs to blow off after coming home from a 12 hour shift, and she can't do it in front of the kids, as she'd scare the fuck out of them, she's just had to 'volunteer' to work 6 on 1 off shift pattern as we're getting care staff falling sick now.

Not good times, and just trying to keep wife sane atm, expecting her home in the next hour and I know she'll be in a hell of state once she lets the nurse mask drop as she's had 2 people die today :(
Vorpal tell your wife we all love her, and her dedication, i cant even imagine how much strength it takes to do what she does, and she does it day in and day out, and because of people like her, i believe we are all gonna come out the other side, fine, a little bit scared and rattled, but we gonna be fine, i hope you feed her plenty amounts of chocolates, and icecream.
Vorpal tell your wife we all love her, and her dedication, i cant even imagine how much strength it takes to do what she does, and she does it day in and day out, and because of people like her, i believe we are all gonna come out the other side, fine, a little bit scared and rattled, but we gonna be fine, i hope you feed her plenty amounts of chocolates, and icecream.

Used my last spare pennies I was saving up for expansions on her, got her a nice bottle of Mr Black, coffee liqueur, so she should be happy when she gets home (It's mother day here in the UK today)
I'm with Vorpal. My wife is a nurse as well and works with the elderly. She's pretty stressed and has to vent when she gets home. It's pretty crazy but she's a trooper. My work has cut back what we are allowed to do. Normally I go to a bunch of homes every day for the power company. They are now limiting as much as possible any contact we have with any customers so we are doing a lot of rooftop work on apartments where we don't have to talk to anyone. It's actually kinda nice not having to deal with anyone at work.
The fam just got back from visiting their grand parents so I've at least got company for the time being. Been splitting my time between playing MQ2 and doing some programming. Oh... and lots of Netflix... a whole lotta Netflix. The local food scene is pretty dependent upon the university so with that closing up shop we're trying to get a bit more delivery from local places. Back to working from home this week so back to the grind. Not having the commute's been pretty nice though.
Doing my best to not panic my kids, wife is a nurse, and on the frontline in critical atm, she needs to blow off after coming home from a 12 hour shift, and she can't do it in front of the kids, as she'd scare the fuck out of them, she's just had to 'volunteer' to work 6 on 1 off shift pattern as we're getting care staff falling sick now.

Not good times, and just trying to keep wife sane atm, expecting her home in the next hour and I know she'll be in a hell of state once she lets the nurse mask drop as she's had 2 people die today :(

I am a nurse too, I had 4 weeks leave booked for some time... Up until today. Haven't had proper time off in over 12 months.

Thankfully I'm not working too many 12 hour shifts in a row like your wife, do your best to make sure anything that can be done for her is. Unless it's something she likes or insists to do... Sometimes people need the things they can control after a day of what feels like a complete lack of control, nerves are sadly sure to be edge.

Hope everyone takes care, be mindful of others and take care of what and who you can.
Its been crazy for sure! It did get me to finally pull the computer back out and get back on some EQ tho! So now im loving it again. If anyone is returning to Ragefire server hit me up and lets get some of this SoF progression done! Crystallos here i come!
I have actually had less free time. Due to the nature of my work I have been pulling 12 - 16 hour days since this whole thing started, but once that calms down I look forward to taking some time and just relaxing and working on gaming / macros ...

Some friends and I played Gloomhaven (sorta Boardgame version of D&D) on Tabletop simulator over the internet/facetime.
It plays 2-4 (best with 4), and is a lot of fun. Gloomhaven is the #1 game on boardgamegeeks and if you like strategy games and RPGs, and can afford the $140 it is great.
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I'm a group fitness instructor so I've been working on my routines. I'm going out for another program cert so I've been working on core strength.
I've also been playing a lot of EverQuest. I work full time, part time and go to school so basically I never get to play video games anymore. This is a nice little introvert vacation.
Was in the middle of selling a house and moving until everything went to hell and was put on lock down. Now everything is in storage or sold and I don't even have a computer desk to play EQ on. Now we are quarantined in a basic show house which means it looks like nobody lives here so I have nothing to do but watch the news as the house is basically empty. Wife is a pharmacist and they have no PPE so trying to recover from the virus is probably something I get to look forward to soon enough. She only sees 300 plus people a day. Yeah. Good times.
Working for me. I work for a very large electronics company in the US on the supply chain side. We are busier than what we were over the holiday season right now. Today alone we were forecasted to be 3 times more busy than our busiest day during holiday season. People stuck at home sure are buying tons of things lol! Stay safe all!
not much has changed for me....I have to keep running my log truck cuz for some reason everyone wants extra TP! Oregon goes into shut down at midnight....if you are out of your house for any reason other then you need to be for food or work if you are lucky.....you can end up in jail and a big ole fine....getting crazy here...
I’m still working, I worked from home before this started so no change there. But all 4 of our kids are in the house, and my daughter sleeps on the room where my office is so that’s driving me a bit nuts....but we shall persevere!
We're waiting to find out if the new office manager exposed us on their first day on the job. Second day they call in, have high fever and have tested negative for flu so thanks new person! Other then that it hasn't changed much, next week is going to be solid eq time (we are split between half working from home and have on site, and starting monday I am at home for 2 weeks).
I work from home, so not much change there. I have finished two audio books while playing EverQuest. I might take an online class with all this free time. Also, I actually dusted off my exercise equipment and started working out again.
We're waiting to find out if the new office manager exposed us on their first day on the job. Second day they call in, have high fever and have tested negative for flu so thanks new person! Other then that it hasn't changed much, next week is going to be solid eq time (we are split between half working from home and have on site, and starting monday I am at home for 2 weeks).

all I can say to that is....fuck....
ya know.... this covid thing is kinda working out for me right now

last year i got my wife a new car for her birthday.... this year i got her 2 packages of organic low fat ground turkey and i think she was happier than last year

Otherwise, i am not flying (yay), forcing family to stay at home and i am calling my extrovert friends to support/distract them in their time of crisis as many are crawling up the walls approaching insanity.
starting a toilet paper business was the only obvious choice during these trying times.

But seriously though, my day to day hasn't really changed. Program, sleep, program, sleep, program, sleep. then on day 2 I'll probably wander aimlessly around the house for "exercise", but then I'll probably get back to work where I belong...
Working in Texas, i think it will be the next Italy maybe since the governor isn't doing a statewide shutdown. Still working and still playing same amount of EQ. Work has slowed down some have tommorow off (Wed) unusual most likely because business has slowed down somewhat. Be safe everyone and hopefully things will be back to normal within 3 months i pray.
How is your quarantine going? Are you playing more or less EQ?

I'm keeping odd hours, but that's more because of the baby. No home gym, so I'm trying to ride my bike every day, and struggling to not eat through all of our supplies.

Sorry for novel. And thread necromancy, been a bit busy. I'm not talking to others much so this might be therapeutic for me.

Week three of quarantine. I work still but from home. I work 80% of time remotely anyway. I work in the research department of a large hospital system that does phase 2 (people interaction with stimuli) clinical trials. I do not provide direct patient care, I am a math / data / finance person. We are super busy because we are escalating our research approach to study sars-cov-2 and patient response data is all over the place. Thankfully, no furloughs yet. A lot of redistribution of labor. Wife is a critical care nurse providing direct care to COVID19 patients. We have so many routines now to reduce the chance of carry ie declothing, sterilization, etc. I'm doing all I can to keep her sane.

Kind of lonely at times. We don't directly contact others for fear that we could asymptomatic vectors. We have Skype time with grand parents and aunts. We have groceries delivered and I order delivery for my parents. I tell people 'thank you' a lot through the door. We are social people down here so this is a different kind of life.

Overall, ups and downs. My wife and I are worried for our own health. We just want to be safe and here until our little girl can take care of herself. As far as population health, my health system currently has no critical children cases. We have an over-representation of young adults due to the false narrative of immunity. At least that is the early social suggestion as to why we have a higher young population of critical covid19 patients without underlying health conditions. They're finding out the hard way that this virus does affect them. But it helps me to know that the virus, for whatever reason, appears to hold stability in older or weaker pts than children. Sometimes bad flu seasons come and it kills a ton of kids, so I'm just so thankful that the probability of my little girl getting sick is so very low.

Things that I have done:
1)Increased our life insurance policies as much as I could without needing an office visit / get caught in underwriting.
2)Got smashed w/ wife and pierced my ears multiple times. Was a lot of fun.
3)Made a ritual of visiting the garden every morning with my 3 year old and I'm having her tell me what has changed day over day.
4)Spend a lot more time in my yard. I'm very thankful about a month ago we invested in a large play set with a double tree house. I highly recommend getting one to those with little kids.
5)Good time to get Skype or make use of Zoom.
6)We tell ourselves and repeat a lot (this is really for direct critical patient care and checking your protective equipment, but...): There is no emergency in a pandemic. Don't put yourself in a bad situation, but if you get in a bad situation do not rush through. There is no emergency in a pandemic.
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I'm probably going to get it as my wife is a pharmacist and nobody is providing ppe to pharmacists here. I guess despite working with 300 plus patients a day during a pandemic pharmacists aren't considered important enough to protect. There is nothing she can buy as everything is gone. I found some dust masks in the garage. Better than nothing? In my state it is required by law that every patient gets consoled regardless of refills or whatever and many don't stand back on the mark like they are supposed to and walk right up to the counter. There is no window, not even a sneeze shield. Her store is also packed with people like it is Black Friday. If people don't pull their heads out of their asses this will go on through the summer, fall, and winter. We have tons of "snow birds" coming back from hot zones so it is only a matter of time before it starts spreading like crazy here. We still can't move yet and the house is still empty and I still can't play EQ.
Not doing april fools this year, I just want to say that everyone in this thread whose job is outside the house is a hero, and they should be paid like a hero.
The US government is talking about doing something but it will probably miss a great deal of people. For instance, my wife's company is giving extra money to all hourly people working right now. For pharmacists that means only the part timers, some that work 1 day per week only. Most 3 days or less. The pharmacists working 5 days a week get nothing as they are salary. Kind of stupid rewarding the part timers only and skipping the people that are there every day.
Sorry for novel. And thread necromancy, been a bit busy. I'm not talking to others much so this might be therapeutic for me.

Week three of quarantine. I work still but from home. I work 80% of time remotely anyway. I work in the research department of a large hospital system that does phase 2 (people interaction with stimuli) clinical trials....

Same here, week 3 of WFH, I work at the sponsor level, our sites in Spain/Italy most have had to shut-down.

Back to the original question on sanity, as far as what I do to keep occupied, play Pokemon Go on weekends. Almost had the itch to play EQ, but decided against it. I'll probably wait another expansion or two before I decide to play again, still keep up with the news on EQ, doesn't feel like I'm missing much.
Not doing april fools this year, I just want to say that everyone in this thread whose job is outside the house is a hero, and they should be paid like a hero.

I get a bit nervous every day I go out to work....and I am by my self 99.99% of the time.....I really feel for the people who work with the public.
News - A quarantine thread. What are you doing to stay sane?

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