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ShardPortal.mac - Attune Portals in Shard's Landing

Unmaintained ShardPortal.mac - Attune Portals in Shard's Landing 1.0

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| ShardPortal.mac by Cannonballdex
| Sept 14, 2021
| Starts in Shard's Landing /mac shardportal
| Requires MQ2NAV and MQ2EASYFIND with good connections and mesh files
| Uses Gate, Throne, Origin, Philter of Major Translocation and Bulwark of Many Portals
| Uses Invis AA and Potions even though you travel through zones that see invis
| There is no aggro support and you must be able to enter the zones with such level and/or expansion requirements if any
| This is a helper macro and should not be left unattended
| The connection to Argath does require boarding the blimp in Steamfont Mountains
| The connection to Breeding Grounds from Necropolis requires a custom navmesh and connection location
| Use this macro with the understanding that it takes custom connections and navmesh files to be fully automated
| I will continue to work on the macro to make travel a little more independent from /travelto if the need arises

Starts in Shard's Landing - Recommended level 115 - Bard or Rogue do pretty well without aggro.
Lower levels if you can handle taking a beating from aggro going zone to zone.
/mac ShardPortal
If you find a bad zone connection or navmesh feel free to message me for coordinates or navmesh file.
First release
Last update
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